Weapon Skills
Sniper Rifle - Ballistic Advantage (D)
Cast the skill to gain vision(REMOVED)Projectile’s range and vision gain on hit will remain unchanged.
Ammo 2 → 3
The last one is applied as Dead Eye.
Additional effects upon cast and during use.
The effect used will always be displayed to the caster.
The effect used will not be displayed to allies.
The effect will be displayed to enemies within their vision range.
The effects will be displayed upon hit even when the caster is outside the vision range.
Projectile’s Vision Range Adjustments
Crippling Shot: 6m → 3m
Dead Eye: 1.5m → 3m
Upon Hit Vision Range: 6m → 3m
Upon Hit Vision Range Duration: 3s → 2s
Ballistic Advantage
Crippling Shot Angle 60° → 45°
Min Shot Interval 0.9s → 0.8s
Crippling Shot
1st, 2nd Hit Damage 100/200/300(+Extra Attack Power 160%)(+Skill Amplification 30/35/40%) → 100/200/300(+Extra Attack Power 140%)(+Skill Amplification 25/30/35%)
Dead Eye
Damage 150(+Extra Attack Power 180%)(+Skill Amplification 40%)
All Characters
Max SP +200
SP Regen +1.5
Wolf Assault (R)
SP Cost 150 → 100
Snapshot (Q)
SP Cost 70 → 60
Timelapse (W)
SP Cost 100 → 80
Guard & Reverse (W)
SP Cost 60 → 50
Knockout Punch(E)
SP Cost 100 → 80
Following the changes to key item skill conditions, we’re giving Daniel’s R - Masterpiece some damage back to compensate.
Dusk Shears (Q)
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 60/65/70/75/80
Shadow Glide (E)
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 60/70/80/90/100
Masterpiece (R)
Consecutive Damage 10/30/50(+Attack Power 25%) → 10/30/50(+Attack Power 30%)
Brush Stroke (Q)
SP Cost 70 → 50
Palette Swap (W)
SP Cost 30 → 25
Thorn Lilac(Q)
SP Cost 70 → 50
Carrot Bazooka!(Q)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Whack-a-mole! (W)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Air Horn Gun! (E)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 30/40/50/60/70
Recoil (Q)
SP Cost 30/35/40/45/50 → 50/45/40/35/30
Snakebite (W)
SP Cost 60/70/80/90/100 → 60/65/70/75/80
E - Duck Dive is a key mobility and crowd control skill but was heavily restricted by the need for a pool. Now, it can be used even without a pool, allowing for more flexible plays. To balance this change, we’re also making adjustments to its cooldown and pre-delay.
P - Human Torpedo no longer creates a pool at the enemy’s location but instead at Leon’s position. Additionally, the pool size has been increased, making it easier to benefit from its buffs.
Q - Waterway remains unchanged in functionality, but its visual effects have been optimized for better performance.
Finally, R - Surf’s Up was often interrupted before the wave could even form. Now, Leon becomes unstoppable while casting the skill, ensuring the wave is formed. However, once he starts riding the wave, he can still be interrupted at any time. We’re also adjusting its range, hit detection, and knockback effects, following the mentioned skill changes.
Human Torpedo (P)
Pool Spawn Location: Enemy’s Location → Leon’s Location
Pool Area 1.4m → 1.6m
Cooldown 10/7/4s → 8/6/4s
Installs 5 Pools → Shoots a Projectile that leaves a water trace
Projectile Speed 21m/s
Range 7.85m → 8m
SP Cost 60/70/80/90/100 → 50/60/70/80/90
Cannonball (W)
A pool is created in place when his shield disappears(REMOVED)Shield 60/95/130/165/200(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amplification 30%)
Duck Dive (E)
Targeted Pool → Anywhere he wants within range
Pool created at the entry and exit point → Pool Spawns at the entry point only
Damage 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 70/105/140/175/210(+Skill Amplification 80%)
Cooldown 12/11.5/11/10.5/10s → 16/15/14/13/12s
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 60/65/70/75/80
Unstoppable while casting → Channeling
Pre-delay 0.23s → 0.4s
Duck Dive Duration 0.26s → 0.4s
Range 6.5m → 7.5m
Area 1.2m → 1.8m
Airborne Duration 1s → 0.6s
Surf's Up (R)
(NEW) Unstoppable while casting
Range 12m → 10m
Rear Hit Detection Range 2m → 1.3m
SP Cost 150 → 100
After the skill is canceled or recast, the knockback distance from the wave is set to 1m.
If the target has already been hit by Surf’s Up, the knockback distance remains the same, applying up to 2m in front of Leon.
Easy Shot (Q)
SP Cost 60/65/70/75/80 → 40/45/50/55/60
Gun Vault (E)
SP Cost 70/80/90/100/110 → 60/70/80/90/100
Elbow Grease (W)
SP Cost 20/35/50/65/80 → 30/35/40/45/50
Dirty Work(E)
SP Cost 70/75/80/85/90 → 60/65/70/75/80
Pressure Washer (R)
SP Cost 120/140/160 → 100/125/150
You’ll now be able to move while using W - Fine, allowing for more fluid mobility.
Staccato (Q)
SP Cost 40/50/60/70/80 → 40/45/50/55/60
Fine (W)
(NEW) You can now use it while moving.
Li Dailin
You’ll now be able to use Tactical Skills even while she is Inebriated, giving her more strategic options while in this state.
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)(P)
(NEW) You can now use Tactical Skills when she’s Inebriated.
Hanare (W)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
SP Cost 70/80/90/100/110 → 50/55/60/65/70
Broken Bullet (Q)
SP Cost 90/100/110/120/130 → 60/65/70/75/80
17 vs 1(W)
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 60/70/80/90/100
Heavy Strike (E)
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 70/75/80/85/90
Bike From Hell (R)
SP Cost 100/150/200 → 100/125/150
Guiding Light (Q)
SP Cost 50/55/60/65/70 → 40/45/50/55/60
SP Cost 150 → 125
We’re adjusting P - Buckshot following the changes to leveling up during early game.
Buckshot (P)
Reload Time 1.5/1.2/0.9s → 1.3/1.1/0.9s
Falconry (E)
SP Cost 60/70/80/90/100 → 30/35/40/45/50
Explosive Bola (R)
SP Cost 120/150/180 → 100/125/150
Detonate (W)
SP Cost 15 → 10
Bottom Line (W)
SP Cost 80 → 50
Risky Business (E)
SP Cost 90 → 80
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
The Curious Case (W)
SP Cost 100 → 80
Don Quixote (E)
SP Cost 110 → 80
Free at Last (R)
SP Cost 120/150/180 → 100/125/150
Radar Gun (Q)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Promotion (Q)
SP Cost 50/55/60/65/70 → 40/45/50/55/60
Knight Fork(W)
SP Cost 90/100/110/120/130 → 60/70/80/90/100
SP Cost 70/85/100/115/130 → 60/65/70/75/80
Astral Trine (W)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 40/50/60/70/80
Fated Horizon (E)
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 70/75/80/85/90
Babylon's Cube (W)
SP Cost 90/100/110/120/130 → 60/70/80/90/100
Unleashed Power (R)
SP Cost 160/120/80 → 100/75/50
Steady Shot (W)
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 60/65/70/75/80
Moving Turn (E)
SP Cost 85/90/95/100/105 → 60/65/70/75/80
Blank Cartridge (R)
SP Cost 150 → 125
Swoop (Q)
SP Cost 65/70/75/80/85 → 50/55/60/65/70
Alex is a character that, once players get into, tends to have a high replay rate. However, it’s hard for him to get picked at first, mainly due to the need to memorize multiple weapon crafting paths.
Now, players will receive a Weapon Supply Box at certain levels, significantly easing the farming process. With fewer Shuriken elements involved, his playstyle will feel smoother.
Additionally, P - Infiltration will now be available from level 1. And since we’re making early-game farming a bit faster, we’re adjusting initial damage to prevent excessive power at that stage.
(NEW) Swapping to Pistol will now fully reload his ammo, allowing for immediate basic attacks.
Infiltration (P)
(NEW) When Alex reaches level 5/6/7, he receives a weapon supply corresponding to each armor part.
Open the Weapon Supply Box to collect your desired weapon.
Getting a box while the inventory is full, will allocate the following box when there’s space on the inventory.
Infiltration Activation upon Enemy Character Kills and Assists Level 6 → 1
Incursion (Melee Q)
Damage 60/85/110/135/160(+Attack Power 70%) → 40/70/100/130/160(+Attack Power 70%)
Gauss Pistol (Ranged Q)
Damage 60/85/110/135/160(+Attack Power 80%) → 40/70/100/130/160(+Attack Power 80%)
Blowback(Ranged E)
SP Cost 90 → 80
Jan’s Q2 - Leaping Knee often missed enemies at close range while moving during the attack. As a result, we’re adjusting the collision detection to make it easier to land.
Additionally, R - The Tetragon will now grant 5 stacks of Unyielding immediately upon use, instead of over time. This change reduces the need to preemptively use the skill to keep stacks and opens up new ways to utilize the instant 5 stacks in various skill combos.
Knee Strike (Q)
Leaping Knee (Q2) Attack Detection Changes
Before: Upon casting the skill, Jan moves and the range is set from the first enemy he collides with
After: Upon casting the skill, the collision detection calculation happens from when Jan starts moving
Leaping Knee (Q2)
Airborne Duration 0.75s → 0.6s
Bob and Weave (E)
SP Cost 90 → 60
The Tetragon (R)
Upon Use: 1 Unyielding Stacks per second(REMOVED)(NEW) Upon Use: 5 Unyielding Stacks
Volt Cannon (Q)
SP Cost 60 → 50
Electrostatic Surge (R)
SP Cost 120 → 100
Crystal Elegance (Q)
SP Cost 60/65/70/75/80 → 40/45/50/55/60
Following the stamina adjustments, we’re removing the stamina scaling for Emma’s skills, and increasing her defense to compensate for the reduction in defense and healing effects.
Defense per level 2.2 → 2.4
CheerUP♥ (P)
Damage 70/90/110(+Skill Amplification 30/40/50%)(+Max SP 1%) → 80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 30/40/50%)
Shield 140/180/220(+Skill Amplification 25/30/35%)(+Max SP 2%) → 140/180/220(+Skill Amplification 25/30/35%)
Dove Dealer (Q)
SP Cost 60/65/70/75/80 → 50/55/60/65/70
Hat Trick(W)
SP Cost 60/65/70/75/80 → 50/55/60/65/70
Sliding Catch(E)
SP Cost 60/45/30/15/0 → 40/30/20/10/0
Gust Surge (W)
SP Cost 90 → 70
Yuki's E - Dashing Gentleman can now go over walls, allowing for more dynamic plays beyond just holding the front line. This opens up opportunities for aggressive incursions and strategic repositioning, expanding Yuki’s role from a pure tank to a more versatile bruiser. To complement this, his skills and stats have been adjusted to scale better with attack power.
Additionally, the disarm effect on E - Dashing Gentleman has been removed and replaced with an attack speed reduction on hit. Since the disarm effect was difficult to recognize, it will no longer be available in-game. Finally, you can now use the tactical skill Totem while casting R - Coup de Grace.
Basic Attack Amplification per Dual Swords Mastery Level 2.4% → 1.8%
Basic Attack Amplification per Two-handed Sword Mastery level 2.3% → 2.1%
Attack Speed per Two-handed Sword Mastery Level 2.8% → 3.1%
Base HP 920 → 940
HP per Level 83 → 87
Base Defense 50 → 53
Perfect Fit (P)
Additional True Damage Upon Consuming Cufflink → Skill Damage
Damage 20/30/40 → 50(+Attack Power 30/40/50%)
Button Up (W)
Damage Taken Reduction 30% → 5%(+Attack Power 15%)
Dashing Gentleman (E)
Disarms enemies hit(REMOVED)(NEW) Now, Dashing Gentleman (E) can go over walls.
(NEW) Upon Hit, Target’s Attack Speed Reduction 30%
Damage 60/95/130/165/200(+Attack Power 65%) → 40/75/110/145/180(+Attack Power 100%)
Cooldown 16/15/14/13/12s → 15/14/13/12/11s
Upon Hit Cooldown Reduction 5s → 3s
Range 5m → 4.5m
Movement Duration 0.39s → 0.31s
Coup de Grace (R)
(NEW) You can now use the Tactical Skill Totem while casting.
Damage 300/375/450(+Attack Power 180%) → 200/250/300(+Attack Power 200%)
Additional Damage based on Target's Max HP 15/20/25% → 6/10/14%(+Attack Power 4%)
SP Cost 120/150/180 → 100/125/150
Irem’s cute cat form will now be even cuter
Irem’s Cat eyes will look different.
Love Jump! ♥ (Irem E)
SP Cost 80/90/100/110/120 → 60/70/80/90/100
Purrfect Pounce!(Cat E)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Amethyst Flow (E)
SP Cost 70/80/90/100/110 → 60/65/70/75/80
Narayanastra (Q)
SP Cost 70/85/100/115/130 → 50/55/60/65/70
Bhargavastra (R)
SP Cost 120/150/180 → 100/125/150
Leaping Strike (E)
SP Cost 60/70/80/90/100 → 50/60/70/80/90
Chainsaw Murderer (R)
SP Cost 120/150/180 → 100/125/150
Spotlight (Q)
SP Cost 80/85/90/95/100 → 60/65/70/75/80
Vuelta (Q)
SP Cost 70/75/80/85/90 → 40/45/50/55/60
Cierre (W)
SP Cost 70/75/80/85/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Al Compás (E)
SP Cost 60/65/70/75/80 → 40/45/50/55/60
Sentry Recall (W)
SP Cost 60 → 50
Double Bypass (Q)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Emergency Surgery(R)
SP Cost 120/135/150 → 100/125/150
Puppet Theatre (W)
SP Cost 90/95/100/105/110 → 70/75/80/85/90
Hand of Corruption (Q)
SP Cost 50/60/70/80/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Stiletto (Q)
SP Cost 70/65/60/55/50 → 70/60/50/40/30
Pulizia (E)
SP Cost 60 → 50
Energy Cannon (Q)
SP Cost 60/70/80/90/100 → 40/45/50/55/60
Blast Energy Field (R)
SP Cost 120/150/180 → 100/125/150
Marche & Rompre (E)
SP Cost 100 → 80
Flèche (R)
SP Cost 150 → 100
Stalled Throw / Skyward Pummel (E)
SP Cost 70/75/80/85/90 → 50/55/60/65/70
Bluff (W)
SP Cost 50 → 30
Haymaker (R)
SP Cost 150 → 100
E - SMG Burst will now fire immediately upon activation, making it smoother.
SMG Burst (E)
Attack immediately upon activation
Charm of Despair (Q)
SP Cost 60 → 50
Item Skill
Enlightenment (Vanguard/Verdict)
The activation requirements have been removed.
Additional HP 600, Armor penetration 30+
We’re separating the effects according to Melee/Ranged Characters.
Damage Taken Reduction 15% → (Melee: 15% / Ranged: 10%)
Applied to: Guardian Suit
Kill when HP is below 8% → Kill when HP is below (Melee: 8% / Ranged: 5%)
Applied to: Tactical Armor, Rose Steps
Gust of Wind - Rally
Triggering requirement changes
Upon using Ult → Upon applying immobilizing effects to enemy characters
Damage 20(+Attack Power 30%)(+Target's Max HP 0.5%) → 10(+Attack Power 30%)(+Target's Max HP 0.5%)
Cooldown 25s → 10s
Applied to: Spectral Jacket
Blasting Bullet
(NEW) Damage Dealt to Wild Animals Increase 200%
Not applied to boss monsters.
Applied to: Cannon Camera, Vision Flex - Crimson, Neon Chain, Hydra - Crimson, Grenade of Antioch, Blaster Helmet
Vigor - Rush
Basic attacks will now trigger on all enemies, including wild animals and boss monsters, not just enemy characters.
Applied to: Sports Watch, Sultan Adorned, Tellurian Timepiece
Blaze Up - Amplified
Max Stacks 5 → 6
Skill Damage Increase per Stack 3% → 2.5%
Applied to: Couturier, Fencing Mask
Biotic Infusion
Skill Amp Biotic Infusion items now grant a 40% Attack Speed increase while Biotic Infusion is charging.
Applied to: Eye of Horus, Wind and Fire Wheels, Ultraviolet, Vision Flex - Dawn Eclipse, Geryon, Hydra - Dawn
Targeting Pod
Targeting Pod’s triggering condition has been changed and damage has been adjusted accordingly.
Triggering Condition: When an ally performs a basic attack → When an ally deals separate damage
Damage 15(+Character Level*3) → 10(+Character Level*3)
Applied to: Commander Headset
Damage 60(+Character Level*3)(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 60(+Character Level*3)(+Skill Amplification 25%)
Applied to: Ghost Hand, Rod of Heart - Dawn, Phantom Bolt, Blood Half Moon - Dawn, Obsidian Jitte, Blade Tonfa - Dawn, Heaven's Door, Heartbreaker - Dawn, Doomsday, Peacebringer - Dawn, Eye of Argos, Nosferatu - Dawn,Valkyrie, Hellfire - Dawn,Thanatos, Phantom Blade - Dawn
One Inch Punch
Recipe: Bone Gauntlet + Feather Duster → Bone Gauntlet + Feather
Glock 48
Recipe: Beretta M92F + Feather Duster → Beretta M92F + Blueprint
Recipe: Magnum-Anaconda + Gold → Magnum-Anaconda + Scrap Metal
Recipe: Derringer + Gold → Derringer + Scrap Metal
Recipe: Single Coil Pickup + Bamboo → Single Coil Pickup + Piano Wire
Teen Spirit
Recipe: Wild Horse + Glass Pieces → Wild Horse + Lighter
Critical Strike Chance 20%(REMOVED)Attack Power 58 → 64
Attack Speed 25% → 40%
Recipe: Rose Knife + Quiver → Rose Knife + Feather
Mount Slicer
Recipe: Rose Knife + Ash → Rose Knife + Lighter
Battle Axe
Recipe: Hatchet + Bamboo → Hatchet + Branch
Reaper's Scythe
Recipe: Chain Scythe + Short Rod → Chain Scythe + Pickaxe
Assault Rifle
Gatling Gun
Rarity: Rare → Uncommon
Recipe: M16A1 + Graphite → Fedorova + Graphite
Type 95
[Unique] Attack Range 0.35(REMOVED)(NEW) Life Steal 10%
Attack Power 72 → 77
(NEW) Healing Reduction - Weak - Unique Passive
Dealing damage to a target reduces their healing by 40% for 4 seconds.
Long Rod
Recipe: Short Rod + Bamboo → Short Rod + Branch
Recipe: Iron Pipe + Glass Panel → Iron Pipe + Glass Pieces
Recipe: Crossbow + Bamboo → Crossbow + Branch
Laser Crossbow
[Unique] Attack Range 0.2(REMOVED)(NEW) Attack Speed 10%
Sniper Crossbow
[Unique] Attack Range 0.3(REMOVED)(NEW) Attack Speed 15%
Attack Power 80 → 77
Poisoned Crossbow
Recipe: Steel Bow + Poison → Steel Bow + Chemicals
Recipe: Nunchaku + Razor → Nunchaku + Nail
Recipe: Mirror Core + Holy Grail → Mirror Core + Cross
Staff of Reliance
Recipe: Mirror Core + Short Rod → Mirror Core + Pickaxe
Recipe: Sensibility + Hardcover → Sensibility + Paper
Cards of Tyranny
Critical Strike Chance 33%(REMOVED)Attack Power 46 → 62
Mystic Jade Charm
Recipe: Charm + Gold → Charm + Paper
Critical Strike Damage 6%(REMOVED)[Unique] Attack Range 0.4(REMOVED)(NEW) Attack Speed 20%
Attack Power 60 → 56
(NEW) Vigor - Unique Passive
Hitting an enemy character with a basic attack deals skill damage equal to 2% of the enemy character's current HP and stacks Vigor for 5 seconds. Your Attack Speed increases by 4% per stack.
At 4 stacks, you gain extra 10 Attack Power.
Two-handed Sword
Recipe: Katana + Blueprint → Katana + Pickaxe
Recipe: Jewel Sword + Holy Grail → Bastard Sword + Cross
Recipe: Katana + Glass Pieces → Long Sword + Glass Pieces
Sniper Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Recipe: Railgun + Hardcover → Railgun + Paper
Bamboo Spear
Recipe: Short Spear + Bamboo → Short Spear + Branch
Pistol Camera
Recipe: Rangefinder+ Walther PPK → Rangefinder+ Gunpowder
Recipe: Pistol Camera + Electronic Parts → Pistol Camera + Battery
Recipe: Compact Camera + Gold → Compact Camera + Piano Wire
Instant Camera
Recipe: Compact Camera + Hardcover → Compact Camera + Paper
Plasma Tonfa
Recipe: Ryukyu Tonfa + Ion Battery → Tonfa + Ion Battery
Flubber(REMOVED)Ruthenium Marble
Recipe: Flubber + Gold → Autographed Baseball + Gold
Ancient Bolt
Recipe: Strong Bow + Bamboo → Strong Bow + Branch
VF Prosthetic
(NEW) Attack Speed 5%
Attack Power 33 → 40
Black Mamba
(NEW) HP per Level 2
Attack Power 33 → 37
(NEW) Cooldown Reduction 5%
Attack Power 35 → 42
(NEW MYTHIC) Black Flame Dragon
Recipe: Ruby + VF Blood Sample
Defense 45
HP per Level 28
Flame Barrier - [Unique Passive]
Deals (Melee: Max HP 4% / Ranged: Max HP 3%) skill damage to enemies in a 2.5m range every second when in combat.
Recipe: Dress + Razor → Dress + Cloth
Optical Camouflage Suit
Recipe: Diving Suit + Glass Panel → Diving Suit + Glass Pieces
Sunset Armor
Recipe: Chain Armor + Ruby → Chain Armor + Gemstone
Crusader Armor
Recipe: Sheet Metal Armor + Saint's Relic → Sheet Metal Armor + Cross
Dragon Dobok
Recipe: Qipao + Cloth → Qipao + Turtle Shell
Commander's Armor
Recipe: Chain Armor + Diamond → Leather Armor + Diamond
Butler's Suit
Recipe: Suit + Feather Duster → Suit + Feather
Recipe: Qipao + Quiver → Qipao + Feather
Mythril Crop
(NEW) Slow Resistance 15%
Phantom Jacket
Attack Power per level 3(REMOVED)(NEW) HP per Level 20
(NEW) Attack Speed 15%
Defense 20 → 38
Blaze Up - Outburst - [Unique Passive]
Attack Power Increase 3 → 4
Attack Speed Increase 5% → 3%
At 10 Stacks Armor penetration 10% → Movement Speed 8% Increase
Burgundy 47
(NEW) Attack Speed 20%
Attack Power 25 → 20
Omnisyphon 18% → 12%
(NEW MYTHIC) Viking Helmet
Recipe: Chain Coif + VF Blood Sample
Defense 20
HP per Level 25
Crushing Blow - [Unique Passive]
During combat, an enhanced basic attack is charged every 4 seconds.
The enhanced basic attack deals 20(+Additional HP 10%)(+Character Level*3) additional skill damage and heals you for 50(+Additional HP 18%).
(NEW MYTHIC) Eyeshield
Recipe: Bike Helmet + VF Blood Sample
Adaptability 40
Defense 15
Attack Speed 25%
Omnisyphon 12%
Quickstep - [Unique Passive]
Gain a stack that increases your movement speed by 3% for 3 seconds every time you deal individual damage to an enemy character.
Max Stacks: 8
Tiara(REMOVED)Garland of Petals
(NEW) Cooldown Reduction 10%
Skill Amplification 35 → 45
Barbed Blossom + Circlet → Barbed Blossom + Hairband
Crystal Tiara
Recipe: Tiara + Glass Pieces → Circlet + Glass Pieces
Motorcycle Helmet
Safety Helmet + Motor → Bike Helmet + Motor
Tactical OPS Helmet
Recipe: Ballistic Helmet + Electronic Parts → Ballistic Helmet + Battery
Chinese Opera Mask
Omnisyphon 12%(REMOVED)(NEW) Armor penetration 12
Blood Crown
Defense 10(REMOVED)Movement Speed 3%
(NEW) Healing Reduction - Strong - [Unique Passive]
Dealing damage to a target reduces their healing by 60% for 4 seconds.
(NEW MYTHIC) Nova Shield
Recipe: Bracer + VF Blood Sample
Defense 10
Adaptability 42
Cooldown Reduction 20%
Healing Reduction - Strong - [Unique Passive]
Dealing damage to a target reduces their healing by 60% for 4 seconds.
Squad Leader Armband
Recipe: Bandage + Needle → Bandage + Gunpowder
Steel Shield(REMOVED)Sheath
Recipe: Iron Sheet + Patched Leather → Iron Sheet + Glue
Recipe: Bracer + Iron Sheet → Bracer + Scrap Metal
Crimson Bracelet
Max HP 60(REMOVED)(NEW) Skill Amplification 22
Creed of the Knight
Recipe: Steel Shield + Squad Leader Armband → Leather Shield + Squad Leader Armband
Recipe: Golden Bracelet + Bracer → Golden Bracelet + Bandage
Smart Band
Recipe: Barbed Blossom + Blueprint → Barbed Blossom + Watch
Burnished Aegis
Recipe: Crimson Bracelet + Leather Shield → Leather Shield + Diamond
Tindalos Band
Recipe: Golden Bracelet + Broken Watch → Crimson Bracelet + Watch
Plasma Arc
Recipe: Steel Shield + Ion Battery → Leather Shield+Ion Battery
Adaptability 45(REMOVED)(NEW) Skill Amplification 90
Armor penetration 10% → 15%
Adaptability 30(REMOVED)Max HP 100(REMOVED)(NEW) Defense 20
HP per Level 10 → 20
Adaptability 28(REMOVED)(NEW) Attack Power 30
(NEW MYTHIC) Eldian Boots
Recipe: Boots + VF Blood Sample
Movement Speed 0.27
Attack Power 18
Attack Speed 28%
Critical Strike Chance 35%
(NEW MYTHIC) Rose Steps
Recipe: Repaired Slippers + VF Blood Sample
Movement Speed 0.27
Skill Amplification 50
Defense 10
Verdict - [Unique Passive]
Enemy characters are instantly eliminated when they take damage and their HP drops below (Melee: 8% / Ranged: 5%).
Cooldown 1s
Tachyon Brace
Recipe: Boots + Motor → Running Shoes + Motor
Killer Heels
Skill Amplification 5%(REMOVED)Skill Amplification 55 → 50
(NEW) Awakening - [Unique Passive]
Upon using Ult Armor penetration Increases 12% for 6s
Cooldown 20s
Holy Grail(REMOVED)Saint's Relic(REMOVED)Feather Duster(REMOVED)Glass Panel(REMOVED)Quiver
Recipe: Feather + Bamboo → Feather + Branch
Shaman's Bronze
Recipe: Rusty Sword + Stallion Medal → Graphite + Stallion Medal
(NEW COMMON) Edible Mushroom
Obtain them by collecting Mushrooms.
HP Regen 300
Amount Collected 1
Area: Dock, Warehouse, Uptown, Alley, Gas Station, Hotel, Police Station, Fire Station, Hospital, Archery Range, Factory, School
(NEW RARE) Grilled Mushroom Skewers
Recipe: Edible Mushroom + Campfire
HP Regen 630
Amount Crafted 3
(NEW EPIC) 100-Year-Old Stew
Obtain it by collecting Hunter's Pot.
Collect up to 3 times
HP Regen 750
SP Regen 600
Amount Collected 3
(NEW EPIC) Truffle
Obtain it at a certain probability by collecting Mushrooms.
HP Regen 600
Amount Collected 1
(NEW LEGENDARY) Truffle Pasta
Recipe: Truffle + Campfire
HP Regen 840
Amount Crafted 3
(NEW MYTHIC) Perpetual Stew
Obtain it through a Hunter's Pot installed on a Campfire.
Collect up to 3 times
HP Regen 1110
SP Regen 930
Amount Collected 3
Food Amount Crafted 2 → 3
Applied to: French Fries, Oriental Concoction, Healing Potion, Fish Cutlet, Choco Spread, Breakfast Sandwich, Sizzling Steak
Garlic(REMOVED)Ramen(REMOVED)Butter(REMOVED)Bacon and Garlic Sticks(REMOVED)Scrambled Egg(REMOVED)Chocolate Chip Cookies(REMOVED)Honey Butter(REMOVED)Rum Raisin Bread(REMOVED)Butter-Fried Potatoes(REMOVED)Stir Fried Ramen(REMOVED)Cold Noodles(REMOVED)Roasted Garlic(REMOVED)Bread in Tears
HP Regen 450 → 525
SP Regen 350 → 450
Choco Ice Cream
HP Regen 500 → 550
French Fries
HP Regen 600 → 630
Choco Spread
HP Regen 600 → 630
Fish Cutlet
HP Regen 600 → 630
Oriental Concoction
HP Regen 600 → 630
Tandoori Chicken
HP Regen 750 → 700
#11 Combo Meal
HP Regen 850 → 900
Milk(REMOVED)Honey Milk(REMOVED)Chocolate Milk(REMOVED)Cowboy(REMOVED)Steamed Milk(REMOVED)Common Rarity Beverage SP Regen 300 → 400
Honey, Water, Ice, Whiskey, Carbonated Water
Uncommon Rarity Beverage
SP Regen 400 → 600
Honey Water, Herbal Liquor, Ice Water, Natural Sparkling Water, Cola, Mizuwari
SP Regen 630 → 750
Honey Whiskey, Ice Sparkling Water, Slushy, On The Rocks, Highball
Rare Rarity Beverage
SP Regen 630 → 750
Boiling Water
SP Regen 750 → 900
Kaoliang Liquor, Flower Liquor, Whiskey Cocktail, Hot Chocolate
SP Regen 1080 → 1320
Hot Honey Water, Hot Sparkling Water, Hot Toddy, Purified Water
We’re replacing the Portable Campfire Kit for the Hunter's Pot.
Portable Campfire Kit(REMOVED)The Portable Campfire Kit item received from the Augment Camping Guide will also be replaced by Hunter's Pot.
(NEW RARE) Hunter's Pot
Collect it at a probability from Boars, Mutant Boars, Mutant Boar Herds.
Remains for 30 s at the installed location.
You can collect food from it up to 3 times and craft food on it when nearby, just like a Campfire. Installing it within a Campfire’s range will let you collect better food.
Exchangeable Items
We’re adding Mythic Air Supply Boxes that include exchangeable items and Alex’s Weapon Supply.
(NEW EPIC) Pistol Supply Box
Get it through Alex’s Passive skill.
Use it to exchange it for an Epic Pistol Weapon of your choice.
(NEW EPIC) Shuriken Supply Box
Get it through Alex’s Passive skill.
Use it to exchange it for an Epic Shuriken Weapon of your choice.
(NEW EPIC) Two-handed Sword Supply Box
Get it through Alex’s Passive skill.
Use it to exchange it for an Epic Two-handed Sword Weapon of your choice.
(NEW EPIC) Tonfa Supply Box
Get it through Alex’s Passive skill.
Use it to exchange it for an Epic Tonfa Weapon of your choice.
(NEW MYTHIC) Portable Crafter - Chest
Red Get it from a red air supply box.
Use it to exchange it for a Mythic Chest Armor of your choice.
This item remains on your corpse and disappears from your inventory upon revival
(NEW MYTHIC) Portable Crafter - Head
Get it from a red air supply box.
Use it to exchange it for a Mythic Head Armor of your choice.
This item remains on your corpse and disappears from your inventory upon revival
(NEW MYTHIC) Portable Crafter - Arm/Accessory
Get it from a red air supply box.
Use it to exchange it for a Mythic Arm/Accessory Armor of your choice.
This item remains on your corpse and disappears from your inventory upon revival
(NEW MYTHIC) Portable Crafter - Leg
Get it from a red air supply box.
Use it to exchange it for a Mythic Leg Armor of your choice.
This item remains on your corpse and disappears from your inventory upon revival
Items per Area
All Areas
Frozen Pizza 1
Feather 18
Turtle Shell 13
Scrap Metal 19
Lighter 16
Stallion Medal 16
Oil 19
Gemstone 24
Steel Chain 19
Watch 13
Bandage 19
Running Shoes 8
Kitchen Knife 5
Twin Blades 5
Windbreaker 6
Chocolate 7
Pickaxe 19
Ribbon 14
Nail 19
Rubber 18
Battery 24
Gunpowder 13
Glass Bottle 15
Hammer 19
Hairband 12
Hat 12
Bracelet 13
Whiskey 6
Walther PPK 5
Fedorova 5
Short Spear 5
Feather 17
Turtle Shell 13
Oil 19
Gemstone 22
Graphite 22
Chalk 11
Steel Chain 19
Hairband 12
Hat 12
Watch 12
Honey 6
Bamboo 5
Oriental Herb 5
Pickaxe 16
Playing Cards 11
Chalk 11
Scrap Metal 19
Gemstone 22
Piano Wire 22
Turtle Shell 12
Hammer 19
Iron Ball 12
Bracelet 12
Ice 8
Shirt 7
Bow 5
Hatchet 5
Windbreaker 5
Oriental Herb 5
Iron Ball 14
Glass Bottle 18
Turtle Shell 14
Rubber 17
Scrap Metal 19
Gemstone 24
Chemicals 17
Hammer 19
Steel Chain 19
Oil 19
Running Shoes 9
Carbonated Water 9
Baseball 5
Hatchet 5
Twin Blades 5
Short Spear 5
Starter Guitar 5
Scissors 14
Fountain Pen 17
Playing Cards 12
Ribbon 14
Lighter 16
Laser Pointer 10
Cloth 17
Glue 16
Piano Wire 24
Hat 14
Bike Helmet 13
Watch 14
Whiskey 8
Kitchen Knife 5
Needle 5
Starter Guitar 5
Lens 5
Tights 7
Chocolate 7
Scissors 14
Fountain Pen 18
Glass Bottle 15
Playing Cards 11
Ribbon 14
Cross 10
Nail 17
Lighter 15
Gemstone 20
Piano Wire 24
Bracelet 13
Baseball 5
Crossbow 5
Needle 5
Glass Bead 5
Gas Station
Rubber 17
Scrap Metal 19
Stallion Medal 17
Battery 24
Oil 19
Chemicals 18
Hammer 19
Cloth 17
Bike Helmet 13
Shirt 8
Ice 9
Razor 5
Cotton Gloves 6
Playing Cards 12
Battery 24
Oil 19
Cloth 16
Paper 18
Piano Wire 24
Nail 17
Hairband 14
Watch 14
Bracelet 14
Ice 9
Whiskey 7
Razor 5
Whip 5
Walther PPK 5
Fedorova 5
Kitchen Knife 5
Needle 5
Lens 5
Bread 8
Police Station
Iron Ball 13
Laser Pointer 10
Stallion Medal 17
Glue 15
Gunpowder 12
Graphite 24
Piano Wire 24
Paper 17
Steel Chain 17
Hat 12
Watch 12
Short Rod 5
Walther PPK 5
Fedorova 5
Long Rifle 5
Bread 6
Fire Station
Pickaxe 19
Nail 19
Rubber 19
Scrap Metal 19
Battery 24
Chemicals 19
Hammer 19
Bike Helmet 14
Bandage 19
Cross 14
Carbonated Water 9
Cotton Gloves 7
Whip 6
Long Rifle 7
Hatchet 6
Twin Blades 6
Lens 5
Scissors 14
Glass Bottle 19
Laser Pointer 11
Battery 24
Oil 19
Glue 17
Paper 19
Chemicals 19
Ice 8
Bandage 19
Hat 13
Razor 5
Needle 5
Tights 7
Bread 8
Fountain Pen 17
Hairband 13
Feather 19
Turtle Shell 14
Stallion Medal 19
Cloth 19
Gemstone 24
Paper 19
Battery 24
Pickaxe 17
Bamboo 6
Rusty Sword 6
Twin Blades 6
Short Spear 6
Glass Bead 7
Oriental Herb 7
Archery Range
Iron Ball 14
Feather 19
Nail 17
Glue 17
Gunpowder 14
Graphite 24
Piano Wire 22
Glass Bottle 15
Steel Chain 17
Hat 14
Running Shoes 9
Short Rod 6
Bamboo 5
Rusty Sword 6
Bow 7
Crossbow 7
Short Spear 5
Lens 5
Pickaxe 18
Ribbon 14
Lighter 15
Stallion Medal 16
Gunpowder 13
Chemicals 16
Graphite 23
Cloth 16
Steel Chain 17
Bracelet 13
Honey 7
Short Rod 5
Rusty Sword 5
Whip 5
Pickaxe 19
Feather 19
Turtle Shell 14
Gemstone 24
Glue 19
Graphite 24
Hammer 19
Shirt 7
Bike Helmet 14
Bandage 19
Honey 7
Carbonated Water 7
Bamboo 6
Cotton Gloves 5
Bow 5
Crossbow 5
Long Rifle 5
Oriental Herb 5
Bandage 19
Fountain Pen 19
Iron Ball 14
Chalk 14
Nail 19
Rubber 19
Scrap Metal 19
Battery 24
Hammer 19
Shirt 9
Bike Helmet 14
Running Shoes 9
Short Rod 7
Cotton Gloves 7
Baseball 7
Walther PPK 7
Fedorova 7
Hatchet 7
Starter Guitar 6
Chocolate 9
Glass Bottle 18
Scissors 14
Cross 13
Cloth 19
Paper 19
Graphite 24
Piano Wire 24
Feather 17
Hairband 14
Bracelet 13
Ice 9
Razor 5
Rusty Sword 6
Whip 5
Bow 6
Crossbow 6
Long Rifle 6
Glass Bead 6
Bread 7
Scissors 14
Fountain Pen 19
Graphite 24
Chalk 14
Ribbon 14
Scrap Metal 19
Lighter 19
Laser Pointer 14
Paper 19
Hairband 14
Watch 14
Bandage 19
Baseball 5
Kitchen Knife 5
Starter Guitar 5
Glass Bead 5
Windbreaker 9
Tights 9
Bread 7
Chocolate 7