• News
  • 4 days ago

Legion Token Book Duplicate Rewards

Hello Lumia Island survivors,

During the 1.43a we let you know that Legion Token Books (Basic/Premium) would no longer unintendedly grant already obtained rewards while distributing newly achieved rewards, and that Legion Tokens from the Legion Token Books that were incorrectly sent out would be retrieved.

Since the announcement and until now we've been conducting the process to retrieve said incorrectly distributed rewards.

However, the process to recover rewards from completing a collection after purchasing a skin or purchasing a questbook is being delayed and will be carried out during our 1.43.1 maintenance on Thursday, March 27th!
Additionally, rewards for unclaimed Legion Token Books (Basic/Premium) will be redistributed via the mailbox during the same patch.

We deeply apologize for the confusion and inconvenience caused by this, and we will do our best to resolve it.

Thank you.

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