• Patch Notes
  • 1 year ago

1.0.0 Crafting Guide & VPad

Crafting Guide

The Crafting Guide displayed in the upper-right corner during the game has been changed.

  • The number of materials you've found so far and the total number of materials needed to make the target item.

  • Left-clicking on a target will show you a minimap of where the materials you haven't found yet are located. Pressing Alt will show materials for all targets at the same time. (We're working on making the icons larger when there are fewer materials).

  • You can delete target items by left-clicking and pressing the X button, and you can register new ones via VPad, Operator Nadja, or Item Catalog.

  • Right-clicking on a target opens the VPad.

  • Saved Late-game Items List button (P) allows you to collectively replace the target with late-game items specified in advance.

VPad (V)

The VPad is a unified UI that manages three things: Mastery, Tactical Skills, and Target Items.

  • The top left is the Mastery area.

    • Here you can see your Mastery and Weapon Skills.

    • Hovering over it will show the detailed status of individual masteries.

  • At the bottom left is the Tactical Skill area.

    • You can use Credits to upgrade your Tactical Skills.

    • Tactical skills can be upgraded up to Level 3.

  • The right side is the Target Item area.

    • You can manage the target items in your guide.

    • Right-click to call in material items with a Remote Drone.

    • Use shortcut to request cameras and traps.

A Legendary Equipment recommendation system was added.

  • After crafting the target Epic equipment specified by the Saved Plan in the Crafting Guide and VPad, it is recommended to add one of the three Legendary equipment as a new guide.

  • We recommend 3 pieces of equipment from the same parts as the completed Epic equipment.

    • We’ll recommend you the best option when you only need 1 more Special Material to craft a Legendary item.

    • If you have a late-game item that you pre-saved in your Saved Plan, we'll prioritize it.

    • Otherwise, we'll make recommendations based on skill amplification, basic attacks, etc.

A Remote Drone recommendation system was added as well.

  • In VPad, all materials can be right-clicked to call in a Remote Drone.

  • Materials that are registered in the Saved Plan, but not found in the current area, will be automatically added to the Remote Drone recommendation list when they leave the area.


Future Improvements

The new Crafting Guide and VPad are some of the most popular feature changes we've made, so there are a lot of things that feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable for players who are used to the old UI. While many of these features were easy to get used to over the course of several games, there are still some areas that could be improved, and we're working on them.

① Summary of materials needed and ability to directly call in a Remote Drone

We've heard feedback that left-clicking on a target shows the materials needed in the minimap, but it's hard to see at a glance, and calling in a Remote Drone requires turning on the VPad, which blocks the screen. In the future, when you left-click on a target, you'll be able to see a summary of the materials you need right below it. You'll also be able to call in a Remote Drone directly from this UI.

② Shortcut to Legendary Equipment Recommendations upon completing crafting


We've gotten a lot of feedback that the VPad recommending legendary equipment upon completion is helpful for beginners, but can be annoying to open if you're doing a lot of similar builds each game. We'd like to add a shortcut that allows you to easily left-click on a crafted targeted item to turn it into one of the three legendary target items.

Until further improvements are made, you can still use the Saved Late-game Items list function.

③ Automatically change/delete guide targets when crafting is complete

Players who don't utilize the Saved Late-game Items list (P) have pointed out the inconvenience of guides not being deleted after crafting is complete. However, this is a necessary part of the natural flow of crafting guides to the VPad, and if it is automatically deleted, it can greatly disrupt the flow for beginners, so we're working on other improvements.

Until we've made further improvements, you can use the X button inside the VPad to quickly delete all targets. In future guides, we'll either make it easier to remove them by pressing the X button in a row, or offer auto-change and auto-delete as options.

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