Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 4 hours on October 12th from 2 AM to 6 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.6.
New Character - Alonso
Alonso, a new glove-wielding test subject, arrives on Lumia Island.
Alonso will be on sale for A-coin 9,900 for two weeks after release and will not be available in Ranked Matches until Tuesday, October 17th.
“There's junk everywhere. Including me!”

Plasma Barrier (P)
Alonso becomes immune to immobilization effects for 0.1 seconds. This effect is reactivated if he takes no damage for 18/12/6 seconds. When Alonso immobilizes an enemy, he recovers 50(+3/5/7% of Max HP) HP per enemy.
Immobilized: Unable to move or receive movement commands.

Energy Punch (Q)
Alonso throws a Magnetic Punch forward, dealing 80/120/160/200/240(+40% Skill Amp) skill damage and connecting magnetically to enemies hit.
When he is facing a Connected target, his movement speed increases by 15% and up to 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% depending on the distance between him and his target.
Performing a basic attack on Connected enemies will break the connection, dealing (Level*5)(+ 7/7.5/8/8.5/9% of target’s Max HP)> skill damage and stunning them for 0.6 seconds.
Effect Area: 6.5m * 1.6m
Projectile Speed: 14.5m/s
Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6s
SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50

Bouncing Shield (W)
Alonso unleashes a magnetic shield that blocks attacks for 2.5 seconds, reducing damage taken from enemies in front by 80%.
The shield fires a total of 5 waves, each dealing 30/35/40/45/50(+25% Skill Amp)(+5% of Additional HP) skill damage. The projectiles are fired at increasingly faster intervals.
Reusing or ending the skill deals 80/120/160/200/240(+50% Skill Amp)(+15% of Additional HP) skill damage.
Wave Range
Distance: From 0.5m to 5m in front of Alonso
Width: 3m
Wave Projectile Speed: 14m/s
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s
SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Al Ataque! (E)
Alonso points at his target and puts a metal ring on them.
After a moment, he dashes towards the target, dealing 60/90/120/150/180(+20% Defense)(+7% of Max HP) skill damage and rooting them for 0.9/1 /1.1/1.2/1.3 seconds.
Range: 5m
Prep time before dashing: 0.8s
The skill is canceled if the target moves away 10m before the dash.
Cooldown: 17/15.5/14/12.5/11s
SP Cost: 75/80/85/90/95

Magnetic Field (R)
Alonso briefly pulls enemies nearby to him, dealing 70/160/250(+50% Skill Amp) skill damage.
He then collects metal fragments from the ground, recovering 4(+3/4.5/6% of Max HP) HP every 0.5 seconds and dealing 6/20/24(+15% of Max HP) of damage over time to enemies. Enemies in the outer range are slowed by 50%.
Reusing or ending the skill deals 40/80/120(+40% Skill Amp)(+2% of Max HP) - 80/160/240(+80% Skill Amp)(+4% of Max HP) skill damage based on the skill duration.
Area Effect: Radius 4.75m
Pulling Distance: 1.6m
Cooldown: 80/70/60s
SP Cost: 120
New Skins & Emotes
Professor Cathy (Rare) will be available.
“Failing students need extra classes.”
Scarlet Vampire Shoichi (Epic) will be available.
Scarlet Vampire Shoichi will be available in Forging > Exchange and can be exchanged for Vacance Tokens.
“It's going to be a long night.”
We're also releasing the Scarlet Vampire Shoichi Collection Bundle, which includes emotes, icons, borders, backgrounds, and more!
*More details about the bundle will be announced soon.
Priya Emotes will be available.
Patch Change Thought Process and Direction
Changes regarding test subjects are mainly based on statistics.
Changes are mainly based on top-ranked statistics. Different variables are taken into consideration, but with the changes to the game, we will be mainly looking at the data sample of the top 2000, up to 5000.
Hotfix changes will only occur from onwards for critical issues.
A large part of the player base is in the low and mid-tier ranks. If a character is overly strong in these lower-ranked divisions, adjustments may be made.
Basic metrics include win rate, average kills, ranked points earned, average kills/damage dealt/damage taken per position, etc. However, since this is not a game where positions are assigned in advance, the mix of positions cannot be completely controlled statistically, and we aim for a mix of positions to coexist without becoming too extreme.
The biggest goal of the balance update is to help a diversity of characters.
We will be toning down characters that are doing overly well in statistics, but helping characters that have low statistics in both high and low-ranked play. While there are more adjustments to help test subjects, the characters that are being toned down have a higher pick rate.
Upper and lower-rank statistics are very different. If a character is shown to be strong in either rank division, they will be excluded from the list of characters getting help.
The new item, Hellfire, is an assault rifle made from VF blood samples.
In the future, VF blood sample weapons suitable for all weapon types and main builds will be added in stages.
Weapons crafted from VF Blood Samples are the best weapons in their weapon type but are not worth the high cost of credits. After being added to all weapon types, overall performance will be improved.
The Collection menu has been added where additional rewards will be given when you collect a group of specific skins, emotes, icons, backgrounds, etc.
Once you've collected everything in the Collection menu, you'll get additional rewards.
There are a total of 7 collection objectives, and more may be added in the future.
All for my daughter.
Yeah, but why?
An Iced Coffee, please!
Let's complete the tutorial!
What's next?
Enemy defeated.
Dr. Nadja's new look.
Day/Night Perception of Indoor Spaces Improvements
We’ve added lights to interior spaces, which will be turned on at night to create a different effect.
Improving Launch Pads
The detection/hitbox of the Launch Pad has been improved so it aligns better with its shape. The size of the Launch Pad will now be slightly larger, keeping the total launch area size similar.
Immunization and Invincibility Improvements
Immunity and invincibility animations have been added to help you better recognize them when you use or encounter them.
Restricted Area Count Changes
Restricted Area Count gain from test subject elimination 4s → 5s
Get these characters at a discounted price!
1,075 NP → 870 NP
8,020 A-Coin → 4,340 A-Coin
1,075 NP → 870 NP
8,020 A-Coin → 4,340 A-Coin
870 NP → 645 NP
4,340 A-Coin → 2,140 A-Coin
We’re increasing the skill amp scaling for Wolf Assault (R) to help Nadine’s bow counterpart.
Wolf Assault(R)
Damage 30/70/110(+Additional Attack Power 90%)(+Skill Amplification 70%)(+Wild Stacks Damage) → 30/70/110(+Additional Attack Power 90%)(+Skill Amplification 80%)(+Wild Stacks Damage)
Daniel has a very low win rate. We’re increasing the damage accumulated from Inspiration (W) to increase his damage in the late-game.
Inspiration (W)
Damage accumulated 4/6/8/10/12% → 4/7/10/13/16%
Tia tends to avoid battles in Early Game due to her heavy reliance on levels of Palette Swap (W). We're allowing Tia to level up Palette Swap (W) in earlier levels.
Palette Swap (W)
Acquirable Level 1/5/9 → 1/4/7
We’re reducing the overly high damage dealt after hitting Calling Card(W).
Calling Card(W)
Target Damage 65/100/135/170/205(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amplification 30%)
We’re increasing Lenox's damage and crowd control, as she is underperforming in all stats.
Damage 60/95/130/165/200(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 80/115/150/185/220(+Skill Amplification 50%)
Cooldown 8s → 7s
We’re tuning down Leon’s strong power in close-range combat.
Human Torpedo (P)
Increased Attack Speed on Pools 40/55/70% → 40/50/60%
We’re giving Martina help by expanding the range of her battle detection, as well as increasing summon range on Pause (W). We are also reducing the basic attack charge time early on, this should help Martina get stacks faster while being stronger after hitting max stacks early.
Basic Attack Charge Time by Level 1.6/1.2/0.5s → 1.5/1/0.5s
Battle detection range while interviewing 20m → 30m
Summon Range 3.5m → 4.5m
We’re adjusting Markus' healing, which was reduced from the previous patch.
Basic Attack Amplification per Hammer Mastery Level 2.4% → 2.6%
Art of War(Q)
Extra Basic Attack Damage 10/20/30/40/50(+12% of Additional HP) → 10/20/30/40/50(+14% of Additional HP)
We’re increasing Magnus' 17 vs 1 (W) damage when equipped with damage items, especially Attack Power items.
17 vs 1 (W)
Damage 22/34/46/58/70(+Additional Attack Power 30%)(+Skill Amplification 22%)(+Defense 15%) →22/29/36/43/50(+Additional Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 25%)(+Defense 15%)
Bianca has a low average damage output and ranked point gain. So we’re reducing the HP Consumption of Sanguine Javelin(Q) and increasing damage.
Sanguine Javelin(Q)
HP Cost 7.5% of Current HP → 5%
Damage 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amplification 45%)
Using her skills in succession often put Celine on cooldown for too long. We are increasing the cooldown from Detonate (W) to help Celine.
Detonate (W)
Plasma Bomb (Q) cooldown reduction per connected/fused bomb on hit 20/25/30/35/40% → 25/30/35/40/45%
Shoichi's combos, which have changed since the 1.0 update, require skill, but are very difficult to counter without a mistake on Shoichi's part. We're lowering Shoichi's durability to make more space for counterplay, as his stats have been rising consistently.
Defense per Level 2.9 → 2.5
We’re increasing the power of the underused Hammer Sua.
Attack Speed per Hammer Mastery Level 2.5% → 3%
We’re strengthening the damage of Sissela's main skill, as she has a low ranked point gain.
Go Get 'Em Wilson!(Q)
Damage 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 80/115/150/185/220(+Skill Amplification 80%)
We’re increasing Arda's base durability to make him less difficult to play.
Base Defense 38 → 41
Abigail is underperforming in ranked point gain and average placement. To compensate, we're giving her base movement speed a boost, and we're adjusting her overall power by buffing the damage of her abilities, which became harder to hit due to range reductions in the last patch.
Base Movement Speed 3.45 → 3.5
Dimensional Cleave(W)
Cooldown 12/11.5/11/10.5/10s → 12/11/10/9/8s
Quantum Leap (E)
The range calculation method has been changed to be more intuitive.
Previously: Enabled when a skill's enemy detection range (1.2m radius) and skill range (5m radius) overlap by more than half
Current: Can only be used when the target is completely within the skill range
By increasing the range, the existing usability remains similar.
This should solve instances where Abigail stops movement after the enemy walks out of the Quantum Leap range indictator.
Range 5m → 6.2m
Dimensional Strike(R)
Damage 150/275/400(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 150/275/400(+Skill Amplification 80%)
We’re increasing the power of Pistol Isol. In update 1.7, you will be able to correctly gain weapon mastery when dealing damage with MOK Operational Mine (R), and other skill improvements will be made as well.
Skill Amplification per Pistol Mastery Level 4% → 4.2%
We’re giving Glove Jan a bit of help. On the other hand, his Tonfa counterpart is being addressed through his weapons.
Bob and Weave(E)
Extra Basic Attack Damage 20/35/50/65/80(+Additional Attack Power 70%)(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 30/45/60/75/90(+Additional Attack Power 80%)(+Skill Amplification 50%)
We’re increasing Estelle's ability to suppress enemies as well as her damage.
20/45/70/95/120(+Skill Amplification 35%)(+Estelle Max HP 6%) → 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 35%)(+Estelle Max HP 6%)
Cooldown 8s → 7s
While his overall stats have improved, Aiden still needs more adjustments. For now, we're increasing his basic attack to improve his ability to battle in Early Game.
Attack Power 35 → 38
Following up on the last patch, we're increasing his base durability. However, Black Mamba Echion will have the items adjusted to counteract the HP buff.
HP per Level 89 → 93
Elena is performing well due to her mobility and ability to juggle in and out of fights while taking damage. To adjust for this, we're reducing the defense boost from Double Axel(W) and the step sequence recovery from Spiral(E).
Double Axel(W)
Defense Increase 50% → 40%
Step Sequence Recovery When On Glacial Field 10 → 8
Johann's passive nature makes it difficult for him to keep up with the game tempo. To help, we’re increasing Johann's base movement speed.
Movement Speed 3.45 → 3.5
We’re reducing the cooldown of Windup(W) to make it easier to use.
Cooldown 16s → 14s
Yuki has a low average damage and win rate, so we’re increasing the damage output of Coup de Grace (R) to make the long animation worth the cast.
Coup de Grace (R)
Marker Explosion Damage 15/17.5/20% of target's Max HP → 15/20/25% of target's Max HP
Eva has a low average ranked score due to inability to chase enemies and low survivability. To help, we are increasing the movement speed reduction effect of Phase Vortex(W).
Phase Vortex(W)
Slowed 30% → 35%
Ly Anh
We are lowering Ly Anh’s base attack power to align with the buffs to Dagger.
Attack Power 41 → 36
We’re reducing the cooldown of Hack & Slash(Q), allowing it to be used more frequently. For Chainsaw Murderer(R), we're changing the start of cooldown to make kill resets more rewarding.
Hack & Slash(Q)
Cooldown 9/8.5/8/7.5/7s → 8/7.5/7/6.5/6s
Chainsaw Murderer(R)
Cooldown will now be applied from the time the skill is used, rather than from the end of the skill.
Cooldown 70/60/50s → 80/65/50s
Karla uses her mobility to catch a high amount of early kills, but her power decreases significantly in Late Game. To adjust for this, we're extending the range of her Piercing Chain(Q) to increase her ability for range battles, but reducing the jump range of her Grappling Maneuver(E) to limit her mobility.
Crossbow weapon mastery Skill Amplification per level 2.6% → 2.8%
Piercing Chain(Q)
Range 5.85m → 6m
Grappling Maneuver(E)
Range 6.1m → 6.3m
Jump Travel Distance 4m → 3.5m
Cathy continues to show good stats. We’re reducing excessive damage when hitting a Suture(E).
Damage on Hit 30/50/70/90/110(+Skill Amplification 65%) →30/50/70/90/110(+Skill Amplification 45%)
When Chiara's Stigma(P) reaches max stacks, Chiara now reduces healing more than base items with healing reduction.
Healing Reduction per Stacks of Stigma 8/9/10% → 9/10/11%
We’re enhancing Theodore's survivability when he utilizes brush.
Sapphire Protocol(P)
Stealth Time 1.5s → 2.5s
Shield Duration 1.5s → 2.5s
Shield Max HP 7/14/21% → 10/17/24%
We're increasing the duration of Portamento(W)'s basic attack buff to make it easier to use. We're also reducing the cooldown of Harmony of Parvati(E).
Enhanced Basic Attack Duration on Hit 3s → 6s
Harmony of Parvati(E)
Cooldown 14s → 11s
We’re helping out Fiora’s lesser-used weapons.
Skill Amplification per Two-handed Sword Mastery level 4.2 → 4.5%
Skill Amplification per Spear Mastery Level 4.4 → 4.6%
We’re reducing the cooldown of Figure Eight / Hammer Throw(W) to increase the frequency of skill use.
Figure Eight / Hammer Throw(W)
Cooldown 14/13/12/11/10s → 12/11/10/9/8s
We’re reducing the low-level cooldown of Five Omens(R) to make the ultimate less burdensome to use in early game battles.
Five Omens(R)
Cooldown 100/85/70s → 90/80/70s
One Inch Punch
Attack Power 62 → 67
Brasil Gauntlet
Attack Power 52 → 57
Bloodwing Knuckles
Attack Power 54 → 64
White Claw Punch
Attack Power 55 → 60
Mark of the Phoenix
Attack Power 50 → 55
Imperial Silk Gloves
Attack Power 82 → 87
Damascus Steel Thorn
Attack Power 52 → 58
Attack Power 52 → 58
Attack Power 45 → 51
Attack Power 50 → 56
Soul Reaper
Attack Power 60 → 67
Attack Power 62 → 69
Assault Rifle
Type 95
Attack Power 67 → 72
Attack Power 70 → 74
Attack Speed 30% → 35%
Hellfire (NEW Legendary)
Recipe: Fedorova + VF Blood Sample
Attack Power 55
Skill Amplification 110
Attack Speed 30%
Cooldown Reduction 20%
Max Ammo 30
Hammer of Dagda
Attack Power 95 → 90
Dual Swords
Attack Power 47 → 51
Divine Dual Swords
Attack Power 36 → 40
Spring and Autumn
Attack Power 66 → 70
Starsteel Twin Swords
Attack Power 57 → 61
(Unique) Attack Range 0.5 → 0.4
Flechette ([Unique])
Attack Range 0.5 → 0.4
Sudarsana ([Unique])
Attack Range 0.5 → 0.4
Cosmic Bident
Skill Amplification 108 → 112
Star Hunter
Burden: Magnetic Midnight - [Unique Passive]
Damage Character Level*8(+Skill Amplification 15%) → Character Level*8(+Skill Amplification 20%)
Slowed Duration 1s → 1.5s
Bloody Nine Tails
Skill Amplification 112 → 107
Tactical Tonfa
Attack Power 48 → 40
Obsidian Jitte
Skill Amplification 116 → 108
VF Prosthetic
Black Mamba King
HP per Level 13 → 10
Black Mamba King TL
HP per Level 16 → 13
Black Mamba King FC
HP per Level 16 → 13
Black Mamba King VBS
HP per Level 16 → 13
Cobalt Protocol
Mode Balancing
Damage Taken 96% → 94%
Damage Dealt 91% → 89%
Debi & Marlene
Two-handed Sword
Damage Dealt 102% → 100%
Damage Dealt 92% → 90%
Damage Dealt 95% → 93%
Damage Taken 97% → 95%
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 30 % → 35%
Damage Dealt 97% → 99%
Damage Dealt 103% → 100%
Damage Taken 104% → 100%
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 25% → 20%
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 10% → 20%
All Weapons
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 5% → 10%
Damage Taken 97% → 99%
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 20% → 10%
Two-handed Sword
Damage Dealt 98% → 96%
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 15% → 10%
Ly Anh
Recovery Given 100% → 108%
Damage Taken 100% → 102%
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 25% → 20%
Two-handed Sword
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 15% → 10%
Assault Rifle
Damage Dealt 95% → 93%
Damage Dealt 93% → 91%
Cobalt Tactical Skills
Fantastical Punch(REMOVED)(NEW) Fissure
Creates a fissure in a wide area in front of you, dealing 200 (+20% enemy's current HP) damage.
Enemies hit are stunned for 1 second and are slowed by 65% for 3 seconds.
The following items will be removed from supply boxes and put back into the draft pool:
Elegant Gown, Blazing Dress, Tactical Visor, Sultan's Turban, Mythril Shield, Glacial Shoes
The following items will be removed from the draft pool and added to supply boxes:
Kabana, Laurel Wreath, Astronaut's Helmet, Tellurian Timepiece, Nightmare Nails, Shield of Kings, Iron Maiden, Mythril Boots, Legs of Steel
The following items will not appear in the draft pool:
Chest: Mythril Armor, Specter, Shooting Star Jacket, Kabana, Blood Cloak
Head: Mythril Helm, The Star of the Wilds, Laurel Wreath, Astronaut's Helmet
Arm: Tellurian Timepiece, Cube Watch, Shield of Kings, Nightmare Nails, Tindalos Band
Leg: Iron Maiden, Blade Boots, Mythril Boots, Legs of Steel
These items will appear in supply boxes.
Mark of the Phoenix Mk2
Attack Power 50 → 55
VF Prosthetics
Deathadder MT(C)
Basic Attack Amplification per Level 2.8% → 1.5%
Deathadder FC(C)
Basic Attack Amplification per Level 2.8% → 1.5%
Deathadder VBS(C)
Basic Attack Amplification per Level 2.8% → 1.5%
Black Mamba King TL(C)
HP per Level 21 → 13
Black Mamba King FC(C)
HP per Level 21 → 13
Black Mamba King VBS(C)
HP per Level 21 → 13
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Gameplay Improvements
Enemies will now be properly visible in all areas.
Hovering over an active Kiosk will no longer display an unusable cursor image.
The Second Wind: Blood Pact cooldown will now be correctly displayed in the Butler's Suit item tooltip.
Scarlet Scythe Healing Reduction item skill tooltip will no longer display instructions for ranged weapons.
Moving commands will now work correctly immediately after ending a movement skill.
Flower items will now be correctly announced as Teammate Materials in the Remote Drone Operator Guide on Day 2.
Chapter 2 of the tutorial will now be completed properly.
Shield effect of Heavy Kneepads Augment will no longer be displayed on a downed target when reconnecting.
The revival area map will now display the right images from a teammate’s perspective when using a quick ping.
Revival area selection map will no longer use fast pings when Alt+Right clicking.
Teammate icons on the left side of the minimap will no longer show skill icons as active when the ultimate has not been learned.
Team colors are now more easily distinguishable when spectating.
Skill icons will no longer be shown as active when spectating, even if the ultimate is not ready.
Spray sound effects will no longer overlap when reusing them near to each other.
Sprays have been improved so that they always appear forward.
Characters & Weapons Improvements
Focus skills will now work properly.
Eva’s VF Eruption, Leon’s Surf's Up, etc.
Indicators will now be correctly displayed when using charging skills.
Maleficent Helix (D) icon will no longer include recharging amount information when using quick ping.
Nadine: Monkey Wire (E)'s connection will now be displayed correctly.
Nicky: Pure Rage Uppercut!!(R) will now apply airborne on hit.
Leon: Duck Dive (E)'s tooltip will now show untargetable and unstoppable information.
Rozzi: Semtex Bomb Mk-II (R)'s damage range will no longer be larger than the actual displayed range.
Sua: Bookworm (P)'s location and animation effects direction will now correctly match when using weapon skills during basic attacks.
Arda: Tombstone of Nimrod's Gate(R-E) will now be displayed correctly when reconnecting.
Abigail: Quantum Leap (E) will now track targets that move out of the range.
Aya: The duration of Justice (P)'s shield and effects will now match up.
Estelle: Helitack Stat! (R) can now be used properly on allies at the Abandoned Dock.
Echion: Crimson Devil Echion’s Crescent Viper (Q) effects will now be correctly displayed.
Jackie: Chainsaw Murderer (R) tooltip will now inform players about the Adrenaline Burst (W) healing effect when using Dual Swords.
Chloe: Chloe’s first position will no longer be visible in replays.
Chiara: Stigma effects will now be correctly diplayed when applying Polymorphed to targets with Stigma (P) stacks.
Chiara: Plague (R)'s animation will no longer be displayed in replays.
Felix: Retail Spearman (P)'s tooltip will no longer show cooldown.
Lobby Improvements
Long nicknames will now be shown correctly in Map Selection.
You will now be able to scroll when the chat history gets long in Lobby Chat.
The See recent chats button will no longer be displayed when scrolling even when there is no chat history,
Skin names will now be correctly displayed in the Purchase Skin popup.
The name of the Little Sailor Eleven emote will now be correctly displayed in all languages.
Certain language settings on the operating system will no longer prevent entry to Results.
Store > Miscellaneous will no longer display a notification in Korean.
The expand icon will now toggle correctly when filtering while the item list is minimized in the Forging menu > Forging.
Criteria for sorting by most used characters in Collectibles > Characters will now be displayed correctly.