Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 5 hours on November 9th from 2 AM to 7 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.8.
ER Pass “Battle Maids”
The 2023 Season 2 ER Pass is now here for all survivors to start a new experiment!
The ER Pass would normally cost 1,550 NP, but will be on sale for only 1,190 NP for the next 2 weeks to celebrate the new Season! ER Plus, which includes a 24 level boost normally costs 3,990 NP, but you’ll be able to nab it during the sale for only 3,190 NP.
Upgrade your regular ER Pass to ER Plus at any time by paying the difference!
Gain ER Points (EXP) by playing, purchasing, and clearing missions! Gathering ER points will help you level up your pass to unlock 100 rewards including 1,400 NP, 5 skins, 12 emotes and Battle Maids Tokens.
Players may track their progress and get free rewards even before purchasing the pass, and may always purchase the pass later on to claim all the goodies!
ER Pass Missions are split into 8 weeks, and new mission series will unlock every Wednesday at 2:59 AM UTC.
Players who have yet to purchase the pass will have access to the basic 5 missions per week.
Purchasing the pass will unlock access to additional 5 missions per week to help progress along the ER Pass.
Even if you purchase the ER Pass late, you can still claim missions from previous weeks!
Starting this season, you’ll be able to activate either the ER PASS: Vacance or ER Pass: Battle Maids.
At the start of the season, the new ER PASS Battle Maids will be automatically activated, and will last for two seasons.
Good luck with your grind! This is a deal too good to ‘pass’ on.
“Battle Maids” Pass Skins
Meet Housekeeper Corp. Rozzi (Epic), Housekeeper Corp. Bernice (Rare), Housekeeper Corp. Aya (Rare), Street Fighter Piolo (Rare), and Cozy Camper Silvia (Rare)!
”I've prepared a full course meal for you. Hope you like the main dish.”
”All members of the unit, prepare a welcome party for our uninvited guests.”
”I will not let you get in the way of our business!”
”It looks like you need to clear your mind a bit.”
”So, where do we go next?”
Season 2 Start & Season 1 Ranked Rewards
Season 2 Ranked Matches begin!
Your MMR will be soft-reset based on your preseason ranking.
Premade teams Ranked matches will be restricted at Diamond tier or higher for two weeks. After that, the restriction will change to Mythril tier.
Season 1 Ranked Rewards will be sent out.
Gold or higher: Cadet Bianca
”Were you really looking forward to meet me? Hehe, what a compliment!”
Platinum tier or higher: Tiny Heart, Big Love emote
Diamond tier or higher: POW!
Profile Icons, Borders, Backgrounds and Emotes will also be given out for those who met the criteria.
Borders and Icons will also be given out for each mode.
New Character - Leni
Leni, a new pistol test subject, arrives on Lumia Island!
Leni will cost 9,900 A-Coin during the first 2 weeks after release. She will be available in Ranked Matches starting from Tuesday, November 14th.
"Let's play carefully!"

Teddy Bear Attack! (P)
Upon hitting an ally, a teddy bear spawns on the target. The teddy bear lasts for 5 seconds.
When an ally's attack hits an enemy, the teddy bear flies away dealing 10/15/20(+Character Level*2) additional skill damage. Dealing damage with the teddy bear reduces the cooldown of Leni's basic skill by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds!

Carrot Bazooka! (Q)
Leni is knocked back slightly when firing the Carrot Bazooka. The carrot flies to the end of its range, or explodes when it hits an enemy or ally. Different effects are triggered on enemies and allies within the explosion's range.
Enemy: Takes 20/35/50/65/80(+Leni Level*10)(+Skill Amplification 30%) skill damage.
Ally: Recovers 30/40/50/60/70(+Leni Level*5)(+Skill Amplification 40%) HP.
Effect Area: 7m * 1.5m
Explosion Range: Radio 2.5m
Knocked Back Distance: 0.75m
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6s
SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Whack-a-mole! (W)
Leni jumps up and smashes her mallet at the targeted location. Different effects are triggered for enemies and allies.
Enemy: Takes 20/45/70/95/120(+Leni Level*10)(+Skill Amplification 35%) skill damage and is slowed for 1 second. Enemies hit in the inner area are slowed by 80% and those hit in the outer range are slowed by 40%.
Ally: Slowed by 40% for 0.3 seconds, then movement speed increases by 10/12/14/16/18(+Character Level*1)% for 1.5 seconds.
Range: 4.5m
Effect Area: Radio 2.25m
Inner Area: Radio 1.25m
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s
SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Air Horn Gun! (E)
Leni fires her Air Horn Gun!. Different effects are triggered for enemies and allies.
Enemy: Takes 20/35/50/65/80(+Character Level*9)(+Skill Amplification 35%) skill damage and is stunned for 0.55 seconds.
Ally: Gains 20/35/50/65/80(+Character Level*9)(+Skill Amplification 30%) shield for 3 seconds.
Effect Area: 5.5m * 60 degrees
Cooldown: 9s
SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Spring Launch! (R)
Leni sets the Spring Launch! dealing 80/140/200(+Leni Level * 8)(+Skill Amplification 40%) skill damage to enemies hit and sending them flying in the targeted direction. If they hit a wall, they're slowed by 80% for 1 second.
Leni flies away too!
Range: 7m
Effect Area: Radio 1.5m
Cooldown: 30/20/10s
SP Cost: 50
New Skins & Emotes
Archaeologist Arda (Rare) will be available.
"History is about to be rewritten once again."
Barbara emotes will be available.
Store and Forging Improvements
Some skins that were available only through events will now be available and sold in the Store.
Windblade Yuki (1,075 NP)
Interstellar Barbara (1,485 NP)
Admiral Leon (1,485 NP)
You’ll no longer need a Data Key to open a Research Center Data Box.
The Plague Doctor Daniel skin has been added to the [Unclaimed Skin Voucher No. 02].
The following skins have been added to [Skin Data Boxes]: Plague Doctor Daniel, OP.GG Felix, and Silvia GeForce Now.
Players who purchased any of the Early Access Season 5, 6, or 7 Packs will receive one Epic Skin Design Set and 50 Battle Maids Tokens.
[Skin Data Box] Acquisition Probability Changes.
If you already purchased a Skin Data Box the probability will change after maintenance.
Skin data box probability (Please check probability type item information for individual probabilities).
Individual items with the same rarity may have different probabilities.
Item | Current Value (rounded) | To-Be Value |
Uncommon Skin | 20.61% | 16% |
Rare Skin | 7.97% | 10% |
Epic Skin | 1.95% | 4% |
Uncommon Skin Design | 48.09% | 40% |
Rare Skin Design | 18.59% | 25% |
Epic Skin Design | 2.80% | 5% |
Tokens provided probabilistically through disassembly will be changed to Season 2 Tokens on November 9th after maintenance.
You will be able to exchange Vacance Tokens for Season 2 Tokens in the Exchange menu at a 3:2 ratio.
Tokens not claimed during the expiration period are automatically exchanged for tokens from the ongoing season. (If you have less than 3 tokens, these will expire).
Mileage Exchange
You will receive Mileage based on the amount you spend. Some skins that are not available in Store will be available in Exchange - Mileage.
Mileage will be given retroactively to purchases made after the 1.0 update, meaning that players who made purchases on or after July 20th, 2023 will also receive mileage.
*Items for sale are subject to change.
Death Overlay
When downed or eliminated, data about the damage you took in your last battle will be displayed so that you can analyze the cause of your death.
This new function will:
Break down your damage taken by Attacker, Skill, and Damage Type.
Display the duration of your last fight and debuffs.
You’ll be able to minimize the window by pressing the See Less/See More button or disabling it through the button at the top of the minimap.
AFK & Dodging Penalties
If there is no activity for a certain period, it will be considered as being AFK (Away From Keyboard) and a warning popup will be displayed. If there is still no activity after additional time has passed, this will be considered as dodging. However, if the game is temporarily closed due to client or network issues, you can rejoin the game by pressing the Reconnect button.
This is not applied in Briefing Room and AI Matches/Custom/Practice modes.
AFK and dodging will result in a penalty in Ranked Matches, minimizing the damage to your teammates.
If team placements are finalized while you’re AFK, you’ll have to pay double the Entry Cost and your teammates will get 0 points if the RP they get is lower than the Entry Cost. If the RP they get is greater, they will get points normally.
However, the abovementioned adjustments to Dodging Penalties and Teammates' RPs do not apply to 3P Premade Teams.
Changes to Voice Chatting Default Settings - Push To Talk
The default settings for new players to enable Voice Chatting will be reset.
Disable Voice Chatting (Unselected)
Mute Mic (Unselected)
Input Mode: Switched to Push to Talk
Push To Talk Shortcut Key Settings: Shortcut key [~]
Chat Expansion Shortcut Key set to Unspecified
Existing players will keep their current settings, but we recommend adopting the same settings.
Matchmaking Algorithm Improvements
By improving the algorithm when forming teams, the 2P premade teams will no longer be overly disadvantaged, creating a fairer team formation process.
The 2-player premade team with the highest MMR is paired with the 1-player team with the lowest MMR first → The team or individual with the highest MMR is paired with the team or individual with the lowest MMR, regardless of player count
Shield Sound Effects Added
We’re adding sound effects for shields when they’re being hit.
Open Wounds
Damage 20(+Level*4) → 30(+Level*4)
(NEW) Steadfast
Reduces Damage Taken while immobilized by 5(+Level*0.2)%.
Thorn Shackles
Target’s Damage Taken Increase 5% → 4%
Tactical Skills
The Strijder
Duration 3s → 4s
Level 3 Module Enhancement
Enemies are slowed by 25% for 2 seconds → 30% (Ranged)
Weapon Skills
Dagger - Cloak and Dagger (D)
Stealth Duration 2/3/3s → 1/1.5/2s
Cooldown 40/30/20s → 30/25/20s
Tonfa - Quick Spin (D)
Returned Damage 20/35/50% → 25/35/45%
We're making Nadine grow a little better in team fights, allowing her to blend in more with her teammates. Additionally, we're making Nadine’s summoned wolves with Wolf Assault (R) deal damage if they hit an installed item.
Wild (P)
Wild Stacks gained when involved in eliminating test subjects 6/8/10 → 8/10/12
Bullseye (Q)
Min Damage 30/60/90/120/150(+Extra Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 60%)(+Wild Stacks Damage) → 20/50/80/110/140(+Extra Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 60%)(+Wild Stacks Damage)
Max Damage 60/120/180/240/300(+Extra Attack Power 200%)(+Skill Amplification 120%)(+Wild Stacks Damage) → 40/100/160/220/280(+Extra Attack Power 200%)(+Skill Amplification 120%)(+Wild Stacks Damage)
Wolf Assault (R)
(NEW) Wolves will now deal 2 damage when hitting installed items.
You will no longer be able to learn the unutilized Palette Swap (W) at Level 1. We’re also increasing her weapon mastery in Late Game, making her a little more powerful.
Skill Amplification per Bat Mastery Level 4.3% → 4.5%
Palette Swap (W)
(NEW) Will no longer be learned at Level 1
We’re reducing the projectile speed of Calling Card (W), making it still easy to hit melee DPS but tricky for ranged ones, which will open the door for new strategies. We are also taking away some of her power during Early Game.
Calling Card (W)
Projectile Speed 18m/s → 14m/s
Collision Damage 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 40/75/110/145/180(+Skill Amplification 30%)
Target Damage 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 40/75/110/145/180(+Skill Amplification 30%)
Li Dailin
Li Dailin's Striking Tiger (R) is currently dealing a lot of damage with the Amplification Drone augment and Armor Penetration so we're lowering the skill’s damage. We’re also increasing Spirited Kick (Q)'s cooldown in Early Game and decreasing it in Late Game to balance the skill’s power.
Spirited Kick (Q)
Cooldown 10s → 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s
Striking Tiger (R)
Min Damage 50/100/150(+Attack Power 50%)(+50% of consumed BAC) → 30/80/130(+Attack Power 50%)(+50% of consumed BAC)
Max Damage 75/150/225(+Attack Power 75%)(+50% of consumed BAC) → 45/120/195(+Attack Power 75%)(+50% of consumed BAC)
We’re increasing Elbow Grease (W)'s damage to compensate for Luke's weakness in the mid to late game.
Elbow Grease (W)
Damage 50/80/110/140/170(+Attack Power 75%) → 50/90/130/170/210(+Attack Power 75%)
In the previous update, we made changes so Martina could easily infiltrate while broadcasting and fit in with her team. On this update we’re following these changes with additional ones including reducing the charging time of her basic attack in the early to mid-part of her Play (P), making it easier to deal basic attack damage, and reducing Record (R)'s cooldown to shorten the time until her next fight.
Per Camera Mastery Level
Attack Speed 1% → 2.2%
Basic Attack Amplification 1% → 2%
Play (P)
Basic Attack Charging Time per Record (R) Level 2/1.5/1/0.5s → 1.25/1/0.75/0.5s
Record (R)
Broadcast Cooldown 90/75/60s → 80/65/50s
We’re increasing the recovery amount of Exclusive (R) to strengthen Mai’s ability to protect her teammates in Late Game.
Exclusive (R)
Recovery 50/100/150(+Defense 50%)(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 50/150/250(+Defense 50%)(+Skill Amplification 50%)
We’re increasing the damage of Art of War (Q) to increase his power, and reducing the cooldown of Violent Swing (W) to make it easier to cc enemies.
Art of War (Q)
Damage 10/20/30/40/50(+Additional HP 14%) → 15/25/35/45/55(+Additional HP 16%)
Violent Swing (W)
Cooldown 14/13/12/11/10s → 12/11/10/9/8s
We’re complementing Barbara's durability, allowing her to play a bit more aggressively.
Base Defense 40 → 43
Arda is struggling a bit so we’re increasing his overall power.
Relic Quest(P)
Recovery 50/100/150(+Skill Amplification 20%) → 80/140/200(+Skill Amplification 20%)
Babylon's Cube(W)
Damage 10/30/50/70/90(+Skill Amplification 20%) → 40/55/70/85/100(+Skill Amplification 25%)
Babylon's Dice (R-W) damage is also increased.
Unleashed Power (R)
Cooldown 22/20/18s → 20/18/16s
Abigail has been getting a little too powerful towards late game so we’re tweaking her defense from Dimensional Cleave (W) a bit to lower her late game durability.
Dimensional Cleave (W)
Defense 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amplification 35%)
We’re increasing Aya Sniper Rifle’s power.
Skill Amplification per Sniper Rifle Mastery Level 4.1% → 4.3%
The long stealth duration of the Camouflage (E) works well in early game or lower tier games that have fewer cameras, but not so well in late game or high tier games. While we're reducing the overall stealth duration, we're also increasing his movement range and damage dealt, and reducing cooldowns to close the gap between the top and bottom players, and to balance his stealth and reaction time at most times.
Camouflage (E)
Travel Distance 3m → 3.5m
Stealth Duration 2.5/2.75/3/3.25/3.5s → 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2s
Damage 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Cooldown 18/17/16/15/14s → 16/15/14/13/12s
We’re increasing Estelle's durability and ability to protect allies. So we’re spliting First Response (W)'s power and cooldown in half, allowing you to use it more often.
Base HP 875 → 900
First Response (W)
Damage 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 25/40/55/70/85(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Slowed Duration 2s → 1s
Cooldown 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s → 6.5/6/5.5/5/4.5s
Hazard Shield(E)
Ally Damage Reduction 13/16/19/22/25% → 14/18/22/26/30%
Yuki’s showing a powerful performance so we’re reducing his power a bit.
Attack Power per Level 5.6 → 5.3
Ly Anh
(NEW) Changes will be made to allow various interactions such as crafting, collecting, and security console operation while possessed.
You can still not craft and collect when you are a ghost while using Freedom (R).
(NEW) Any interactions in progress will continue rather than get cancelled when your ghost or possessed state ends.
We’re adding some power to Burger Queen (Q).
Burger Queen (Q)
Damage 50/95/140/185/230(+Attack Power 50%)(+Additional HP 11%) → 50/95/140/185/230(+Attack Power 50%)(+Additional HP 15%)
We’re adding some power to Shackling Anchor (R), which has been showing a weak performance. Additionally, we’re also increasing the amount of movement speed reduced in late game.
Shackling Anchor (R)
1st Hit Damage 50/100/150(+Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 50/100/150(+Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 70%)
Slow 30/40/50% → 30/50/70%
We’re changing Pulizia (E)'s cooldown start point, while reducing it and increasing Shield duration. We’re also increasing Tazia’s overall durability and damage dealt to compensate.
Defense per Level 2.6 → 2.8
Stiletto (Q)
Damage 20/35/50/65/80(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 25/40/55/70/85(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Spada (Enhanced Q) Damage 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Pulizia (E)
Shield Duration 2s → 2.5s
Cooldown 16/15/14/13/12s → 12/11/10/9/8s
Cooldown changed from the start of the skill to the end of the skill.
We’re increasing damage reduction while taking critical damage when playing Echoes of the Earth (R).
Echoes of the Earth (R)
Self Damage Reduction 25% → 40%
We're buffing Attaque Composée (W) to make up for Fiora's lack of damage over time.
Attaque Composée (W)
1st Hit Damage 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 40/75/110/145/180(+Skill Amplification 35%)
2nd Hit Damage 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 40/75/110/145/180(+Skill Amplification 35%)
We’re increasing the damage over time of Haze, who has been showing a weak performance.
40mm Grenade(Q)
Damage 60/85/110/135/160(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amplification 85%)
Center Damage 80/115/150/185/220(+Skill Amplification 85%) → 80/120/160/200/240(+Skill Amplification 90%)
We’re reducing very high SP Costs, slightly reducing reliance on SP restoring items or Augment-Endorphin.
Charm of Despair (Q)
SP Cost 90 → 60
Charm of the Nomad (E)
SP Cost 120/110/100/90/80 → 80/75/70/65/60
Attack Power 80 → 84
Molten Malachite
Attack Power 72 → 73
Skill Amplification 83 → 86
The Wall
Attack Power 53 → 57
Attack Power 55 → 60
Attack Power 55 → 59
Teen Spirit
Attack Power 51 → 55
Wonderful Tonight
Attack Power 59 → 63
Attack Power 56 → 59
Burden: Magnetic Midnight - [Unique Passive]
Slowed Duration 1.25s → 1s
Weight of the World
Burden: Magnetic Midnight - [Unique Passive]
Slowed Duration 1.25s → 1s
Squeaky Hammer
Attack Speed 30%(REMOVED)(NEW) Cooldown Reduction 10%
Attack Power 104 → 100
(NEW) Burden: Magnetic Midnight - [Unique Passive]
Your next basic attack slows movement speed by 25% for 1.5 seconds.
Cooldown 6s
Crimson Red Lovers
Skill Amplification 98 → 100
Omnisyphon 20% → 12%
Petal Torrent
Attack Power 50 → 72
Full Bloom - [Unique Passive]
Damage 200(+Character Level*15) → 100(+Character Level*8)
Rope Cuffs
Skill Amplification 30 → 5
Wind Whip
Skill Amplification 32 → 10
Sword of Scales
Skill Amplification 87 → 90
David's Sling
Attack Power 75 → 79
Attack Power 53 → 56
Smoke Bomb
Attack Power 62 → 65
Grenade of Antioch
Attack Power 87 → 92
[Unique] Attack Range 0.5 → 0.35
Dyadic Prism
Attack Power 78 → 83
Cardinal Robes
Defense 9 → 15
High Priest Robes
Defense 14 → 15
Tactical Armor
Enlightenment - Reaper's Scythe - [Unique Passive]
HP to eliminate enemy test subjects 6% → 8%
Blood Cloak
Decomposition - [Unique Passive]
Damage per second of the target's Max HP 0.5(+Skill Amplification 0.35%)% → 0.5(+Skill Amplification 0.14%)%
Damage will now be correctly applied based on skill amplification values.
Astronaut's Helmet
Decomposition - [Unique Passive]
Damage per second of the target's Max HP 0.5(+Skill Amplification 0.35%)% → 0.5(+Skill Amplification 0.14%)%
Damage will now be correctly applied based on skill amplification values.
Elysian Halo
Biotic Infusion - Unique Passive
Damage at enemy’s Max HP
Melee 10% → 11%
Ranged 8% → 10%
Sports Watch
Vigor - Circulation [Unique Passive}
Melee Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 25%) → 10(+Skill Amplification 27%)
Ranged Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 20%) → 10(+Skill Amplification 22%)
Corrupting Touch
Skill Amplification 51 → 55
Bracelet of Skadi
Defense 10 → 9
Nightmare Nails
Defense 8 → 9
Skill Amplification 75 → 80
Defense from Basic Attacks 5%(REMOVED)(NEW) Max HP 125
Tellurian Timepiece
Vigor - Circulation - [Unique Passive}
Melee Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 27%) → 10(+Skill Amplification 30%)
Ranged Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 21%) → 10(+Skill Amplification 24%)
Tindalos Monarch
Defense 8 → 10
Boots of Hermes
(NEW) Cooldown Reduction 15%
Defense 19 → 13
Breakfast Sandwich
HP Regen 625 → 630
Chocolate Chip Cookies
HP Regen 622 → 630
Honey Butter
HP Regen 622 → 630
Healing Potion
HP Regen 650 → 630
Sweet Potato
HP Regen 822 → 840
Salmon Steak
HP Regen 822 → 840
Hawaiian Pizza
HP Regen 822 → 840
Installable Items
The actual values will now match the tooltip. Additionally, we're increasing the power of lesser-used traps.
Portable Campfire Kit
Max Kits 1 → 4
Acupressure Mat
Damage 200 → 300
Slowed 40% → 50%
Slowed Duration 1.5s → 2s (Tooltip Fix)
Damage 350 → 400
Double Guillotine
Root Duration 1.5s → 1.2s (Tooltip Fix)
Stun Duration 1.1s→ 1.5s (Tooltip Fix)
Cobalt Protocol
Mode Balancing
Damage Taken 95% → 97%
Damage Dealt 105% → 102%
Damage Dealt 96% → 94%
Damage Taken 96% → 94%
Two-handed Sword
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 25% → 15%
Dual Swords
Damage Dealt 95% → 93%
Damage Dealt 98% → 94%
Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction 10% → 0%
Damage Dealt 91% → 89%
Damage Dealt 106% → 104%
Damage Taken 93% → 95%
Two-handed Sword
Damage Dealt 100% → 98%
Damage Dealt 99% → 96%
Activates when current HP is below 35% of Max HP → Activates when HP is below 45%
Strike Force
Damage 75/125/200 → 100/150/225
Slowed 45/55/70% → 30/40/50%
Valkyrie Drive
Activates when current HP is below 7.5% of Max HP → Activates when HP is below 8.5%
Shield 450 → 550
Travel Distance 5m → 6.5m
Double Trouble I
Cooldown 6s → 4.5s
Rise from the Ashes
Increased Attack/Skill Amplification on Cooldown 25/35 → 35/50
Introversion(REMOVED)Will be back with a better performance.
Adjusting Wepons with 4 Legendary Weapons.
It will no longer appear.
Dyadic Prism
It will no longer appear.
Frost Venom Dart
It will no longer appear.
Devil's Marksman
It will no longer appear.
Gem of Evolution
Price 50 Credits → 35 Credits
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Gameplay Improvements
Tactical skills: Quake module enhancement will now display the damage range information.
Tactical skills: Blade of Truth damage will now trigger the Frailty Infliction Augment,
Item skills: Debilitation’s damage amount will now be correctly applied based on skill amplification values.
Item skills: Primordial Hex and Lich's Grasp will no longer be reapplied after death to targets who used them at the same time.
Item skills: Enlightenment - Spearhead’s cooldown will now be correctly displayed in the tooltip.
Item skills: Enlightenment - Reaper's Scythe’s cooldown will now be correctly displayed in the tooltip.
The feature preventing the designation of revival locations for allies waiting to participate in the Battle Zone has been improved.
Deaths due to Corrosion Gauge depletion on the Battle Zone will now be correctly applied.
Reward conversion value for some Legendary items will now be correct.
Account experience will no longer be awarded based on first place upon successful escape.
Visibility within the Warehouse area will now be normal.
Skill effects will no longer be covered by uneven terrain.
The list of required materials will now be normally updated during Saved Plans navigation on the VPad.
Increased Mastery Experience will now be correctly displayed after reviving.
AI players dying and reviving before Day 3 will no longer cause the number of players remaining to increase or decrease.
Surveillance cameras and drones will no longer be able to be installed consecutively ignoring cooldowns.
Materials needed to craft high rarity equipment will no longer be displayed as required on the expansion map when already obtained.
Routes to fish Cod and Salmon will no longer take you to sea fishing.
Bat’s basic attack effects will now be displayed on the correct location.
Cobalt Protocol: Overwhelming Strength’s unstoppable effect will no longer interrupt the inability to interact.
Characters & Weapons Improvements
Order Pings for some test subjects have been enabled and dialogue when collecting flowers has been added.
Status icons given by some weapon skills will no longer be displayed in a circular shape.
Nicky: Damage from the Tactical Skill - Quake module enhancement will now result in a Successful Guard while using Guard & Reverse (W).
Luke: Luke will now be able to move when reusing Clean Sweep (Q) immediately after using Pressure Washer (R).
Martina: The pad between Launch Pads in Pond can now be retraced while using Rewind (E).
Barbara: Sentry Gun damage in the Free-Electron Laser (W) will now be correctly displayed.
Shoichi: The Phony Deal (P) dagger range will no longer be displayed darkly while wearing the Scarlet Vampire Shoichi skin.
Shoichi: The length of the Bottom Line (W) effct will no longer be displayed regardless of the distance traveled while wearing the Scarlet Vampire Shoichi skin.
Adriana: Level 1 skills other than Fire Escape (E) can no longer be selected in skill build when creating a Saved Plan.
Abigail: Enemies can now be targeted when using Quantum Leap (E) even if some objectives are overlapped.
Isol: Effects will no longer be shown from the enemy’s perspective when using Camouflage (E)
Alonso: The maximum damage value will now be correctly displayed in the Magnetic Field (R) level up tooltip.
Aiden: will now be able to dash enemies when using Bolt Rush (E2)
Echion: Transition to VF Overflow will no longer be delayed when the VF Gauge is full.
Zahir: The Defense Reduction icon will no longer appear when the Eye of Azrael is consumed when hitting a marked enemy with Narayanastra (Q).
Jackie: Chainsaw Murderer (R) will no longer be out of combat when the effect ends.
Cathy: Emergency Surgery (R) tooltip will now state that it is unstoppable immediately after use.
Tazia: Shattered Glass Shards within range will no longer be obtainable immediately after using Paradiso (R).
Felix: Cooldown of his basic skills will now be correctly applied.
Priya: Status icons will now be correctly displayed when using Harmony of Parvati (E)
Priya: Echoes of the Earth (R) tooltip will now state that she is unstoppable immediately after use.
Lobby Improvements
Slight increase in account experience gain for lower ranks.
If a player leaves the game during matchmaking, only an information message will be displayed and matchmaking will be resumed.
The ability to purchase selected boxes directly from Forging > Box tab has been improved.
The Update button for Shared Saved Plans will now be properly visible.
The Top 3 percentages for frequently used characters will now be correctly displayed in Profile > Summary tab.
The melee and ranged distinction of the Level 3 slowed effect will now be correctly indicated in the module enhancement effect in The Strijder tooltip in Loadout > Tactical Skills page.
Daily Missions related to deleted augments will no longer appear.
The client will no longer freeze when closing the Drops Reward popup.
Scrolling will now be possible if the cursor is on a reward in the Drops Reward List.
The "Claim Drops" button will now properly function after receiving Drops rewards.
Items and buttons in See Other Player’s Info > Match History will now be correctly displayed.
You will now be able to input chat in the Send whisper tab.
You will now be able to scroll in the chat window on the Results screen.
The “NEW” indicator will no longer disappear when selecting a new Team Slot BG.