• Patch Notes
  • 1 month ago

PATCH NOTES 1.28 - August 14th, 2024

Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 4 hours on Wednesday, August 14th from 2 AM to 6 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.28.

New Skins & Emotes

Transfer Student Charlotte (Rare) will be available.  

“Does this uniform look good on me? Hehe.”  

New Nadine emotes will be available.

More Team Support Bundles

Show your love for your favorite team!

The net proceeds from the Team Support Bundle will go entirely to the teams that created the items.

  • Price:

    • 9,900 KRW per Team Support Bundle (Limited to one purchase per account per team bundle)

  • Release:

    • Thursday, August 1st after maintenance

      • Daejeon Hana CNJ, Always Incheon, Gwangju Slasher, Gyeonggi INate

    • Wednesday, August 14th, after maintenance

      • MiraeN Sejong, BNK FearX, Daejeon Cybers, Seongnam ROX

  • Contents:

    • Season 4 Team Profile Icon

    • Season 4 Team Profile Background

    • Season 4 Team Profile Border

    • Season 4 Team Team Slot BG

    • Season 4 Team Emote

    • XP Boost (3 Days)

    • A-Coin Boost (3 Days)

    • ER Point Boost (3 Days)

Get all the items included in the bundles to get special Collection rewards!


ER Pass Change Ending Notice

The ER Pass Change will end on Thursday, September 5th during the 1.29.1 update.

  • For those who are eligible for rewards but haven’t received them, we will send them to your in-game mailbox on Thursday, September 5th during the 1.29.1 maintenance.

    • Mailbox Claiming Period: Until Thursday, December 5th 14:59 (UTC)

    • Valid thru: Within 90 days after logging in

Change Tokens Ending Notice

Products available for purchase with Change Tokens will be discontinued on Thursday, September 5th during the 1.29.1 update. Make sure to use all your Change Tokens before they expire.


HP Bar Improvements

We’ve added a little border to the HP bar so you can see it more clearly.

Briefing Room

We’re removing the 1st Anniversary decorations and bringing the Briefing Room’s original look back.


Character Prices will be adjusted!

  • Arda

    • 1,075 NP→ 870 NP

    • 8,020 A-Coin→ 4,340 A-Coin


We are increasing Nathapon's P - Slow Shutter’s base damage to boost his early to mid-game performance.

  • Slow Shutter(P)

    • Damage 20/50/80(+Attack Speed 20%)(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 40/70/100(+Attack Speed 20%)(+Skill Amplification 70%)



We are increasing Nicky's Q - Slugfest damage to make her stronger, as she’s currently showing a low performance.

  • Slugfest(Q)

    • Min Damage 30/45/60/75/90(+Skill Amplification 70%) → 30/50/70/90/110(+Skill Amplification 70%)

    • Max Damage 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amplification 140%) → 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amplification 140%)



We are increasing Leon's base defense to can hold on for a little longer.

  • Base Defense 51 → 54



We are reducing Luke's Q - Clean Sweep damage to balance his performance.

  • Clean Sweep(Q)

    • Reuse Damage 40/60/80/100/120(+Attack Power 60%) → 40/60/80/100/120(+Attack Power 50%)



We are increasing Lenore's Q - Staccato damage to enhance her combat effectiveness, as she’s showing a weak performance.

  • Staccato(Q)

    • Damage 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 55%) → 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 60%)



We are rolling back Mai's E - Catwalk to her previous taunt duration to strengthen her combat presence that became quite weak since last update.

  • Catwalk(E)

    • Taunt Duration 0.8/0.85/0.9/0.95/1s → 0.8/0.9/1/1.1/1.2s


We are enhancing Markus's Hammer mastery effectiveness to increase his usage rate.

  • Basic Attack Amplification per Hammer Mastery Level 3% → 3.2%



We are reducing Magnus's W - 17 vs 1 damage and tenacity to control his dominant battlefield presence.

  • Base Defense 48 → 45

  • 17 vs 1(W)

    • Damage 20/26/32/38/44(+Extra Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 16%)(+Enemy's Max HP 2%) → 16/22/28/34/40(+Extra Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 16%)(+Enemy's Max HP 2%)

    • Tenacity Increase 50% → 40%



We are reducing Bernice's reload time to allow for more frequent attacks.

  • Buckshot(P)

    • Reload time 1.8/1.4/1s → 1.5/1.2/0.9s



We are reducing Charlotte's overall durability to balance her quite high sustained performance.

  • Arcana weapon mastery Skill Amplification per level 4.8% → 4.6%

  • A Dash of Hope(E)

    • Shield 40/65/90/115/140(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 40/65/90/115/140(+Skill Amplification 35%)



We are enhancing Sua's HP recovery to improve her durability, as she’s showing a low pick rate.

  • Bookworm(P)

    • HP Recovery 55% of Damage → 60%


We are increasing the power of Sissela's Throw weapon mastery to increase her usage.

  • Per Throw Mastery Level

    • Attack Speed 3% → 3.5%

    • Skill Amplification 4.7% → 4.8%



Adriana is showing a very low pick and win rate so we are strengthening her initial-mid R - Cocktail Party power to enhance her early performance.

  • Cocktail Party(R)

    • Damage 60/120/180(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 90/135/180(+Skill Amplification 40%)

    • Charging Time 28/25/22s → 26/24/22s



We are reducing the damage of Aya's Q - Double Shot, which has been highly effective across all tiers due to the NEW item, Eye of Horus, and good time efficiency.

  • Double Shot(Q)

    • Second Bullet Damage 40/70/100/130/160(+Attack Power 30%)(+Skill Amplification 80%) → 40/70/100/130/160(+Attack Power 30%)(+Skill Amplification 70%)



We are increasing Jan's E - Bob and Weave cooldown to control his effectiveness across his weapon types.

  • Bob and Weave(E)

    • Cooldown 12/11/10/9/8s → 13/12/11/10/9s



We are enhancing Emma's skill power to improve her currently weak performance.

  • Shuriken weapon mastery Skill Amplification per level 4.5% → 4.6%

  • Dove Dealer(Q)

    • Damage 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amplification 80%) → 40/75/110/145/180(+Skill Amplification 85%)



We are reducing Johann's overall durability and weakening his ally support capabilities with W - Transcendent Censer and R - Faith Unwavering to balance his high sustain.

  • Arcana weapon mastery Skill Amplification per level 4.6% → 4.4%

  • Transcendent Censer(W)

    • Ally Attack Speed Increase 30/35/40/45/50% → 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%

    • Enemy Slow 40% → 30%

  • Divine Scripture(E)

    • Shield 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 25%) → 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 20%)

  • Faith Unwavering(R)

    • Defense Increase 15/25/35 → 10/18/26



We are reducing Zahir's Q - Narayanastra enhanced damage to balance his high performance.

  • Narayanastra(Q)

    • Enhanced Damage 60/120/180/240/300(+Skill Amplification 65%) → 60/110/160/210/260(+Skill Amplification 65%)



We are increasing Tsubame's passive damage to improve her currently weak performance.

  • Life and Death Seal(P)

    • Damage 10(+Extra Attack Power 50%)(+Target's Max HP 1/3.5/6%(+Extra Attack Power 3%)) → 30(+Extra Attack Power 60%)(+Target's Max HP 1/3.5/6%(+Extra Attack Power 3%))



We are reducing Theodore's Q - Energy Cannon disruption and recovery capabilities and reducing the movement speed increase from R - Blast Energy Field to balance his multifaceted performance.

  • Energy Cannon(Q)

    • Damage 50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amplification 65%)

    • Power Screen Damage 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 50/90/130/170/210(+Skill Amplification 65%)

    • HP Recovery 40/65/90/115/140(+Skill Amplification 25%) → 40/65/90/115/140(+Skill Amplification 20%)

      • Also applies to Power Screen(W) - Energy Cannon.

  • Blast Energy Field(R)

    • Movement Speed Increase 40/45/50%(+Skill Amplification 3%) → 40/45/50%(+Skill Amplification 2%)



We are reducing Felix's power due to his currently strong performance.

  • Basic Attack Amplification per Spear Mastery Level 2.2% → 2%



We are reducing Priya's W - Portamento shield absorption to balance her high win rate.

  • Portamento(W)

    • Shield’s Absorption 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 50/70/90/110/130(+Skill Amplification 30%)



We are increasing Piolo's Q - Helicopter Spin damage to improve his performance.

  • Helicopter Spin / Chokeslam(Q)

    • Helicopter Spin(Q1)

      • Damage 8/16/24/32/40(+Skill Amplification 10%) → 8/16/24/32/40(+Skill Amplification 12%)



We are increasing the damage of Haze's P - Weapon Case and reducing the cooldown of W - Shotgun to help her perform better when engaging more actively in close combat, as she has been recording very low score gain.

  • Weapon Case(P)

    • Damage 40/70/100(+Skill Amplification 50%) → 40/70/100(+Skill Amplification 55%)

  • Shotgun(W)

    • Cooldown 16/15/14/13/12s → 15/14/13/12/11s



We are increasing Hyejin's W - Charm of the Prophecy slow effect to enhance her skill a better chance to hit.

  • Charm of the Prophecy(W)

    • Slow 35% → 40%



  • Inquisitor

    • Skill Amplification 35 → 40


  • Burning Heart

    • Defense 10 → 12

  • 1st Anniversary Cake will no longer appear inside Food Boxes.

    • Instead we’re adding: Mocha Bread, Rum Raisin Bread, Scrambled Egg, Tandoori Chicken.

  • Chickens and Mutant Chickens will no longer drop CCC Chicken and C-Rang Chicken.

Cobalt Protocol

Cobalt Protocol Balancing


  • Glove

    • Damage Taken 96% → 94%


  • Whip

    • Damage Dealt 94% → 91%


  • Guitar

    • Damage Dealt 93% → 89%


  • Whip

    • Damage taken 95% → 93%


  • Shuriken

    • Damage Dealt 89% → 86%


  • Pistol

    • Damage Dealt 86% → 84%


  • Pistol

    • Damage Dealt 87% → 85%


  • Throw

    • Damage Dealt 100% → 96%


  • Dagger

    • Damage Taken 98% → 96%


  • Pistol

    • Damage Dealt 106% → 104%


  • Spear

    • Ultimate Cooldown Reduction 40% → 20%

Bug Fixes & Improvements

Gameplay Improvements

  • AI teammates now join you faster.

  • Spectating & Replay: Camera locking will not be canceled when using Alt+Tab or interacting with another monitor on dual setups.

  • Taunts will now remain consistent.

  • Spectating after dying: Health bars of characters will now accurately reflect their current health.

  • Tutorial: Necessary materials will now be adequately supplied in Tutorial 2 in Factory.

  • Replay:

    • Moving through the timeline has been improved to prevent error popups in certain situations.

    • Sound will now becorrectly applied when you move through the timeline.

  • Skill sound effects in the briefing room will remain muted when sound effects are turned off.

Character & Weapon Improvements

  • Meteorite damage during invincibility states of certain skills will no longer be applied.

  • Tia: Brush Stroke - Yellow (Q) will now have its actual damage area match the tooltip description.

  • Leon: Surf's Up (R) will no longer lock Leon in place when used near walls or boxes.

  • Lenore: Capriccio of Agony (R)'s area animation has been improved.

  • Markus: Fearless Assault (E) will now correctly apply knockback to intended targets.

  • Charlotte: 

    • Her leg will no longer show while gathering.

    • Sound effects on her lobby profile page will correclty stop playing once navigating away.

    • Her halo will no longer display when she’s unequipped and starts resting.

  • Xiukai: Juggernaut Chef (P)'s preview will no longer show currently uncraftable food items.

  • Jan: After using The Tetragon (R) while on Replay, the ground will no longer remain after moving through the timeline.

  • Karla: Piercing Chain (Q) will no longer allow basic attacks when input repeatedly.

  • Piolo: Skills that can deflect projectiles like Figure Eight (W1) will now consistently deflect projectiles.

  • 1st Anniversary Haze and 1st Anniversary Blanc Haze’s movement animations will now be correctly displayed.

  • Summertime Hyunwoo’s shoulder will now be correctly displayed when he escapes.

Lobby Improvements

  • Chat window will now display chat time when hovered over a chat entry.

  • Your Steam friend list will now show Steam-specific profile icons.

  • Friend list Status message will no longer allow tag settings.

  • Profile settings will now properly save changes after updating profile items.

  • Inventory will now correctly remove the NEW label from items when they are selected and saved.

  • The Season Login Event will no longer show notifications when no rewards are available.

  • Personal Store notifications will no longer appear in the lobby > Store menu after checking the Personal store's products.

  • Personal Store will now work correctly when attempting to purchase products activated the day before.

  • Forging > Filter > Skin > Owned Characters filter will now correctly display owned skins.

  • ER Pass rewards will now be properly displayed.

  • You will now be able to correclty scroll with the mouse wheel on the Results Screen.

  • Chat Window will no longer automatically scroll; the scroll position will now stay fixed.

  • 1st Anniversary Pass will now correctly restrict level-up rewards to those who have not purchased the pass.

  • Character Profile page > View Stats will now correctly display only one highlight for Weapon type.

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