• Patch Notes
  • 2 weeks ago

PATCH NOTES 1.29.1 - September 5th, 2024

Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 4 hours on September 5th from 2 AM to 6 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.29.1.

ER Pass “Lucky★”

The new season is here!

  • The ER Pass is currently priced at 1,250 NP. But for a special opening celebration, it'll be on sale for 890 NP for the next three weeks. Additionally, the ER Plus, which includes an additional 19 levels, will be available at a discounted price of 2,520 NP, down from 3,150 NP for three weeks.

    • Sale Period: September 5th after maintenance - September 26th before maintenance (3 weeks)

    • After purchasing the ER Pass, you can upgrade to ER Plus by paying the difference.

  • Gain ER Points (XP) by playing, purchasing, and clearing missions! Gathering ER points will help you level up your pass to unlock different rewards including 900 NP, skins, emotes and 100 Lucky★ Tokens.

  • You can earn free rewards without purchasing an ER Pass, but buying one can give you additional rewards!

  • ER Pass Missions are split into 8 weeks, and new mission series will unlock every Wednesday at 3:00 AM (UTC).

    • Players who have yet to purchase the pass will have access to the basic 5 missions per week.

    • Purchasing the pass will unlock access to additional 5 missions per week to help progress along the ER Pass.

    • Even if you purchase the ER Pass late, you can still claim missions from previous weeks!

  • The new ER PASS Lucky★ will be activated automatically at the start of the season and will be valid for two seasons.

  • Don’t ‘pass’ on this great deal!

Lucky★ Pass Skins

Winning Shot Rio (Epic), Bad Beat Nicky (Rare), Queen of Hearts Jenny (Rare) will be available!

“Royal straight flush. That's how I play.”

 “Uh, I’m only wearing this because I have to! Don’t get used to it!”

“You need to master every role you play to be called a top actor.”


Box & Disassemble Tokens

As we previously announced, Season Tokens that you can get at a probability by disassembling complete items, through Daily Boxes and Season Token Random Boxes will be switched to Lucky★ Tokens on September 5th during the 1.29.1 maintenance.

ER Pass Change Ending Notice

As we previously announced, the ER Pass Change will be discontinued on Thursday, September 5th during the 1.29.1 maintenance.

  • For those who are eligible for rewards but haven’t received them, we will send them to your in-game mailbox on September 5th during the 1.29.1 maintenance.

    • Mailbox Claiming Period: Until December 5th 14:59 (UTC)

    • Valid thru: Within 90 days after logging in

Change Tokens Ending Notice

Products available for purchase with Change Tokens will be discontinued on September 5th during the 1.29.1 maintenance.

  • Make sure to use all your tokens to purchase different items in the Exchange menu before they expire.

  • The following bundles will no longer include Season Tokens: Zahirich Bundle, Spirit Hunter Yuki Collection Bundle.

Season 5 Start & Season 4 Ranked Rewards

Ranked Season 5 will begin!

  • Your MMR will be soft-reset based on your preseason ranking.

Season 4 Ranked Rewards will be sent out.

  • Gold or higher: Cadet Aya skin!

”Don't worry. I can see clearer than ever!”

  • Platinum or higher: Summer Bliss Eva Proud of You! animated emote.

  • Diamond or higher: Cadet Ayayayaaah! animated emote.

  • Immortal: exclusive profile icon, border, background, and emotes!

  • Borders and icons will also be awarded based on your tier!

Ranked Improvements
We’ve been monitoring the global servers throughout the season and have been gathering a lot of feedback. With the soft resets being strengthened this season, we think this as an opportunity to implement some substantial changes for the NA/EU regions, aiming to start with a relatively clean slate.

The changes we’ll implement at the start of the season are as follows:

  • Diamond players will no longer be matched with Gold players.

  • Myth+ players will now only be matched with players up to Diamond 2.

Additionally, we’ll be making adjustments to normal games in the SA region based on player feedback:

  • New players will now enter lobbies with fewer bots after playing fewer games.

  • The minimum number of non-bot teams in normal lobbies for new players has been increased.

We recognize that these changes may impact queue times, but we believe it’s worth trying to improve match quality this season. If any issues arise, please provide feedback, and we’ll make further adjustments in upcoming patches. Premade groups in Diamond are also scheduled to be added as the season progresses and Meteorite stabilizes. However, for global servers, we'll monitor how the matchmaking evolves before deciding whether to implement this change.

Entry Cost Changes

  • Gold or higher Entry Cost: 2 RP Increase

  • Mythril or higher Additional Entry Cost: 2 RP Increase per 250 RP → 2 RP Increase per 200 RP

Sub-tiers Improvements

  • Iron: 200 → 150

  • Diamond: 400 → 350

  • (NEW) Meteorite: 400 (No sub-divisions)



  • From Day 3

    • 1 Earned Credits per 1.4s → 1 Earned Credits per 1.5s


Weather Variables

  • Sub-weather - Strong Winds

    • Character Base Movement Speed Increase 5% → 3%


Guide Robot Lumi

We are adjusting the overall prices in Lumi's Store to reduce the profit margin. Additionally, instead of selling the cooking tool to craft food, Lumi will now offer prepared food, making it more convenient to obtain food supplies.

  • Items Sold

    • Portable Campfire Kit (REMOVED)

    • Mocha Bread (NEW)

      • Price: 0 Credits

      • Amount: 6

      • HP Regen  630

    • Telephoto Camera

      • Price 0 → 5

    • Recon Drone

      • Price 0 → 5

    • Combat Epinephrine

      • Price 100 → 150

    • Tree of Life

      • Price 150 → 170

    • Meteorite

      • Price 150 → 170

    • Mythril

      • Price 200 → 220

    • Force Core

      • Price 300 → 320

      • Available from Day 3 → Day 2

        • This was incorrectly announced in the 1.29 Update; the correct information is that this item is available starting from Day 2.

Based on player feedback we received during preseason, we will be enhancing notifications for Lumi's functions and status while also adjusting its value in the late game to prevent it from becoming overly beneficial.

  • Chat Notification Improvements: Lumi's store items will be automatically announced in the chat in the Briefing Room. Additionally, chat messages will be improved for greater clarity and intuitiveness. (Scheduled for 1.30 Update)

  • Increased Revival Time: Revival through Lumi will take slightly longer compared to regular revivals. (Scheduled for 1.30 Update)

  • Path Display: Pressing a designated key on the Expanded Map (M) will highlight Lumi's path and current location. (Scheduled for 1.31/1.32 Update)

  • Exit: When Lumi can no longer provide the revival function, it will leave the game via the Hyperloop and return to the Research Center. (Scheduled for 1.31/1.32 Update)


During the pre-season, Cubes appeared far too frequently despite having excessively high value. We have reduced both the value and spawn rate of Cubes, which we believe will lessen their overall impact on the game.

Cubes were introduced to enhance individual roles within team games. However, with various gameplay elements being added simultaneously during the pre-season, the frequency and effects of Cube spawns have led to an overload of information.

The first batch of Cubes will still give teams that acquire them an advantage during the Night 1/Day 2 phase. However, to ensure that teams that don't obtain a Cube don't feel like to big of an disadvantage, we’re slightly lowering Cube values overall. When the Cube respawns on the Night 3, only the Prosperity Cube will appear, providing a minor objective that underperforming teams can try and contest. This change reduces the need to focus on Cube effects multiple times in a single game.

Additionally, we plan to enhance the visual effects of Cubes that currently offer only stat increases, making them more visually impactful in the mid-season update. In the future, acquiring Cubes will also require interaction, rather than simply walking over them.

  • Cube Spawn Probability Changes

    • Prosperity Cube will not spawn on the first spawn.

      • Each of the other cube types has a 25% probability of spawning: Sanguine / Galaxy / Essence / Zephyr.

    • Only the Prosperity Cube will spawn during the Night 3 Respawn.

  • First Spawn: 30s after the start of Night 1 → 25s after the start of Night 1

  • Sanguine Cube

    • Cooldown 4s → 6s​

  • Zephyr Cube

    • Movement Speed Increase 0.12 → 0.1

    • Out of Combat Movement Speed Increase 0.08 → 0.05

  • Prosperity Cube

    • Earned Credits Level*4 → Level*3


  • We're lowering the probability of Mutants dropping Kiosk Remotes and Special Materials when hunted.

Restricted Area

Mutants will spawn more quickly when a Restricted Area is lifted, increasing the strategic value of the route.

  • Time until Respawn of Mutants in Restricted Areas that are lifted 120s → 30s

Tactical Skills

  • The Strijder - A13

    • Towards Enemy Movement Speed Increase 20/30% → 25/30%

    • Towards Enemy Movement Speed Increase Duration after Activation 3s → 4s

Weapon Skill

  • Assault Rifle - Overheat(D)

    • Attack Speed Increase 20/35/50% → 20/30/40%



After our last update, R - Masterpiece could be used regardless of lost HP, leading to higher-than-intended damage, so we’re reducing its power.

  • Masterpiece(R)

    • Final Damage 80/150/220(+Attack Power 80%) → 80/140/200(+Attack Power 80%)



We're reducing his defense as he was showing high durability.

  • Defense per level 3.4 → 3.1



Laura has been performing well after her rework. However, the shield provided by her R - Twilight Heist was too strong in addition to the skill’s initiation power, so we’re reducing the shield and adjusting her overall power.

  • Skill Amplification per Whip Mastery level 4.3% → 4.1%

  • Twilight Heist(R)

    • Shield 90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 25%)

    • Additional Shield Upon Hit 30/40/50(+Skill Amplification 15%) → 30/40/50(+Skill Amplification 10%)



We're reducing the power of W - Elbow Grease as it has been providing Luke with high sustain.

  • Elbow Grease(W)

    • Evolved: Recovery based on Lost HP 20% → 18%

      • Max Recovery 45% → 40%


Li Dailin

We’re increasing her base defense to compensate for her weak performance.

  • Base Defense 52 → 54



We're reducing the power and sustain of Q - Art of War due to his good item time synergy, high sustain, and damage.

  • Art of War(Q)

    • Damage 15/25/35/45/55(+Additional HP 18%) → 15/25/35/45/55(+Additional HP 15%)

    • Recovery based on Additional Skill Damage 200% → 180%



We're reducing the slow amount of R - Reign of the Vampire Queen to allow for more counterplay since it gave her very strong initiation power.

  • Reign of the Vampire Queen(R)

    • Slow enemies in range 60% → 50%



Since the last update, the increased Attack Speed of P - Bookworm has made Hammer Sua too strong, so we’re reducing her power.

  • Skill Amplification per Hammer Mastery level 4.6% → 4.4%



We're rolling back part of the cooldown reduction for R - Unleashed Power from the 1.27 update as Arda has been performing well.

  • Unleashed Power(R)

    • Cooldown 18/16/14s → 19/17/15s



Elena is showing a good performance so we’re adjusting her power.

  • Winter Queen's Dominion (P)

    • Damage 30/65/100(+Defense 35%)(+Skill Amplification 20%) → 20/50/80(+Defense 35%)(+Skill Amplification 20%)



We're partially reverting the increased Projectile Speed of Q - Light Triad from the previous update, as it turned out to be faster than intended.

  • Light Triad(Q)

    • Projectile Speed 12m/s → 11m/s


Ly Anh

We’re increasing the range of Q - Ghastly Grip to compensate for the increased pre delay that makes it harder to hit.

  • Ghastly Grip(Q)

    • Range 5m → 5.25m

  • Freedom(R)

    • Attack Speed Increase 30/35/40%(+Attack Power 10%) → 30/40/50%(+Attack Power 10%)



We're increasing Jenny’s HP per level to help her survival since she was underperforming.

  • HP per Level 68 → 71



She has been underperforming so we’re increasing her power.

  • Basic Attack Power 33 → 36



Felix has been doing quite well after the hit detection improvements so we’re reducing the power of his P - Retail Spearman.

  • Retail Spearman(P)

    • Additional Attack Damage 20/25/30% Attack Power → 15/20/25%



We're increasing the 1st and 2nd hit damage of R - Flèche to reward accurate skill hits.

  • Flèche(R)

    • 1, 2nd Hit Damage 100/150/200(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 100/150/200(+Skill Amplification 50%)



We’re adjusting her power since she’s been showing a strong performance.

  • Overdrive(W)

    • Attack Power Increase 5/10/15/20/25 → 4/8/12/16/20



We're increasing the duration of Feared to compensate for the slightly reduced power of P - Three Calamities after crowd control improvements.

  • Three Calamities(P)

    • Feared Duration 0.9/1/1.1s → 0.9/1.1/1.3s

Item Skills
  • Cataclasm

    • Cooldown 9s → 8s

    • Items: Obsidian Jitte, Blade Tonfa - Dawn, Ghost Hand, Rod of Heart - Dawn, Blood Half Moon - Dawn, Hellfire - Dawn, Lloigor & Zahr, Phantom Blade - Dawn, Eye of Argos, Nosferatu - Dawn, Heaven's Door, Heartbreaker - Dawn


Assault Rifle

  • Assault Rifle Weapon Type Basic Attack Damage

    • 3 Consecutive Attacks: Each Bullet Attack Power 30/30/42% (Total 102%) → 30/30/40% (Total 100%)

  • Hellfire - Crimson

    • Attack Power 36 → 38

Two-handed Sword

  • Arcane Edge

    • Skill Amplification 81 → 77



  • Spectral Jacket

    • Defense 20 → 23

  • Ghost Bride's Dress

    • Debilitating Fog - [Unique Passive]

      • Defense Reduction 15% → 12%

  • Wisdom Robes

    • Attack Speed 25% → 20%

    • Awakening - [Unique Passive]

      • Duration 6s → 5s



  • Vigilante

    • Skill Amplification 54 → 50

  • Bunny Hat

    • Security Protocol - [Unique Passive]

      • Shield Duration 2.5s → 2s

      • Cooldown 6s → 7s

  • Blue Flames

    • Defense 12 → 14

Cobalt Protocol


  • Overwhelming Strength

    • Ult Use: Unstoppable for 3s → CC Immune

Cobalt Protocol Balancing


  • Whip

    • Damage Dealt 95% → 93%


  • Guitar

    • Damage Dealt 89% → 86%

Bug Fixes & Improvements

Gameplay Improvements

  • The Battle Zone Shuttle in Forest will now stay on its intended path.

  • Cobalt Protocol & Tutorial Chapter 3: The HP bars for summons will now display correctly.

  • Mobile Kiosk: The Air Supply Box will now appear correctly when purchasing items.

  • Tutorial 2:

    • You will now be able to correctly access this tutorial.

    • The tutorial will now complete correctly.

    • Only the necessary items for crafting the target item will now be provided.

  • Essence Cube: The effect will no longer persist while you’re downed.

Character & Weapon Improvements

  • Adina: The indicator for Luminary (Q) will now match the actual range when in Sun Conjunct.

  • Arda: The indicators for Shamash's Papyrus (Q) and Shamash's Code (RQ) will now match the actual range.

Lobby Improvements

  • Season PV: The season PV will now automatically play at the start of the game for accounts that have not viewed it.

  • ER Pass & Season Pack: “Purchase Complete” will now be displayed in the correct language settings.

  • ER Points: We’re adjusting the amount of ER points earned through gameplay.

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