Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 4 hours on January 18th from 2 AM to 6 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.13.
New Character - Kenneth
Kenneth, the new axe-wielding test subject is arriving on Lumia Island!
Kenneth will be on sale for A-coin 9,900 for two weeks after release and will not be available in Ranked Matches until Tuesday, January 23rd.
"I made up my mind a long time ago."

Suppressed Rage (P)
When Kenneth deals damage with a basic attack or skill, he gains 1 stack for 6 seconds. (Max Stacks: 5)
Kenneth's axe catches fire upon reaching 5 stacks, dealing an additional 1(+0.5/0.75/1% Attack Power)% of the target's Max HP skill damage each time a basic attack or skill hits.
He recovers HP equal to 50(+5% Attack Power)% of the damage Dealt by this skill.
[Kenneth can recover up to 30/40/50 (+5% Attack Power) with this skill.]
[Damage to wild animals is limited to a maximum of 100.]

Fury Strike (Q)
Kenneth swings his axe wildly, dealing 10/20/30/40/50(+160/165/170/175/180% Attack Power) skill damage and briefly knocking enemies airborne.
Suppressed Rage - Max Stacks: Damage increases by 20%, and 15%(Max: 40%) of lost HP is recovered for each enemy hit.
[This skill is also considered as a basic attack, and its effect is activated upon hitting an enemy for the first time.]
Range: 3m * 180°
Airborne Duration: 0.25s
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5s
SP Cost: 40

Inferno (W)
Kenneth burns everything around him for 4 seconds, reducing damage Taken by 3(+3/3.25/3.5/3.75/4% Attack Power)% . He also gains a shield that absorbs 50/70/90/110/130 (+60% Attack Power) damage for 0.75 seconds.
The duration of this skill increases by 0.75 seconds upon a basic attack hit.
[This skill lasts for up to 7 seconds.]
Shield Duration: 0.75s
Damage Taken Reduction Duration: 4s
Damage Taken Reduction Max Duration: 7s
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s
SP Cost: 40

Fierce Attack (E)
Kenneth charges forward, enhancing his basic attack for 5 seconds, increasing his attack speed by 30/35/40/45/50% and converting 20% of the Suppressed Rage damage Dealt by his basic attack into true damage.
He deals an additional 25/30/35/40/45 (+3% Attack Power) skill damage, and 30/40/50/60/70% of the skill's cooldown is recovered upon the first enemy hit.
[This skill can be used while other skills are being used.]
Travel Distance: 3m
Travel Duration: 0.2s
Enhancement Duration: 5s
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s
SP Cost: 35

Flame Crush (R)
Kenneth swings his axe upward, dealing 50/100/150 (+70% Attack Power) skill damage. Enemies hit are knocked airborne and stunned for 0.75 seconds, taking 30/45/60 (+8% Attack Power) skill damage 2 times from Kenneth's spinning attack.
He then slams his axe down, dealing 80/200/320 (+110% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies at the landing point and knocking them airborne for 0.5 seconds.
[Supressed Rage stacks up to its max when using the skill.]
[Damage Dealt while swinging up is also considered as a basic attack and skill hit, and its effect is activated upon hitting an enemy for the first time.]
Up Slam Range: 3m * 2m
Down Slam Range: 2.5m radius
Down Slam Airborne Duration: 0.5s
Cooldown: 80/65/50s
SP Cost: 100/150/200
New Skins & Emotes
Marching Band Leni (Epic) will be available on January 23rd.
“Alright everyone, focus! The Leni's Marching Band performance is about to begin!”
Enjoy Marching Band Leni to the fullest with the simultaneous release of the Marching Band Leni Bundle!
Details of its contents will be announced separately.
*Marching Band Leni is not included in bundles and Season Pack and will be available for purchase in the Store.
Wild West Isaac (Rare) will be available.
“Nothing personal. Just here for that reward on your head.”
Theodore’s emotes will be available.
Auto-replacement of Late Game Items
Now you won't have to switch Saved Plans every time you play. Once you've crafted all of the starting items in your Saved Plan, it will automatically switch to the first list of Late Game items.
Custom Game Spectator Slots
The number of spectators allowed in Custom Game has been increased.
Spectator Slots 5 → 10
Minimap Display Style
You will now be able to choose between "Standard Map" or "Satellite Map" to display the minimap in-game.
Standard Map (Default)
Satellite Map
Drag Scroll Function
You will now be able to move the camera using the drag-scroll function when holding down the shortcut key.
Mouse 2 (scroll wheel button) is assigned as the default shortcut key.
Top Tier Matchmaking
We are further refining top-tier matchmaking.
Diamond 3 or lower units will not encounter Mythril or higher players.
The probability of Mythril or higher units being matched together has increased.
Other Improvements
When skill cooldowns are less than 1 second, the timing is displayed with one decimal place for greater accuracy.
To prevent unnatural movements when passing by other test subjects on the Hyperloop, collision detection will no longer occur during Hyperloop operation.
You can now designate enemy ultimate abilities and tactical skills from the Scoreboard (Tab) screen by pressing Alt + left-clicking.
When the chat window is active, manipulating the mouse wheel on scrollable UIs like the score board will no longer trigger zoom in or zoom out.
Gameplay Changes
Upon slaying Mutant Bats
Binoculars(REMOVED)Gunpowder(REMOVED)Surveillance cameras will definitely drop.
EMP Drone drops upon slaying Omega 1 → 2
Heavy Kneepads
Cooldown 40s → 30s
(Melee) Damage Reduction 12(+Level*1)% → 10(+Level*1)%
Healing Drone
Cooldown 45s → 35s
Tactical Skills
False Oath
Duration 8s → 10s
Level 3 Module Enhancement
Damage 30+Level*4 → 25+Level*4
Weapon Skills
Guitar - Love &... (D)
Charm Duration 0.8/1/1.2s → 0.6/0.8/1s
Axe - Maleficent Helix (D)
Pre-delay 0.09s → 0s
Nadine continues to show poor stats, so we're reducing the stacking of her highly-reliant Wild (P) and increasing the damage of other skills allowing her to engage in combat in Early Game.
Wild (P)
Wild Stacks for Wild Animal Slays
Chicken 1/1/2
Bat, Boar 3/4/5 → 2/3/4
Wild Dog, Wolf 2/3/4 → 2/2/3
Bear 6/8/10 → 4/6/8
Wild Stacks for Test Subject Slays
8/10/12 → 6/8/10
Bullseye (Q)
Min Damage 30/60/90/120/150(+Additional Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 60%)(+Wild Stacks Damage) → 60/90/120/150/180(+Additional Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 60%)(+Wild Stacks Damage)
Max Damage 60/120/180/240/300(+Additional Attack Power 200%)(+Skill Amplification 120%)(+Wild Stacks Damage) → 120/180/240/300/360(+Additional Attack Power 200%)(+Skill Amplification 120%)(+Wild Stacks Damage)
Wolf Assault (R)
Damage 40/85/130(+Additional Attack Power 90%)(+Skill Amplification 80%)(+Wild Stacks Damage) → 60/125/190(+Additional Attack Power 90%)(+Skill Amplification 80%)(+Wild Stacks Damage)
We’re reducing the damage of Snapshot (Q) to lower Nathapon’s ability to keep up with good stats.
Snapshot (Q)
50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amplification 70%)
We want Daniel to deal high damage when he has an aggressive item setup.
Dusk Shears (Q)
Inner Area Damage 50/75/100/125/150(+Attack Power 75%) → 40/55/70/85/100(+Attack Power 100%)
Outer Edge Damage 70/100/130/160/190(+Attack Power 80%) → 50/70/90/110/130(+Attack Power 110%)
Debi & Marlene
We’re reducing the cooldown of Twins Rush (R) so that it can be used more often.
Twins Rush (R)
Cooldown 90/70/50s → 80/65/50s
We're standardizing the time it takes to transition to the next color after using Brush Stroke (Q) for each color, and enhancing the power of her hard-to-hit ultimate skills for improved performance.
Brush Stroke (Q)
Blue to Yellow Transition Time 0.8s → 0.6s
Full Rainbow (R)
150/250/350(+Skill Amplification 80%) → 150/250/350(+Skill Amplification 90%)
We're complementing Laura's base durability, which has a low pick rate, and making it easier to utilize Phantom Thief (P).
Defense per Level 2.7 → 3
Phantom Thief (P)
Teachings of Nerea Min. Activation Distance 1.65m → 1.5m
We are boosting the power of Tonfa Leon, who is currently showing a weak performance.
Skill Amplification per Tonfa Mastery Level 4.6% → 4.8%
Martina continues to have a low pick rate. We want her to appear stronger by building up her weapon Mastery a bit.
Basic Attack Amplification per Camera Mastery Level 1.4% → 1.6%
Mai has a low pick rate and score gains, so we’re increasing her damage output by buffing her Drape (Q).
Drape (Q)
40/80/120/160/200(+Defense 50%)(+Skill Amplification 40%)(+Mai Max HP 7%) → 40/90/140/190/240(+Defense 50%)(+Skill Amplification 40%)(+Mai Max HP 7%)
We’re increasing the power of the underused Hammer Markus.
Basic Attack Amplification per Hammer Mastery Level 2.6% → 2.8%
We’re strengthening Bat Magnus close combat abilities, which has been showing poor performance.
Heavy Strike (E)
Damage 40/90/140/190/240(+Additional Attack Power 55%)(+Skill Amplification 60%)(+Target’s Max HP 10%) → 40/90/140/190/240(+Additional Attack Power 65%)(+Skill Amplification 60%)(+Target’s Max HP 10%)
Vanya will now look stronger when hitting her Guiding Light (Q).
Guiding Light (Q)
Damage 50/70/90/110/130(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 50/70/90/110/130(+Skill Amplification 55%)
Dagger Xiukai is not a popular choice. We're boosting the damage of Burnt to a Crisp (R) to increase his power, as well as toning down Spear Xiukai to make it less powerful than the Dagger. (See Spear)
Burnt to a Crisp (R)
Damage 50/95/140(+Skill Amplification 35%)(+Xiukai Max HP 4%) → 50/95/140(+Skill Amplification 40%)(+Xiukai Max HP 4%)
Sua is performing well, so we’re nerfing some of her damage as well as Don Quixote (E) high recovery to make her less likely to overheal.
Odyssey (Q)
Bookmark Damage 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Don Quixote (E)
Recovery 40/50/60/70/80(+Skill Amplification 30%) ~ 60/75/90/105/120(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 20/30/40/50/60(+Skill Amplification 30%) ~ 30/45/60/75/90(+Skill Amplification 45%)
Memory (R)
Don Quixote (R-E)
Recovery 40/90/140(+Skill Amplification 30%) ~ 60/135/210(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 40/80/120(+Skill Amplification 30%) ~ 60/120/180(+Skill Amplification 45%)
We're increasing the range of Radar Gun (Q) to make her a bit more tanky, and making it easier to utilize the basic attack buff from her Shift Gears (R).
Radar Gun (Q)
Range 5m → 5.5m
Shift Gears (R)
Basic Attack Enhanced Duration on Dismount 3s → 5s
Adela has poor overall stats: her combo with Queen is powerful, but it's hard to land, and when you do, her damage tends to be very low, making her easily neutralized. This is compensated for by slightly increasing the damage of Promotion (Q). Additionally, Adela's bat is particularly weak, so we're giving it an extra boost.
Skill Amplification per Bat Mastery Level 4 → 4.2%
Promotion (Q)
Pawn Damage 40/85/130/175/220(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 40/85/130/175/220(+Skill Amplification 65%)
Castling (E)
Cooldown 18/16.5/15/13.5/12s → 17/15.5/14/12.5/11s
We are reverting the weapon Mastery that was hotfixed and making adjustments to the skills after modifying the interaction with the item skill Debilitation, which had shown a high synergy following the last update.
Skill Amplification per Throw Mastery Level 3.5% → 4%
Pyromaniac (P)
[Burned] Damage 20/40/60(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 12/24/36(+Skill Amplification 24%)
Oil Slick (W)
Slowed 31/32/33/34/35% → 30%
Fire Escape (E)
[Oil Slick] Damage every 0.5s 10/25/40/55/70(+Skill Amplification 17%) → 10/20/30/40/50(+Skill Amplification 14%)
[Oil Slick] Slowed 35% → 30%
We're increasing the power of Fated Horizon (E) and Astral Trine (W) Conjuct effects so that it can be used with skills other than Luminary (Q), as well as increasing the power of Sun Celestial Sign when used.
Luminary (Q)
Celestial Sign
Sun Additional Damage 20(+Skill Amplification 10%) → 20(+Skill Amplification 15%)
Astral Trine (W)
Celestial Sign
Sun Additional Damage 20(+Skill Amplification 10%) → 20(+Skill Amplification 15%)
Moon Conjunct
Damage 56/93/130/167(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 50/90/130/170(+Skill Amplification 45%)
First Triangle Stun Duration 1s → 1.25s
Fated Horizon (E)
Damage 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 35%) → 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 45%)
Celestial Sign
Sun Additional Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 5%) → 10(+Skill Amplification 10%)
Star Conjunct SP Recovery 30/50/70/90(+Skill Amplification 6%) → 30/50/70/90(+Skill Amplification 8%)
Arda continues to have a low pick rate and score. So we’re increasing the range of Babylon's Cube (W) to make it a little easier to combo.
Babylon's Cube (W)
Range 6m → 6.5m
Babylon's Dice (R-W) range is also increased.
Nimrod's Tombstone (E)
Damage 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amplification 50%)
Nimrod's Gate (R-E) Damage is also increased.
We’re making Abigail to deal more damage when making good use of her Tearing Blade (P) as she’s been scoring low.
Tearing Blade (P)
Defense Reduction Duration 3s → 4s
Defense Reduction 4/8/12 → 5/10/15
We're making Alex stronger when he properly utilizes weapon switching.
Incursion/Gauss Pistol (Q)
Incursion Attack Power Increase 6% → 7%
Max Stack Attack Speed Increase 15% → 20%
We are increasing Alonso's durability who has been recording low score gains. However, Cooldown will no longer be returned if channeling is canceled when using Magnetic Field (R).
Defense per Level 2.7 → 3
Plasma Barrier (P)
Recovery 50(+Max HP 3/5/7%) → 30/50/70(+Max HP 3/5/7%)
Magnetic Field (R)
Cooldown will no longer be returned when channeling is canceled.
We are modifying the activation condition for the additional effect of The Tetragon (R) from directly defeating the test subject to being involved in the defeat, making it easier to activate the effect.
The Tetragon (R)
The effect triggered when eliminating an enemy will now also activate when you assist in the elimination.
Elena has high initiative through her excellent mobility, which combined with her Quake, which has been buffed in recent patches, has resulted in a high average damage output. While Quake itself is getting nerfed in this patch, Elena's consistently good stats mean that her primary abilities are also getting nerfed, reducing her overall power.
Crystal Elegance (Q)
Damage 25/40/55/70/85(+Defense 30%)(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 25/40/55/70/85(+Defense 30%)(+Skill Amplification 25%)
2nd Damage 45/70/95/120/145(+Defense 45%)(+Skill Amplification 45%) → 45/70/95/120/145(+Defense 45%)(+Skill Amplification 35%)
Double Axel (W)
Damage 50/70/90/110/130(+Additional HP 10%)(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 50/70/90/110/130(+Additional HP 10%)(+Skill Amplification 50%)
Defense Increases while in use 40% → 30%
Johann is not performing well, and his average damage is low, especially when compared to other Supporters. His healing ability is already low, so we want to increase his overall skill damage to boost his combat abilities.
Radiant Brilliance (Q)
Damage 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amplification 65%) → 80/115/150/185/220(+Skill Amplification 70%)
Divine Scripture (E)
Damage 50/80/110/140/170(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 50/80/110/140/170(+Skill Amplification 45%)
Faith Unwavering (R)
Damage 180/240/300(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 180/240/300(+Skill Amplification 70%)
We’re making some changes to allow William, who has a low pick rate, to use the Windup (W) more often and more powerfully.
Windup (W)
Damage 50/75/100/125/150(+Attack Power 60%) → 50/80/110/140/170(+Attack Power 70%)
Cooldown 14s → 13s
Ly Anh
We’re increasing the power of Ly Anh's ultimate.
Freedom (R)
Damage 150/250/350(+Attack Power 60%) → 200/300/400(+Attack Power 60%)
We're giving Tsubame some much-needed power boosts. We're keeping her mobility constraints, but increasing the power of her weakened ultimate by changing her basic attack and coefficients, reducing the cooldown of her Shuriken Deployment (Q) to increase her ability to hold back, and reducing the initial cooldown of The Art Of Camouflage (E) to give her more freedom in the order in which she learns her skills.
Basic Attack Amplification per Shuriken Mastery Level 1% → 1.2%
Shuriken Deployment (Q)
Cooldown 6/5.5/5/4.5/4s → 5/4.5/4/3.5/3s
The Art Of Camouflage (E)
Cooldown 24/21/18/15/12s → 18/16.5/15/13.5/12s
Life and Death Seal (R)
Damage 10/35/60/85/110(+Attack Power 100%)(+Target’s Max HP 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2%(+per 1 Additional Attack Power 0.07%)) → 10/35/60/85/110(+Attack Power 100%)(+Target’s Max HP 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2%(+per 1 Additional Attack Power 0.08%))
Karla has a low pick rate and win rate so we’re enhancing her Crossbow Mastery, and increasing the damage of Piercing Chain (Q) to increase her late game damage.
Skill Amplification per Crossbow Mastery Level 3.2% → 3.5%
Piercing Chain (Q)
Damage Attack Power 105/113/121/129/137% → 105/115/125/135/145%
Second Target Damage Taken 78/84/90/96/102% of Attack Power → 94/103/112/121/130%
Sentry Recall (W)
SP Cost 90 → 60
Tazia has seen a significant increase in her top tier stats in recent patches due to indirect nerfs such as a reduction in the cost of her Tactical Enhancement modules and changes to her Wind and Fire Wheels. To counteract this, we're reducing the duration of her Glass Shards and increasing the cooldown of Pulizia (E) to limit the use of skills that provide excessive mobility.
Stiletto (Q)
Glass Shards Duration 10s → 7s
Pulizia (E)
Cooldown12/11/10/9/8s → 13/12/11/10/9s
We are making changes to Theodore's equipment in Sapphire Protocol (P) by removing the option to increase Max HP and converting it into Attack Speed, allowing Theodore to utilize a wider variety of items. In addition, we're buffing the overall power of the skill to improve his ability to sustain and engage when well positioned.
Attack Speed per Sniper Rifle Mastery Level 2.3% → 3%
Sapphire Protocol (P)
Attack Speed increases by 1% for every 10 Max HP increases(REMOVED)Basic Skill Cooldown Reduction on Basic Attacks to test subjects 1/3/5% → 2/6/10%
Sparknade (E)
Root Duration 1/1.05/1.1/1.15/1.2s → 1.1/1.15/1.2/1.25/1.3s
Blast Energy Field(R)
Movement Speed Increase 35/40/45% → 40/45/50%
We’re delaying the timing of Flèche (R) attack a bit to better match the effects and motion, making it more intuitive, while still keeping fast combos in check. However, we're buffing Spear Fiora’s Mastery effect to compensate for its power.
Skill Amplification per Spear Mastery Level 4.6% → 4.8%
Flèche (R)
Predelay 0.12s → 0.22s
Hyejin struggles to engage in combats in early game when she hasn't mastered her Charm of Despair (Q) and Three Calamities (P). To mitigate this, we're reducing the cooldown of her Charm of Despair (Q) in early game, and the cooldown of Five Omens (R) to alleviate the burden of using her ultimate during battles.
Charm of Despair (Q)
Cooldown 11/9/7/5/3s → 7/6/5/4/3s
Five Omens (R)
Cooldown 90/80/70s → 80/70/60s
Mount Slicer
Cooldown Reduction 10% → 15%
The Juggernaut
Rarity: Epic → Legendary
Recipe: Light Hatchet + Electronic Parts → Battle Axe + Tree of Life
Attack Power 60 → 73
Vigor - [Unique Passive]
Damage proportional to current HP 2% → 4%
Magic Stick
Omnisyphon 12% → 10%
The Legend of The General
Attack Power 64 → 67
Lance of Poseidon
Skill Amplification 81 → 73
Star Hunter
Skill Amplification 100 → 92
Holy Orders
[Unique] Skill Amplification 25% → 30%
[Unique] Skill Amplification 25% → 30%
Tactical Visor
Defense 14 → 10
Cooldown Reduction 10% → 15%
[Unique] Skill Amplification 25% → 30%
Cooldown Reduction 10% → 15%
Cobalt Protocol
Mode Balancing
Damage Taken 97% → 100%
Sniper Rifle
Damage Dealt 96% → 98%
Damage Dealt 100% → 98%
Damage Dealt 94% → 91%
Damage Taken 95% → 97%
Damage Dealt 96% → 94%
Damage Dealt 95% → 93%
Damage Dealt 102% → 105%
Damage Dealt 92% → 89%
Damage Dealt 100% → 97%
Damage Dealt 94% → 96%
Damage Dealt 102% → 104%
Damage Taken 95% → 93%
Dual Swords
Damage Dealt 95% → 97%
Damage Taken 94% → 93%
Sniper Rifle
Damage Dealt 100% → 97%
Damage Dealt 102% → 98%
Damage Dealt 95% → 93%
Paradise Lost
Removed from additional equipment supply.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Gameplay Improvements
Improvements have been made to prevent entering an unselected game mode.
Cobalt Protocol: Teammate portraits will now display correctly.
Team colors at the bottom and in-game will now match when entering spectator mode with Team Numbers Random Change enabled.
The game will transition to the Results screen correctly when all teammates are eliminated.
The Tear of Selene item tooltip will now display Adaptability information correctly.
The Defense Reduction icon will no longer appear when the item skill Reflection is activated.
Multiple mouse click commands will no longer be applied.
The Credits icon will no longer be displayed in teammates’ status while waiting to be revived when changing to Day 3 after dying on Night 2.
The Launch Pad will no longer be triggered when using the Pin function after registering it as a hotkey.
Enemy test subjects will no longer appear outside the line of sight.
Today’s Dish Drone Skin will now be displayed more than once in-game.
The clickable area of a cabinet-shaped item box will no longer be smaller than it appears.
Cobalt Protocol: The effects when Mutant Wild Dogs and Wolved appear will now display correctly.
Font colors will now be applied when pinging the time remaining until Wild Animals respawn.
Wild Animals will no longer appear within the sight setting area in Replay.
Changes will now be saved when returning to the Lobby after adjusting the in-game mouse sensitivity.
The pin indicating that Wild Animals will appear in Gas Station will no longer disappear based on the resolution setting.
Character & Weapon Improvements
Martina: Wild Animals Additional Damage information will no longer remain in the Play (P) tooltip.
Bernice: Colors will now be correctly displayed from the enemy’s perspective when using Foothold Trap (W) while wearing the Housekeeper Corp. Bernice skin.
Shoichi: Bad Faith (Q2) will no longer spawn in a location where Phony Deal (P) effect cannot be activated when used on certain Launch Pads in Pond.
Sissela: Targets hit by Play With Us! (E) will no longer be visible when out of view.
Silvia: The Finish Line (W) tooltip will now be correctly displayed in all languages.
Camilo: Camilo’s sword animation will no longer look awkward when ending a break.
Cathy: Double Bypass (Q) extended tooltip will now correctly display the skill amplification of the passive.
Tazia: The Artigianato (P) tooltip will now be correctly displayed in all languages.
Hyunwoo: The fishing road will no longer be printed on the corpse upon elimination while wearing the Cadet Hyunwoo (Immortal) skin.
Hyejin: The Omens disappearing effect will now be correctly displayed when Five Omens (R) ends.
Hyejin: The in-game arrow objective will no longer be displayed when selecting Bow Hyejin.
Hyejin: The amulet will no longer face the opposite direction during the Candy Cane Hyejin animation.
Lobby Improvements
The wheel sensitivity in Settings > Input > Set quick cast shortcuts per character has been improved.
The skin acquisiton animation will now be displayed when obtaining skins from the in-game mailbox.
A notification will be shown if you select an unregistered path in the Saved Plan during the strategy map preparation phase.
The Open button will no longer appear inactive if there are Skin Data Boxes remaining after opening one in Forging.
The purchase limit will no longer reset when switching to another Token store and returning after buying items with limits in Exchange
The screen will no longer be forced to change when checking the season information of friends who can be invited in Team Lobby after a Ranked Match.
Scrolling will now work when hovering in the background in Loadout > Saved Plans list.
Smoke effects will now display correctly in the preview of the Today's Dish Drone Skin.