• Patch Notes
  • 1 year ago

1.0.0 Characters


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Bow Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bow Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Crossbow Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Crossbow Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Wild (P)

Wild: Nadine gains a stack of Wild upon slaying Wild Animals.

Clairvoyant (REMOVED)

  • Chicken: 1/1/2

  • Bat, Boar: 2/3/4

  • Wild Dog, Wolf: 2/3/3

  • Bear: 8/10/12


Bullseye (Q)

Nadine gathers her strength for 2 seconds, reducing her movement speed until it reaches 20% and increasing the range and damage of Bullseye up to 2 times. If she has more than 50 Wild stacks, her Bullseye range increases up to 2.5 times. When she reactivates the skill, Nadine fires an arrow and deals 30/60/90/120/150(+Additional Attack Power 70%)(+Skill Amp 70%)(+Wild Stacks) ~ 60/120/180/240/300(+Additional Attack Power 200%)(+Skill Amp 140%)(+Wild Stacks) skill damage.

The range of Bullseye increases with her attack range.

  • Range: 12m (Bow - Basic Attack Range) / 10.5m (Crossbow - Basic Attack Range)

  • Wild 50+ Stacks Range: 15m (Bow - Basic Attack Range) / 13.5m (Crossbow - Basic Attack Range)

  • Width: 1.3m

  • Cooldown: 8s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Squirrel Trap (W)

Nadine throws a Squirrel Trap at the targeted location. Activate the skill again to throw another trap within the reinstallation range in 5 seconds. Enemies caught in the connected traps take 80/120/160/200/240(+Additional Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage and are slowed by 30/35/40/45/50%. Their attack speed is also reduced by 30%, and Nadine gains vision of them for 5 seconds.
Enemies slowed by her Squirrel Trap only take 30% skill damage when they are caught in her trap again. The connected traps disappear after 45 seconds. A total of 3 sets can be installed at a time.

  • Range: 7m

  • Trap Connection Max Range: 5m

  • Installation Time : 0.1s

  • Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10s

  • SP Cost: 50


Monkey Wire (E)

Nadine attaches a wire to herself and at the targeted location. The installed wire stays attached to Nadine for 8 seconds in a 10m range. When attached to Monkey Wire, Nadine's attack speed is increased by 20/30/40/50/60%. By reactivating the skill, the wire pulls Nadine to its anchor point.

  • Range: 7m

  • Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16s

  • SP Cost: 70/75/80/85/90


Wolf Assault (R)

Nadine summons a wolf every 3 basic attacks. The wolf bites, dealing 15/60/105(+Additional Attack Power 90%)(+Skill Amp 50%)(+Wild Stacks) skill damage to enemies, and reducing their Attack Speed by 10% and Movement Speed by 15/20/25%.

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s

  • SP Cost: 150


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Camera Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Camera Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Slow Shutter (P)

Nathapon's attack speed is fixed but his Basic Attacks deal 10/30/50(+ 0.2 Additional Attack Speed per 1%)(+Skill Amp 50%) Extra Skill Damage. Nathapon's basic attacks can not deal critical strikes.

  • Combine Surveillance Camera and Branch to create a Trail Camera with Infiltration effects.

  • Trail Camera: After 3 seconds from installation, the camera gains infiltration and it can be detected within a range of 4m.

  • Number of Cameras Crafted: 1


Snapshot (Q)

<color=green>Passive: Dealing skill damage to an enemy applies Picturesque.

  • Each stack of Picturesque increases Nathapon's damage by 3/4/5/6/7%, up to 3 times.

  • Enemies lose all stacks of Picturesque when they disappear from Nathapon's vision range.

  • Duration: 6s

Nathapon snaps a photograph at the targeted area, dealing 50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amp 70%) skill damage. Enemies with 3 stacks of Picturesque are slowed and have their attack speed greatly reduced for a short time.

  • Range: 8m

  • Effect Area: Rectangle 1.5m * 2m

  • Cooldown: 5/4.5/4/3.5/3s

  • SP Cost: 70


Timelapse (W)
Nathapon takes a Timelapse in the targeted area, dealing 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amp 25%) skill damage per second to enemies and slowing them by 30%. The final photograph deals 50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amp 80%) extra skill damage and roots subjects in frame for 1.6 seconds.

  • Range: 7m

  • Skill Area: Rectangle 4m * 3m

  • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s

  • SP Cost: 100


Panorama (E)

Nathapon takes a photo with his telephoto lens in the targeted direction. Photographed enemies take 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage and are slowed by 50% for 1 second.

If the photo captures an enemy, it will mark them. After 1.5 seconds, Nathapon's next basic attack within 3.5 seconds deals 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage to the marked enemy and knocks them back to the mark. Nathapon's Attack Range is increased up to 10m and extra damage from Slow Shutter is applied to the enemy marked by Panorama.

The mark disappears when the enemy is knocked back or moves away from the mark more than 8m.

  • Area: 8m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11s

  • SP Cost: 50


F-Stop (R)

Nathapon snaps a photo of everything in the targeted area after 1.35 second. All photographed units are put into stasis for 2.5 seconds and are unable to perform any action. Photographed enemies gain 3 stacks of Picturesque.

  • Range: 12m

  • Effect Radius: Circle 3m

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s

  • SP Cost: 120/110/100


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Short Tempered (P)

Nicky converts damage taken by other characters into Rage, up to 20%. Rage slowly decreases in a non-combat state. When her Rage Meter is full, she becomes Enraged for 6s. If she hits an enemy with a basic attack or skill while Enraged, the duration is reset. While she's Enraged, her attack speed increases 20/30/40%, and she deals an additional 20/40/60(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage to enemies around her.

  • Skill Damage Area: Radius 2m

  • Out of Combat Gauge Reduction: 10 per 0.5s


Slugfest (Q)

Slugfest: Nicky puts her full strength into a punch, slowing her by 20%. Reactivate the skill to let loose, knocking back the first enemy hit and dealing 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amp 65%) ~ 60/120/180/240/300(+Skill Amp 130%) skill damage. Hitting an enemy decreases the cooldown of Slugfest by 50% and Nicky can land a Body Blow. Body Blow: Deals 30/55/80/105/130(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage to enemies in front of her and gains 30(+Skill Amp 35%) Rage for each enemy hit.

  • Dash Range: 2m ~ 6m

  • Cooldown: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Guard & Reverse (W)

Guard: Nicky guards in the direction of the mouse cursor, reducing damage taken by 70/75/80/85/90% for 0.75 seconds, and becoming immune to debuffs and crowd control. Successful Guards allow her to use Fury Jab!!(E2) for 7 seconds, and once the duration is over, Reverse is triggered.

Reverse: Nicky rushes forward, dealing 100/125/150/175/200(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage to enemies and slowing them by 65% for 1 second. Duration slowly recovers over time.

  • Reverse Dash Range: 3.3m

  • Reverse Area: Nicky’s Radius 2m

  • Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8s

  • SP Cost: 60


Knockout Punch(E1), Fury Jab!! (E2)

Knockout Punch: Nicky throws a knockout punch in front of her, dealing 80/130/180/230/280(+Skill Amp 70%) skill damage and slowing enemies by 35% for 2 seconds.

Fury Jab!!: If Guard is successful, Nicky can use Fury Jab!!, dealing 100/160/220/280/340(+Skill Amp 90%) skill damage, slowing enemies by 35% for 2 seconds, and stunning them for 1 second.

Fury Jab!! does not share a cooldown with Knockout Punch.

  • Area: 5m * 2m

  • Cooldown: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8s

  • SP Cost: 100


Pure Rage Uppercut!! (R)

Nicky can only use Pure Rage Uppercut!! when Enraged. Nicky dashes to the targeted enemy player, becoming unstoppable, and uppercuts them, dealing 100/160/220(+Skill Amp 40%) damage and knocking them airborne for 1.1 seconds. Nicky knocks back other enemies in the way, dealing 200/330/460(+Skill Amp 90%) damage. Using Pure Rage Uppercut!! will Calm Nicky.

  • After hit Delay: 0.7s

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s

  • SP Cost: 120/100/80


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Dagger Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Dagger Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Recluse (P)

Daniel thrives in the darkness. At night, his night vision is increased by 20/24/28% and movement speed is increased by 2/4/6%.

Dusk Shears (Q)

Daniel manifests ghastly scissors in the targeted location, dealing 50/75/100/125/150(+Attack Power 75%) skill damage. Hitting an enemy increases the attack speed of his next 3 basic attacks by 80/110/140/170/200% for 3 seconds. Hitting an enemy with the middle of the blades deals 70/100/130/160/190(+Attack Power 80%) skill damage, slowing enemies by 20% for 1.5 seconds.

  • Range: 7m

  • Effect Radius: 3.5m * 65 Degrees

  • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


Inspiration (W)

Daniel marks the targeted test subject with Growing Inspiration, granting him 2m of vision around his target, and slowing himself by 15% for 3 seconds. The Growing Inspiration mark reduces the target's vision range for 2 seconds until damaged by Daniel and stores 4/6/8/10/12% of Daniel's damage dealt to the target over 7 seconds.

If the enemy with the mark keeps it for 7 seconds, Daniel is Inspired by them. If Daniel attacks the target that Inspired him within 2.5s, the mark explodes, dealing true damage and an additional 20/30/40/50/60(+Attack Power 60%) skill damage. Enemies are also slowed by 50% for 1 second.

Daniel becomes uninspired if the target moves 9m away from him.

This skill can be used on any Boss Monster.

  • Range: 8m

  • Cooldown: 14s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


Shadow Glide (E)

Daniel dashes in the targeted direction and ducks into the shadows for 3 seconds. His next basic attack has 3.5m range and teleports him to the opposite side of his target, dealing 20/40/60/80/100(+Attack Power 55%) additional skill damage.

  • Range: 3.5m

  • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120

Masterpiece (R)

If Daniel's target is marked with Growing Inspiration or if he is Inspired by them, Daniel can become their shadow for up to 0.5 seconds, silencing them for 2 seconds. While Daniel is shadowing his target, he deals 60/90/120(+Attack Power 35%) skill damage up to 4 times. Upon reaching the max duration or reactivating the skill, Daniel completes his masterpiece and leaves them behind in the targeted direction, dealing 60/120/180(+Attack Power 60%) skill damage, increasing up to 200% based on his target’s missing HP.

  • Range: 4.5m

  • Cooldown: 70/60/50s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Color Mixing (P)

 If Tia colors her enemy with two different colors using either Brush Stroke or A Dash of Color, Chipmunk effect is activated.

Her basic skills are not affected by cooldown reduction effects. Instead, her Skill Amp is increased by 12 per 10% of her cooldown reduction.

Mad Chipmunk: Painting an enemy with Yellow and Red activates Mad Chipmunk, silencing them and dealing 60/120/180/240/300(+Skill Amp 160%) skill damage over 4 times for 1.6 seconds.

Blessed Chipmunk: Painting an enemy with Red and Blue activates Blessed Chipmunk, dealing 45/75/105/135/165(+Skill Amp 125%) skill damage, healing 90% of Tia's dealt damage as HP, and increasing her movement speed by 10/13/16/19/22%, decaying over 1.5 seconds.

Magic Chipmunk: Painting an enemy with Blue and Yellow activates Magic Chipmunk, dealing 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage and rooting them for 1.25 seconds.

Brush Stroke (Q) - Yellow

Tia tosses her yellow paint tube in the targeted direction, which explodes in a 1.5m radius, dealing 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage to enemies, slowing them by 10% for 1 second, and painting them Yellow.

  • Range: 7m

  • Effect Area: 4m * 90°

  • Cooldown: 0.5s

  • SP Cost: 70


Brush Stroke (Q) - Red

Tia swings her paint brush, dealing 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage to enemies. Enemies hit by the bristles are slowed by 20% for 1 second and are painted Red.

  • Range: 4m * 120°

  • Paint Range: Outer Range 2m

  • Cooldown: 0.5s

  • SP Cost: 70


Brush Stroke (Q) - Blue

Tia slams her paint brush on the ground, dealing 40/70/100/130/160(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage. Hitting an enemy with the bristles paints them Blue and are slowed by 5% for 1 second. Hitting an enemy in the inner range deals 40/70/100/130/160 additional skill damage. Enemies are slowed by 25% for 1 second.

  • Handle Range: 4.5m x 1.5m

  • Outer Circle: 2m 

  • Inner Circle: 1m

  • Cooldown: 0.5s

  • SP Cost: 70


Palette Swap (W)

Tia puts Yellow/Red/Blue paint on her brush. Tia recharges her palette faster based on the level of Palette Swap.

  • Palette Cooldown: 0.02s

  • Yellow Cooldown: 8.5/7/5.5s

  • Red Cooldown: 6.5/5/3.5s

  • Blue Cooldown: 7.5/6/4.5s

  • SP Cost: 30


A Dash of Color (E)

Tia dashes in the targeted direction, painting the ground Yellow/Red/Blue, dealing 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amp 65%) skill damage to enemies hit, and painting them Yellow/Red/Blue.

  • Dash Range: 7m

  • Paint Area: 7m * 1.5m

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Full Rainbow (R)

Tia paints with her largest paintbrush in the target location, dealing 150/250/350(+Skill Amp 80%) skill damage to enemies and stunning them for 0.7/0.9/1.1 seconds. If the enemy was already painted with any color, the stun duration is increased by 0.5 seconds.

  • Range: 9m

  • Rainbow Size: Radius 4m

  • Cooldown: 90/70/50

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Whip Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Whip Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Phantom Thief (P)

Laura gains 2 stacks of Thrill every 1m she moves.

  • Max Stacks of Thrill: 100

Teachings of Nerea: After Laura moves 8m, her next basic attack deals 10/45/80(+Skill Amp 30%) extra damage to her target and nearby enemies. Movement skills activate Teachings of Nerea, regardless of distance traveled.

Teachings of Nerea does not activate if her target is within 1.65m. This basic attack is also considered as a skill.

Thorn Lilac (Q)

Laura snaps her whip once in the targeted direction, dealing 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage to enemies and gaining 30 stacks of Thrill. If she damaged an enemy with the skill, she can reactivate the skill within 4 seconds to enhance the skill.

1st Enhancement: Laura snaps her whip once in the targeted direction, dealing 50/80/110/140/170(+Skill Amp 45%) skill damage and gaining 30 stacks of Thrill.

2nd Enhancement: Laura snaps her whip twice in the targeted direction, dealing 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amp 40%) and 50/80/110/140/170(+Skill Amp 45%) skill damage and gaining 30 stacks of Thrill.

  • Attack Range: 4m

  • Cooldown: 1s

  • SP Cost: 50/45/40/35/30


Calling Card (W)

Laura throws her signature calling card in the targeted direction. The calling card unfolds if it collides with an enemy and slows all enemies in range by 20%. Enemies hit take 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amp 30%) skill damage, and are marked as her Victim after 2 seconds. Enemies marked with Victim take 65/100/135/170/205(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage, are slowed by 40% for 1 second, and have their defense reduced by 22/24/26/28/30% for 4 seconds. Consuming the mark grants Laura her Victim's lost defense as Defense for 4 seconds and grants her 30 stacks of Thrill.

  • Range: 6.5m * 1m

  • Projectile Speed: 18m/s

  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

  • SP Cost: 100


Sly Step (E)

Laura spends her Thrill to dash in the targeted direction.

Laura cannot go over walls with Sly Step.

Laura can Sly Step during all of her skills except for Thorn Lilac and while charging during Twilight Heist. Sly Step is unaffected by cooldown reduction effects.

If Laura uses Sly Step while firing projectiles with Twilight Heist, or uses it after she charges but before she flips, she can change direction and her charge range is increased by 3m.

  • Dash Range: 2.5m

  • Dash Speed: 15m/s

  • Cooldown: 0.5s

  • Thrill Cost: 70/65/60/55/50


Twilight Heist (R)

Laura tosses her whip in the targeted direction and becomes Unstoppable. If the whip collides with a wall or a Victim of her calling card, Laura ropes herself towards it, dealing 60/100/140(+Skill Amp 25%) skill damage to enemies in the way.

As she's roping forward, the first enemy Laura collides with is dragged with her. Unstoppable ends if the whip does not collide with a wall, or if Laura finishes charging. If they collide with a wall or reach the targeted direction while she's charging, Laura gracefully flips backward, dealing 180/340/500(+Skill Amp 110%) skill damage to enemies and knocking them airborne for 1 second.

If an enemy marked as a Victim of her calling card is hit with her whip, they are slightly pulled forward.

  • Range: 10m

  • Projectile Speed: 18m/s

  • Dash Speed: 15m/s

  • Landing Range: 2m

  • Cooldown : 50/40/30s

  • SP Cost : 80/100/120


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Whip Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Whip Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Bait and Tackle (P)

Bait : Lenox gets 1 extra item, excluding weapons, every time she fishes.

Chance to gain items when fishing: Common: 85% / Uncommon: 14% / Rare: 1%
Tackle: Every 18/12/6 seconds, if Lenox hits a test subject with a Basic Attack or deals skill damage, she gains a shield, absorbing damage equal to 9/13/17% of her max HP. This shield lasts for up to 6 seconds.

Recoil (Q)

Lenox whips a circle area around her, dealing 60/95/130/165/200(+Skill Amp 50%) damage to enemies. She deals extra skill damage equal to 3/5/7/9/11% of her max HP to enemies hit by the edge. Hitting an enemy grants her a stack, reducing the cooldown of Recoil by 0.5 seconds per stack. (Max Stacks: 2)

  • Range Radius: 3.75m

  • Edge Range Radius: 2.75 ~ 3.75m

  • Cooldown: 3.5s

  • SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50


Snakebite (W)

Lenox snaps her whip twice, once in a circle around her, dealing 20/35/50/65/80(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage and slowing enemies by 20% for 1.5 seconds. Following that, she will send her whip flying, dealing 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage and dragging enemies in front of her.

  • 1st Whip Range: Radius 2.5m

  • 2nd Whip Range: 8.5m * 0.75m

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

  • SP Cost: 60/70/80/90/100


Whiplash (E)

Lenox sweeps her whip in an area around her, dealing 60/115/170/225/280(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage and pushing or pulling enemies, depending on the direction of the skill. Enemies hit are slowed by 30/35/40/45/50% for 1 second.

  • Range: 8m * 2.5m

  • Cooldown: 8.5s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Blue Viper (R)

Lenox quickly attacks twice in an X shape, dealing 70/135/200(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage and applying Blue Viper for 4/5/6 seconds.

Blue Viper : Every 0.23 seconds, enemies take 5/15/25 true damage depending on how far they move. Hitting an enemy with both attacks deals 20/40/60 true damage depending on how far they move.

  • Range: 7.5m

  • Effect Area: 5.5m * 3.5m

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s

  • SP Cost: 100/120/140


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Tonfa Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Tonfa Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Human Torpedo (P)

Leon creates a pool every 10/7/4 seconds when he performs a basic attack. Leon's Movement Speed is increased by 10/15/20% and his Attack Speed is increased by 40/55/70% when standing in one of his pools. Pool Shark: Leon's basic attacks deal 10/20/30(+Skill Amp 18%) extra true damage when he stands in one of his pools.

  • Pool Duration: 3s

  • Pool Size: Radius 1.4m


Waterway (Q)

Leon splashes water in the targeted direction, dealing 80/115/150/185/220(+Skill Amp 65%) skill damage and creating pools of water.

  • Pools Created: 5

  • Effect Area: 7.85m * 1.8m

  • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6s

  • SP Cost: 60/70/80/90/100


Cannonball (W)

Leon shields himself and nearby allies. The shield lets Leon absorb 50/85/120/155/190(+Skill Amp 40%) damage for 2.5 seconds, and lets nearby allies absorb 20/55/90/125/160(+Skill Amp 30%) damage. A pool is created whenever the shield dissipates.

  • Cast Range: 7m

  • Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Duck Dive (E)

Leon instantly creates a pool at his location and dives in. He emerges out of a targeted pool, dealing 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage and knocking enemies airborne for 1 second. A pool is created on either side of him whenever he dives.

  • Cast Range: 6.5m

  • Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


Surf's Up (R)

Leon surfs on a wave, dealing 150/230/310(+Skill Amp 85%) skill damage to enemies in the way and knocking them back until the wave dissipates. Enemies knocked into terrain take 100/200/300(+Skill Amp 30%) skill damage and are knocked airborne for 0.3 seconds. A pool is created until the wave dissipates.

  • Range: 12m * 4m

  • Wave Length: 9m

  • Surfing Duration: 0.8s

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60s

  • SP Cost: 150


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Dual Wield (P)

After Rozzi uses a skill, her next basic attack within 4 seconds triggers twice consecutively, dealing 60% and 45/55/65% and basic attack damage. Rozzi gains SP equal to 50% of the HP recovery when she eats food made from chocolate. She gains HP equal to 20% of the SP recovery when she drinks something made from chocolate.

Easy Shot (Q)

Rozzi fires her pistols in the targeted direction, dealing 50/80/110/140/170(+Attack Power 90%) skill damage to enemies hit. If she hits an enemy, her next movement command within 2 seconds will be a dash and the cooldown of Easy Shot is reduced by 2 seconds.

  • Effect Area: 5.5m * 1m

  • Dash Range: 3m

  • Cooldown: 5.5s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Flutter (W)

Rozzi unloads a barrage of bullets in the area around her, dealing 60/100/140/180/220(+Attack Power 40%) skill damage to enemies in range, decreasing their defense by 10/12/14/16/18% for 4 seconds and reducing their Healing by 45%. While Rozzi is shooting, her speed is increased by 100% for 0.4 seconds and her bullets are reloaded. If she hits any enemies, cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds.

  • Area: Radius 3m

  • Cooldown 6s

  • SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50


Gun Vault (E)

Rozzi vaults over her target and shoots them, dealing 30/50/70/90/110(+Attack Power 50%) skill damage and stunning them for 0.3 seconds. While jumping, Rozzi becomes untargetable.

  • Jump Range: 3m, Landing point behind enemy 2.5m

  • Area: Radius 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16s

  • SP Cost: 70/80/90/100/110


Semtex Bomb Mk II (R)

Rozzi launches a semtex bomb that explodes 3 seconds after attaching to an enemy or the ground, dealing 60/120/180(+Attack Power 40%) skill damage. Enemies with the bomb attached are slowed by 25/27.5/30% . Basic attacks on the target 5 times will cause it to explode immediately, dealing true damage equal to 6/9/12% target's Max HP and slowing them by 25/27.5/30% for 1 second. Attacking enemies with a skill while the bomb is attached counts as 2 basic attacks.
If Semtex bomb Mk-II explodes early, its cooldown is reduced by 50% and Rozzi's movement speed is increased by 20% for 1 second.

  • Range: 5.5m

  • Attach Ratio: 1.2m

  • Explosion Ratio: 1.75m

  • Cooldown: 25s

  • SP Cost: 90


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Neat 'n Tidy (P)

Neat: Luke recovers 3/9/15% missing HP upon helping kill a player or 10/15/20% missing HP upon killing Wickeline.

Tidy: Luke gains a stack of Tidy upon killing players, killing wild animals, or opening air supplies. Luke gains an Evolution Point at 15/40/75 stacks, giving his skills extra effects. From 75 stacks, every 10 stacks increases the effect of Neat by 1%.

  • Chicken, Bat 2

  • Boar, Wild Dog, Wolf, Bear 3

  • Player 5

  • Alpha/Omega 5

  • Wickeline 10

  • Air Supplies - Food: 1, Epic: 2, Legendary: 5


Clean Sweep (Q)

Luke throws a bottle of his favorite cleaning product in the targeted direction, dealing 40/60/80/100/120(+Attack Power 70%) skill damage to enemies hit and granting him vision of them. Reactivate this skill within the next 3 seconds to dash to the enemy hit, dealing 40/60/80/100/120(+Attack Power 40%) skill damage and destroying their shield.

Evolution effect: Recast increases damage by up to 100% based on the target's lost HP. (Max is applied when target's HP is 40%.)

  • Effect Area: 10m * 0.6m

  • Projectile Speed: 18m/s

  • Reactivation Range: 12m

  • Reactivation Dash Speed: 13m/s

  • Cooldown: 16/13.5/11/8.5/6s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Elbow Grease (W)

Passive: Any time Elbow Grease hits an enemy, or an Enhanced Basic Attack does damage to an enemy, Luke's Attack Speed increases by 6% for 2 seconds. Can stack up to 4 times.

Active: Luke swings his cleaning tools, dealing 40/70/100/130/160(+Attack Power 50%) skill damage. If an enemy is hit, his Basic Attack is enhanced for 5 seconds and deals an additional 4/8/12/16/20(+Attack Power 10%) skill damage.

Evolution effect: Recovers 10% of HP lost per enemy hit by Elbow Grease. Can recover up to 40% HP.

  • 1st Hit Damage Range: Ratio 3m , 360° (Circle)

  • Cooldown: 6s

  • SP Cost: 20/35/50/65/80


Dirty Work (E)

Passive: Luke does not cause pings on the minimap when attacking or killing an enemy.

Active: Luke teleports behind a targeted enemy and shoots them, dealing 50/75/100/125/150(+Attack Power 65%) skill damage, disrupting their concentration, and reducing their Movement Speed by 70% for 0.5 seconds. Luke can also teleport behind allied cameras from an increased range, which are instantly destroyed upon use.

Evolution effect: If Luke helps kill an enemy, Dirty Work cooldown is reset.

  • Range: 3.5 (Enemy) / 5 (His and his allies' camera)

  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

  • SP Cost: 70/75/80/85/90


Pressure Washer (R)

Luke fires a bullet from his concealed gun, dealing 130/240/350(+Attack Power 90%) ~ 260/480/700(+Attack Power 180%) skill damage to enemies hit based on their missing HP, slowing them by 35/45/55% for 2 seconds, granting him vision of them, and pushing himself back.

Evolution effect: Hitting an enemy with the bullet resets the cooldown of Clean Sweep.

  • Effect Area: 12m * 0.75m (Ratio)

  • Projectile Speed: 20m/s

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s

  • SP Cost: 120/140/160

Li Dailin

Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp


Nunchaku Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Nunchaku Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) (P)

Li Dailin can use Drink Up to fill her BAC bar. Depending on her BAC, she can trigger Dialed In.

Dialed In: Li Dailin attacks with two consecutive basic attacks, and her attack speed is increased by 30%. Her second attack deals (Attack Power 30/40/50%) * (Basic Attack Amp) basic attack damage.

When her BAC is over 40, Li Dailin gets drunk. Her Spirited Kick and Bottom Shelf skills become enhanced with Tipsy. She gains Dialed In for her next basic attack after using a basic skill.

When her BAC is 100, she becomes Inebriated and cannot use her skills for5 seconds. While she is Inebriated, she gains Dialed In.

 Strong Stomach: Her Attack Power increases by 1 for 18 seconds after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Spirited Kick (Q)

Li Dailin kicks forward, dealing 20/35/50/65/80(+Attack Power 60%) skill damage to enemies hit. She can reactivate this skill two more times.

Tipsy: Consumes 40 BAC to increase range and deal 20/40/60/80/100(+Attack Power 70%) damage.

  • Dash Range: 2m, 2m, 2.25m

  • Tipsy Dash Range: 2.25m, 2.25m, 2.5m

  • Cooldown: 10s


Drink Up (W)

Li Dailin takes a drink for 0.8 seconds, gaining Liquid Strength and increasing her BAC by 45. While drinking, she avoids basic attacks and taken skill damage is reduced by 40/45/50/55/60%. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Drink Up by 1 second.

Liquid Strength: The damage dealt to an enemy hit from her next basic attack and damage from Dialed In is increased from 0.2%~20%, depending on her BAC.

  • Cooldown: 10/8.5/7/5.5/4s

Bottom Shelf (E)

Li Dailin spits out cheap liquor in a cone in front of her, slowing enemies in range by 25/27.5/30/32.5/35% for 2 seconds and dealing 80/135/190/245/300(+Attack Power 75%) damage. Tipsy: Consumes 40 BAC to reduce enemy movement speed by 45/50/55/60/65%.

  • Effect Area: 4m * 60°

  • Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8s


Striking Tiger (R)

Li Dailin launches forward, immune to crowd control, suppressing the first enemy hit and following it up with four consecutive kicks. Each blow deals 40/60/80(+Attack Power 30%)(+50% of consumed BAC) to 100/150/200(+Attack Power 75%)(+50% of consumed BAC) damage in proportion to the enemy's missing HP.

Consumes all BAC when triggered. Damage is increased depending on the amount of consumed BAC.

  • Effect Area: 7m * 1.4m

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Bow Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bow Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Hassetsu (P)

Rio's basic attacks and skills ignore 1/3/5%(+0.1% per 1% Crit Strike Chance) of her enemies defense based on her critical strike chance.

Rio's basic attacks can't critically strike but deal 106%(+Crit Strike Chance*(60%+Extra Crit Strike Damage) damage.

Her basic attack damage is increased based on her critical strike chance.


Kyudo Instinct (Q)
Passive: Basic attacks or skills grant her a stack of Flow. Upon reaching 3 stacks, dealing damage with Rio's next basic attack triggers an effect depending on her current bow.

Hankyu: Rio's movement speed is increased by 6/9/12/15/18% and her attack speed is increased by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds.

Daikyu: The range of Rio's next basic attack is increased by 0.4, and Rio deals 0.3% extra damage based on 1% of her target's missing HP.

Toggle: Rio switches between her Hankyu and Daikyu.

Hankyu: 2 arrows are fired with each basic attack, dealing Attack Power 55% and Attack Power 55% damage.

Daikyu: 1 powerful arrow is fired with each basic attack, dealing Attack Power 105% damage.

  • Hankyu Range: 4.25m

  • Daikyu Range: 6.3/6.35/6.4/6.45/6.5m

  • Daikyu Basic Attack Speed Reduction: -0.25

  • Cooldown: 1s

    • Not affected by Cooldown Reduction.

  • SP Cost: None


Hanare (W)

Hankyu: Rio fires arrows in a cone shape, dealing 25/50/75/100/125(+Attack Power 90%) skill damage to enemies in range. A breeze is created at the site where targets were hit for 1.5 seconds, slowing them by 40/45/50/55/60%. Arrows that hit the same target multiple times deal 20% skill damage.

Daikyu: Rio fires a single arrow in the targeted direction, dealing 50/70/90/110/130(+Attack Power 80%) skill damage to enemies hit and 25/35/45/55/65(+Attack Power 40%) damage to enemies behind the target in a cone shape. Hitting enemies reduces the cooldown of Rio's skills by 1.5 seconds.

  • Hankyu Arrows fired: 5

  • Hankyu Range: 7m * 0.6m

  • Daikyu Range: 10m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 5.5/5.25/5/4.75/4.5s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Soar (E)

Hankyu: Rio lunges into the targeted direction, firing 2 arrows at 3 enemies in range, each dealing 40/50/60/70/80(+Attack Power 35%) skill damage. Hitting an enemy gives the max amount of Stacks for Hassetsu.

Daikyu: Rio jumps into the targeted direction, firing 1 arrow at 3 enemies in range, dealing 70/90/110/130/150(+Attack Power 40%) skill damage and 20/40/60/80/100(+Attack Power 35%) skill damage 2m around the target. Hitting an enemy gives the max amount of Stacks for Hassetsu.

  • Movement Range: 5m

  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Fleeting Soul / Spirit Arrow (R)

Hankyu: Rio fires 3 arrows in the targeted direction, dealing 40/70/100(+Attack Power 40%) skill damage per arrow. Each hit reduces the cooldown of Fleeting Soul/Spirit Arrow by seconds. After firing 3 arrows, she fires an extra arrow, dealing 150/200/250(+Attack Power 80%) skill damage and knocking enemies back 4m. Enemies knocked into a wall are stunned for 1 second.

Daikyu: Rio channels and fires an arrow in the targeted direction, dealing 200/340/480(+Attack Power 80%) skill range damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 80% for 1 second. 0.8 seconds after firing, the arrows speed increases by 30% and its damage increases by 20%. The arrow disappears when it collides with the target or flies to the end of the range.

  • Hankyu Range: 8m * 1.5m

  • Daikyu Range: Unlimited * 1m

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60s

  • SP Cost: 100/120/140


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Camera Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Camera Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Play (P)

Combine Surveillance Camera and Branchto create a Trail Camera with Infiltration.

Martina’s 4K UHD Camera spends power from its battery to perform basic attacks, dealing (Attack Power 20%) * (Basic Attack Amp) damage. While the battery is recharging, Martina cannot basic attack. Its charge duration decreases with each skill point put into Record.

  • Current Charge Duration: 2 seconds (After 1.6/1.2/0.5s depending on Record (R)'s level)

Martina's basic attacks reveal her current target and deals extra damage to wild animals equivalent to 6% of their max HP. Martina’s Attack Power is also increased by 15% for every 50% Attack Speed gained.

Martina's experience in covering warfare allows her to intuitively sense nearby danger while interviewing. Combat between test subjects in a 20m radius will display a special ping on the Minimap.
Whenever Martina performs 4 consecutive basic attacks on an enemy, she applies a mark to them. Hitting a marked enemy with a skill consumes the mark, dealing 10/20/30(+Attack Power 20/30/40%) skill damage.

Basic attacks deal (Attack Power 60%) * (Basic Attack Amp) damage. Hitting a marked enemy with a skill consumes the mark, dealing 10/20/30(+Attack Power 40/55/70%) skill damage.

Fast Forward (Q)


Martina takes a snapshot in the targeted direction, dealing 30/50/70/90/110(+Attack Power 50%) skill damage. If this skill hits an enemy, its cooldown is reduced by 30%. Consuming a mark with this skill grants Martina 10/15/20/25/30% Movement Speed for 1.8/1.9/2/2.1/2.2 seconds.

Martina takes a snapshot in the targeted direction, dealing 60/75/90/105/120(+Attack Power 60%) skill damage. If this skill hits an enemy, its cooldown is reduced by 30%. Consuming a mark with this skill grants Martina 10/15/20/25/30% Movement Speed for 1.8/1.9/2/2.1/2.2 seconds and  30/35/40/45/50% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

  • Interview Range: 6.5m * 1.2m

  • Broadcast Range: 8m * 2m

  • Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6s

  • SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50


Pause (W)


Martina installs a miniature camera, gaining vision of its surrounding area for 12 seconds. Targeting the camera with Fast Forward causes the camera to take a snapshot pointing at Martina, dealing 90/120/150/180/210(+Attack Power 70%) skill damage and slowing enemies hit by 99% for 1 second. Martina can hold up to 2 cameras and install up to 2 cameras.


Martina installs a miniature camera, gaining vision of its surrounding area for 12 seconds. Targeting the camera with Fast Forward causes the camera to take a snapshot pointing at Martina, dealing 90/120/150/180/210(+Attack Power 90%) skill damage and rooting enemies for 1 second. Martina can hold up to 3 cameras and install up to 3 cameras.

  • Range: 3.5m

  • Miniature camera snapshot Range: 4.5m

  • Miniature camera snapshot Angle: 90°

  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Rewind (E)


Martina dashes in the targeted direction, leaving a videotape behind. Martina then enters the Rewind state for up to 7 seconds, increasing her movement speed by 8%.

Exiting the Rewind state causes Martina to dash back to the videotape, becoming Immune to Crowd Control and slowing enemies by 15% for 1 second.


Martina dashes in the targeted direction, leaving a videotape behind. Martina then enters the Rewind state for up to 5 seconds, increasing her movement speed by 8%.

Exiting the Rewind state causes Martina to dash back to the videotape, becoming Immune to Crowd Control and dealing 50/80/110/140/170(+Attack Power 40%) skill damage to enemies. Enemies that take damage are stunned for 1 second.

After returning to the videotape, Martina heals herself for 16/28/30/52/64% of damage received during Rewind.

Recast to exit Rewind before the end of its duration.

  • Rewind state Movement Range: 15m

  • Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14s

  • SP Cost: 90


Record (R)


Martina records in the targeted direction for up to seconds. If the target comes in range while she's recording, her Movement Speed increases by 10%. If she catches a target on film, Martina gains a Record Stack and her Movement Speed is increased by 30% for 3 seconds.

Whenever Martina has 8 or more Record Stacks, she completes her interview and goes into Broadcast mode, enhancing her skills.

Standard Footage Conditions: Film 2 Headline Targets for 1.2 or more seconds to gain 2 Record Stacks and 1300 Weapon Mastery.
Corpse Footage Conditions: Film the corpse of 1 Headline Target for 2 or more seconds to gain 1 Record Stack and 650  Weapon Mastery. (Max 6 Stacks, Cannot record the same corpse twice)
Headline Targets: Enemy Test Subjects, Tree of Life, Meteorite, Alpha, Omega, Wickeline, Gamma

After recording a target other than Tree of Life or Meteorite, she cannot record the same target for 60 seconds.


Martina records footage of Lumia Island in the targeted direction, reducing the target's defense by 15% and dealing 10/15/20(+Attack Power 1%) skill damage to enemies on the edge over 1.5 seconds every 0.2 seconds and 20/25/30(+Attack Power 7%) skill damage to enemies in the center.

When the skill ends, enemies on the edge take 60/120/180(+Attack Power 60%) skill damage, and enemies in the center take 100/200/300(+Attack Power 100%) skill damage. Enemies in the center are also stunned for a duration increasing by 0.1 seconds for each time they take skill damage from Record.

  • Range: 8m

  • Angle: 90°, 60° (15° in the center)

  • Cooldown: 30/20/1s, 90/75/60s (First Time on Broadcast: 5s)


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Whip Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Whip Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Haute Couture (P)

Mai's basic attacks deal an additional 15/20/25% of her defense as skill damage.

Mai is able to craft Mythril Crop, Áo Dài, and Phantom Jacket.


Drape (Q)

Mai whips her shawl, dealing 40/80/120/160/200(+Defense 50%)(+Skill Amp 40%)(+Max HP 5%) skill damage to enemies in range and gaining Pins for 5 seconds.

If the target of the Pins is hit by Drape again, their movement speed is reduced by 10/15/20/25/30% for 1 second.

  • Effect Area: Radius 2m

  • Cooldown: 5/4.5/4/3.5/3s

  • SP Cost: 70/65/60/55/50


Shawl Veil (W)

Mai veils herself with her shawl for 1.25 seconds. While veiled, basic attacks against her deal 1 damage, her defense is increased by 20/22/24/26/28%, and she gradually gains 10/14/18/22/26% movement speed. The veil then explodes, dealing 100/140/180/220/260(+Skill Amp 45%)(+Defense 40%) damage to enemies in range.

Mai can hold up to 2 charges and can use the skill every 4 seconds. Mai's basic attacks reduce the recharge cooldown by 1 second.

  • Effect Area: Radius 2.25m (Excludes Inner 1.25 m)

  • Charging Time: 28/26.5/25/23.5/22s

  • SP Cost : 50


Catwalk (E)

Mai dashes to an ally, wild animal, camera or enemy test subject and gains a shield for 2 seconds. Targeting an ally shields them as well.

Move to an enemy: 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amp 40%)(+Defense 30%)

Move to an ally, wild animal, or camera: 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amp 40%)(+Defense 30%)

Strut: Mai dashes in the targeted direction, dealing <60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amp 50%)(+Defense 55%) damage to enemies in range and taunting them for 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 seconds.

Must be used within 4 seconds.

  • Range: 5m

  • Recast Range: 3.5m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

  • SP Cost: 65/70/75/80/85


Exclusive (R)

Mai entangles her target, making them invincible and suppressed for 0.5 seconds. After {6} seconds, they are healed for 50/100/150(+Defense 50%)(+Skill Amp 50%) and the effects of Shaw Veil activate.

Casting on an ally pulls them towards Mai.

  • Range: 7m

  • Cooldown: 90/75/60s

  • SP Cost: 100/120/140


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Hammer Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Hammer Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp


Axe Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Axe Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Warrior's Grit (P)

Rattled: Enemies knocked into a wall by Markus or his skills become Rattled, taking 5/25/45(+8% of target's Max HP) skill damage. Enemies are stunned for 0.5 seconds and slowed by 30% for 2 seconds. Enemies coming into contact with the knocked back target are also Rattled and are applied the same effect.

Fatal Blow: When Markus strikes a Rattled enemy within 6.5m with a basic attack, Markus becomes Unstoppable, dealing 30/60/90(+Attack Power 60%) additional skill damage and removing the Rattled debuff from all enemies.

Art of War (Q)

For his next 3 basic attacks, Markus's Attack Speed is increased by 28/41/54/67/80% and his basic attacks deal an additional 5/15/25/35/45(+9% of additional HP) skill damage. He recovers HP equal to 100% of the additional skill damage. The buff expires in 5 seconds if Markus does not perform a basic attack.

Casting Art of War also increases Markus's movement speed by 2/4/6/8/10% for 2 seconds when moving towards an enemy test subject.

  • Cooldown: 7/6/5/4/3s

  • SP Cost: 40/35/30/25/20


Violent Swing (W)

Markus smashes the ground in the targeted direction, dealing 60/100/140/180/220(+Attack Power 60%)(+10% Additional HP) skill damage and knocking enemies airborne for 1 second.

If he hits an enemy inside the Tectonic Rift, all hit enemies are hurled 3m behind him.

  • Range: 4m * 2m

  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

  • SP Cost: 70/80/90/100/110


Fearless Assault (E)

Markus charges 5m in the targeted direction. Markus stops when he collides with a target, dealing 50/80/110/140/170(+Attack Power 70%) skill damage and knocking them back by 2.5m.

  • Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7s

  • SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50


Smash to Smithereens (R)

Markus slams his axe in the targeted direction, creating a Tectonic Rift in the area for 3 seconds. Enemies hit are slowed by 75% decaying over 1 second, and are dealt 150/275/400(+Attack Power 70%) skill damage.

Targets that are knocked airborne or knocked back within a Tectonic Rift take Rattled damage and become Rattled. This effect can only trigger once inside a Tectonic Rift.

Marking enemies Rattled reduces the cooldown of Smash to Smithereens by 3 seconds.

  • Axe Slam Range: Max 3m

  • Attack Range: trapezium

    • Length: 6.9m

    • Outer Width: 4.6m

    • Inner Width: 2.3m

  • Cooldown: 70/60/50s

  • SP Cost: 100/120/140


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Hammer Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Hammer Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Bat Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Tough Body (P)

If Magnus hits an enemy with a basic attack, he gains 1 Stack of Tough Body, and if he hits an enemy with a skill, he gains 2. His defense increases by 1/2/3% per Stack, and stacks up to 12 times. At max Stacks, Magnus's HP recovery per second increases by 6/8/10.

Broken Bullet (Q)

Magnus violently launches a boulder in the targeted direction, dealing 70/110/150/190/230(+Additional Attack Power100%)(Skill Amp 90%) skill damage. Enemies hit are slowed by 30/36/42/48/54% for 2 seconds. Movement speed recovers slowly over time.

  • Range: 10m

  • Projectile Speed: 21m/s

  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9s

  • SP Cost: 90/100/110/120/130


17 vs 1 (W)

Magnus spins his weapon in an area around him for 4 seconds, dealing 22/34/46/58/70(+Additional Attack Power30%)(+Skill Amp 20%)(+Defense 15%) skill damage 8/8/10/10/12 times.

Hitting an enemy reduces its cooldown by 0.75 seconds. Magnus's tenacity increases by 50% while 17 vs 1 is active.

  • Cooldown: 14s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


Heavy Strike (E)

Magnus smashes the targeted enemy, dealing 40/90/140/190/240(+Additional Attack Power40%)(+Skill Amp 60%)(+10% of target's Max HP) skill damage, and knocking them 3m to the left of where Magnus is currently facing.

If the target collides with a wall, they are stunned for 0.7/0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1 seconds.

Bike From Hell (R)

Magnus turns on his bike and starts to ride for 7 seconds. The bike slowly becomes faster, and reaches its max speed 2 seconds later. If the bike runs into a player or wall, they take 110/230/350(+Additional Attack Power150%)(+Skill Amp 85%)(+20% of target's current HP) skill damage.

Reactivate to jump off of the bike and launch it forward.

  • Starting Movement Speed: 1m/s

  • Max Movement Speed: 8m/s

  • Launching Projectile Speed: 16m/s

  • Launching Projectile Range: 7.5

  • Cooldown: 90/75/60s

  • SP Cost: 100/150/200


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Dream of a Butterfly (P)

Fantasy: Basic Attacks deal 20/50/80(+Skill Amp 40%) extra skill damage every few seconds.

Dream of a Butterfly:  Hitting an enemy with a skill gives her 1 stack of Dream of a Butterfly. Upon getting 4 stacks, a butterfly emerges, dealing 30/42/54(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage over time for 3 seconds. Vanya also receives a shield, absorbing 20/45/70(+Skill Amp 25%) damage.

The shield wears off by 50(+2 per Level) per second and cannot exceed 60/135/210(+Skill Amp 75%)

  • Fantasy Cooldown: 8/6.5/5s

Guiding Light (Q)

Vanya sends out a guiding Butterfly, dealing 50/70/90/110/130(+Skill Amp 45%) skill damage. Hitting a target or flying until the end of its range makes the butterfly go back toward its starting point, dealing damage on the way back.

Fetching a returning butterfly gives 40% cooldown. If Guiding Light hits an enemy, the butterfly grants Vanya a Dream of a Butterfly shield.

  • Max Range: 7.2m

  • Return Distance: Move an additional 3.8m compared to normal

  • Projectile Speed:

    • Leaving 10.6m/s

    • Returning 9.2m/s

  • Range: Radius 0.8m

  • Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7s

  • SP Cost: 50/55/60/65/70


Butterfly Embrace (W)

Butterfly Embrace: Vanya floats in the air 5 times for 3 seconds, dealing 20/24/28/32/36(+Skill Amp 12%) skill damage each time, and gains a decaying movement speed boost by 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%. She can activate The Butterfly Effect before her skill effect is over.

The Butterfly Effect: Vanya flies high up in the air, becoming untargetable for 1 second and dealing 60/95/130/165/200(+Skill Amp 95%) skill damage upon landing. Using this skill increases cooldown by 7 seconds.

  • Effect Area: Radius 3m

  • Cooldown: 7s

  • SP Cost: 55/60/65/70/75

  • This attack does not awaken sleeping enemies.

  • Additional cooldown is affected by Vanya's cooldown reduction.

  • You cannot move while using The Butterfly Effect.


Yearning (E)

Vanya flies, becoming unstoppable and dealing 80/100/120/140/160(+Skill Amp 80%) skill damage to enemies. The outer range of her open wings deals 90/115/140/175/190(+Skill Amp 80%) skill damage and enemies are slowed by 35% for 2 seconds.

  • Preparation time takes 0.3-0.5 seconds depending on the distance she needs to fly.

  • Movement Range: 4 ~ 7m

  • Range: 4 ~ 7m * 3.8m

  • Inner Range: 4 ~ 7m *1.6m

  • Dash Speed: 11.2m/s

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

  • SP Cost: 100


Sand Dust (R)

The illusory butterfly spreads Sand Dust, dealing 70/140/210(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage. Targets hit fall into a drowsy state for 2.25 seconds, are slowed down gradually, and then fall asleep for 2 seconds.

Targets hit while asleep wake up, taking 100/180/240(+Skill Amp 65%) skill damage.

  • The illusory butterfly is summoned for 0.26 seconds, then fires after 1 second.

  • Front Range: 6.7m * 5.4m

  • Rear Range: 0.5m * 5.4m

  • Cooldown: 90/70/50s

  • SP Cost: 100


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Retrofit (P)

Barbara's Sentry Gun gains Barbara's Level * Skill Amp Attack Power and Barbara's Level * Skill Amp 2% Defense.

Whenever a Sentry Gun is hit by Free-Electron Laser, or Barbara creates a Magnetic Cyclone or Particle Storm, its attack speed is increased by 15/20/25%, up to 3 stacks.

  • Sentry Gun Base Stats

    • HP: 150

    • Attack Power: 30

    • Defense: 39


BT Sentry Gun Mk.II (Q)

Barbara installs a Sentry Gun with 50+Barbara's Level * 50/55/60/65/70 HP in a targeted location, dealing 15/30/45/60/75(+Skill Amp 10%) damage to enemies hit.

The Sentry Gun remains for 15 seconds, dealing Sentry Gun's Attack Power 100% damage to enemies shot.

When a new Sentry Gun is set, the old one is dismantled. If an enemy destroys the Sentry Gun, its cooldown is increased by 20%. Moving far from the Sentry Gun or collecting it reduces its cooldown by 30%.

  • Range: 7m

  • Sentry Gun's Attack Range: 4.2m

  • Cooldown: 12s

  • SP Cost: 60/70/80/90/100


Free-Electron Laser (W)

Barbara fires a two part Free-Electron Laser, dealing 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amp 45%) skill damage to each enemy hit. Enemies hit are slowed by 20% for 1.5 seconds. Hitting an enemy with both parts of the laser deals 35% less damage per laser and reduces the cooldown of Overclock by 1 seconds.

Sentry Guns are enhanced when hit by the laser, causing the sentry to use Free-Electron Laser, dealing 60/90/120/150/180(+Sentry Gun's Attack Power 60%) skill damage to enemies hit.

  • Range: 7m

  • Cooldown: 5s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Magnetic Cyclone (E)

Barbara creates a Magnetic Cyclone with her sentry gun that lasts up to 4 seconds, dealing 2/4/6/8/10(+Skill Amp 10%)(+ 2/2.5/3/3.5/4% enemy max HP) skill damage every 0.5 second to enemies in range and increasing her movement speed by 20%.

Reactivating the skill or waiting until max duration causes the Magnetic Cyclone to explode, dealing 60/80/100/120/140(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage to enemies in range and granting her a shield based on 25% damage dealt by Magnetic Cyclone, up to a maximum of 50% HP.

Enemies that take damage from both explosions are slowed by 30/40/50/60/70% for 1 second.

  • Effect Area: Radius 2m

  • Cooldown : 18/16.5/15/13.5/12s

  • SP Cost : 80/90/100/110/120

Overclock (R)

Barbara resets all of her basic skill cooldowns, giving her next basic skill extra effects.

Reactiving Overclock without enhancing a basic skill cancels it, allowing Barbara to use it again after 3 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 70/60/50s

  • SP Cost: 100


Short Circuit (RQ)

Barbara sets sentry gun and teleports to its location. An already installed sentry gun will immediately self-destruct, dealing 60/80/100(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage. Barbara teleports, dealing 50/100/150(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage to nearby enemies, increasing the Sentry attack speed per enemy hit by 10% for 4 seconds. After using the skill, Overclock's cooldown is reduced by 30%.

Photon Resonance (RW)

For the next 7 seconds, the damage of Free-Electron Laser and Sentry Gun is increased by 5/10/15% and Free-Electron Laser has no SP cost and its cooldown is reduced to 0.35/0.25/0.15 seconds. Sentry Guns attacks become Free-Electron Lasers while Photon Resonance is active.

Particle Storm (RE)

Magnetic Cyclone radius grows over time increasing shield generation based on damage dealt by 20/25/30% and reducing damage taken by 20%. Reactivating the skill or after 6 seconds causes the storm to explode, dealing 60/80/100/120/140(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage to enemies in range and slowing them by 30/40/50/60/70% for 1 second.


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Sniper Rifle Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Sniper Rifle Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Buckshot (P)

Bernice's basic attacks fire 2/3/4 bullets, dealing 100~110/100 to 120/100~130% basic attack damage depending on the number of bullets that hit enemies.

Critical strike damage increase is not applied to Bernice's basic attack. However, upon a critical strike, he fires additional bullets, dealing 55~60/55 to 66/55~72% basic attack damage based on how many hit.

Bernice can reload faster depending on the level of Buckshot.

  • Reload time: 1.8/1.4/1 seconds


Leg Shot (Q)

Bernice fires an expanded projectile from his gun, dealing 70/110/150/190/230(+Attack Power 80%) skill damage to enemies hit. Enemies hit are slowed by 10/15/20/25/30% for 1.5 seconds.

Rooted enemies take 100/145/190/235/280(+Attack Power 80%) skill damage and are slowed by 30/35/40/45/50% for 1.5 seconds.

  • Effect Area: 11m * 1.5m

  • Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5s

  • SP Cost: 60/70/80/90/100


Foothold Trap (W)

Bernice sets a trap on the ground for 20/25/30/35/40 seconds, dealing 20/40/60/80/100(+Attack Power 10%) damage over time to enemies that step on it and rooting them for 3 seconds.

He can hold up to 3/3/4/4/5 Foothold Trap charges and can set 1/2/2/3/3 at a time.

  • Charging Time: 18/16.5/15/13.5/12s

  • SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50


Falconry (E)

<color=green>Passive: Bernice marks enemies that step on a Foothold Trap for 4 seconds, granting him vision and increasing his movement speed by 8/10/12/14/16% when moving towards his target.

Bernice's basic attacks on marked enemies reduce the cooldowns of Leg Shot by 0.5 seconds and Explosive Bola by 1 second.

Active: Bernice's falcon hovers in the air, increasing his vision by 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 for 8 seconds. The Falcon marks nearby enemies every 6 seconds for 4 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 14/12/10/8/6s

  • SP Cost: 60/75/90/105/120


Explosive Bola (R)

Bernice fires his bola bomb in a targeted direction, dealing 100/150/200(+Attack Power 70%) skill damage to the first enemy hit and rooting them for 1.25 seconds.

After the rooting effect is over, Explosive Bola explodes, dealing 80/120/160(+Attack Power 30%) skill damage to the rooted enemy and spreading to the nearest enemy within 3m.

Explosive Bola can spread to up to 3 additional enemies.

  • Effect Area: 12m * 1.4m

  • Cooldown: 85/75/65s

  • SP Cost : 120/150/180


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Bloodletting (P)

Hemostasis: Every few seconds, Bianca’s next basic attack deals 30/65/100(+Skill Amp 35%)(+3% of target’s max HP) skill damage. Every time Bianca deals skill damage to an enemy, their movement speed is reduced by 5/10/15% over 2 seconds.

Blood Bank: Bianca stores 12% of her skill damage dealt and 20% of her HP lost as Blood, up to 35% of her max HP. When out of combat, Bianca consumes Blood equivalent to10% of her max Blood every second to heal for 50% of the amount consumed.

  • Hemostasis Cooldown: 9/7/5s


Sanguine Javelin (Q)

Bianca throws a spear of blood to the targeted location, dealing 40/80/120/160/200(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage to enemies hit. The javelin forms a pool of blood on arrival, dealing 10/40/70/100/130(+Skill Amp 40%)(+ 5% of target’s max HP) skill damage to the first enemy that touches it. Enemies with Hemostasis are rooted for 1 second when hit by Sanguine Javelin.

  • Projectile Range: 1 ~ 8m * 1m

  • Projectile Speed: 22m/s

  • Circle Damage Range: Radius 2m

  • Circle Range Duration: 2.5s

  • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6s

  • HP Consumption: Current HP 7.5%


Sanctuary (W)

Bianca confines herself in her gothic coffin for up to 3 seconds.

While inside the coffin, Bianca takes 60/65/70/75/80% reduced damage and heals for 3.5% of her max HP every 0.5 seconds.

If Bianca's Blood is over 50%, the cooldown of Sanctuary is instantly reset.

If Bianca has over 50% Blood when using Sanctuary, she instantly consumes all of her stored Blood, increasing her healing inside the coffin based on the amount consumed, and reducing skill cooldown of all skills, excluding Sanctuary and weapon skills, by 1 second each every 1.5s seconds.

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s


Circulation (E)

Bianca circulates blood around her and dashes, dealing skill damage. The circulation can be charged for up to 1 second, consuming 3% of her current HP every 0.2 seconds. Bianca can hold the circulation for up to 4 seconds.

Channeling the circulation deals 30/55/80/105/130(+Skill Amp 55%)~60/110/160/210/260(+Skill Amp 110%) damage and increases the radius and dash range. If charged for longer than 1 second, hitting an enemy heals Bianca by 40/50/60/70/80(+Skill Amp 35%). When hitting multiple enemies, the healing is increased by 40% for each additional enemy.

  • Dash Range: 2 ~ 5m

  • Damage Range: Circle Radius 1.5 ~ 3m

  • Slow while charging: 12%

  • Cooldown: 16/14/12/10/8s

  • HP Consumption:  5 ~ 20% Current HP


Reign of the Vampire Queen (R)

Bianca conjures a vampiric spell in a circle around her. After the incantation is complete, the circle sticks to the ground, dealing 50/100/150(+Skill Amp 45%)(+8% of enemy max HP) skill damage to enemies in range. Enemies are slowed by 50% for 2 seconds. Bianca gains 20/25/30% Omnisyphon while on the circle.

The spell then explodes, dealing 50/100/150(+Skill Amp 60%) ~ 100/200/300(+Skill Amp 120%) skill damage to enemies in range based on their missing HP, and heals Bianca for 100/150/200(+Skill Amp 50%)(+10% of missing HP). When hitting multiple enemies, the healing is increased by 40% for each additional enemy.

  • Casting Time: 1.72s

  • Damage Range: Radius 6m

  • Cooldown : 90/75/60s

  • HP Consumption: Current HP 15%


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Explosives Engineer (P)

After 3 skills, Celine's next basic attack deals an additional 10(+Skill Amp 20/40%) skill damage. Celine is not affected by Cooldown Reduction stats. Instead, Cooldown Reduction stats are replaced by 1 Skill Amp per 1%.

Plasma Bomb (Q)

Celine throws a Plasma Bomb and places it at a targeted location. If Celine Detonates her Plasma Bombs, she deals 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amp 45%) damage to those in range. Targets hit by multiple bombs, only take 50% damage from the second time.

Celine can hold a maximum of 3 bombs and can place up to 4 bombs at a time. Exploded or expired bombs become empty shells, and can be used with her Magnetic Compulsion skill.

  • Range: 6m

  • Explosion Radius : Circular 2m

  • Charging Time: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5s

  • SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50


Detonate (W)

Celine detonates the placed Plasma Bomb or Magnetic Compulsive explosive. If an enemy is hit by the explosion, Plasma Bomb cooldown is reduced by 20/25/30/35/40% for each bomb.

Blast Wave (E)

Celine tosses a shockwave ordnance at the target location, knocking away enemies and herself, and dealing 60/80/100/120/140(+Skill Amp 65%) skill damage to her enemies.

  • Range: 8m

  • Explosion Radius: Circular 3m

  • Cooldown Reduction: 16/14/12/10/8s

  • SP Cost: 55


Magnetic Compulsion (R)

Celine fuses together all of her Plasma Bombs and empty bombs to create a Magnetic Compulsion explosive. Cooldown increases by 1.25 seconds per 1 additional fused bomb.

If the Magnetic Compulsion explosive explodes after casting Detonate or upon reaching its max duration, it deals 30/45/60/75/90(+Skill Amp 50%) x (Number of Fused Bombs) skill damage. If she reaches 4 fused bombs, hit enemies are slowed by 75% for 2 seconds. Enemy Movement Speed slowly recovers over time.

  • Range: 6m

  • Bomb Search Range: Radius 4m

  • Explosion Range: Radius 3m

  • Explosion Pre-delay: 0.5s

  • Cooldown: 1.25s (When 4 bombs are fused 5s)

  • SP Cost: 30/35/40/45/50


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Dagger Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Spear Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Dagger Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Spear Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Juggernaut Chef (P)

Food and beverages made by Xiukai have 20% bonus recovery. When crafting a consumable of Uncommon or higher rarity, he earns a stack of Juggernaut Chef, increasing his max HP by 1/2/3 for each stack (Max Stacks: 100).

  • Juggernaut Chefs Stacks per Rarity 

    • Uncommon: 3

    • Rare: 5

    • Epic: 7

    • Legendary: 9


Lost in the Sauce (Q)

Xiukai throws his sauce barrel in the targeted direction, dealing 70/120/170/220/270(+Skill Amp 60%)(+Xiukai’s Max HP 8%) skill damage to enemies hit. The sauce barrel leaves sauce behind, slowing enemies in the area by 30/35/40/45/50%.

  • Effect Area: 8.5m * 1.1m

  • Sauce Area: 2m

  • Sauce Area Duration: 2s

  • Cooldown: 8s

  • HP Consumption: 40/45/50/55/60


Eat Up! (W)

Xiukai throws food at a targeted ally or himself, recovering25/50/75/100/125(+4% Max HP)(+Number of Juggernaut Chef stacks) HP and increasing defense by 18/21/24/27/30 for 2 seconds. Recovery increases per stack of Juggernaut Chef.

  • Range: 6.5m

  • Projectile Speed: 13m/s

  • Cooldown: 25/22/19/16/13s


Wok It Off (E)

Xiukai slides on his wok toward the targeted location, hitting the first enemy he encounters. He deals 50/75/100/125/150(+Skill Amp 60%)(+6% Max HP) skill damage to the enemy and nearby enemies hit, pushing them back slightly and sending them airborne for 0.8 seconds. If he hits an enemy, cooldown is reduced by 30%. He can use Heavy Meal within 3 seconds after using this skill.

Heavy Meal: Xiukai slams his giant wok on the ground, dealing 60/95/130/165/200(+Skill Amp 70%)(+12% Max HP) skill damage to enemies in the area and lowering their defense by 8/11/14/17/20% for 3 seconds.

  • Wok It Off Range: 7m * 2m

  • Heavy Meal Range: Radius 4m

  • Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13s

  • HP Consumption: 40/45/50/55/60


Burnt to a Crisp (R)

Xiukai dishes out fire from his wok 6 times in 3 seconds, dealing 50/95/140(+Skill Amp 35%)(+6% Max HP) skill damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. The fire reduces enemy's movement speed by 30/40/50% for 0.1 second.

  • Effect Area: 5.5m * 75°

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60

  • HP Consumption: 100/140/180


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Dagger Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Dagger Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Phony Deal (P)

Shoichi earns stacks of Phony Deal for 6 seconds each time he hits an enemy with a skill. (Max Stacks 5) Upon reaching max stacks, his next basic attack deals 10/20/30(+Skill Amp 20%)(+ 2/3/4% of target's max HP) extra skill damage, and a dagger falls behind the enemy.

If Shoichi picks the dagger up off the ground again, he throws it at the nearest enemy within 5m, dealing 20/40/60(+Skill Amp 20%) damage. The dagger is thrown first at Risky Business' targets.

Good Faith (Q)

Shoichi lunges his blade in the targeted direction, dealing 20/60/100/140/180(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage. Hitting an enemy reduces the cooldown by 3 seconds and enables him to use Bad Faith within {2} second(s).

Bad Faith: Increased range and Shoichi will leave a dagger on the ground.

  • Effect Area: 3m * 1.5m

  • Cooldown: 8s

  • SP Cost: 50/55/60/65/70


Bottom Line (W)

Shoichi dashes to a targeted enemy or dagger, dealing 30/50/70/90/110(+Skill Amp 55%) skill damage to all enemies in his path.

If he picks up a dagger, the cooldown of Bottom Line is reset.

  • Range: 5.5m

  • Effect Area: 1.8m

  • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s

  • SP Cost: 80


Risky Business (E)

Shoichi takes a step back and throws a dagger to the front, dealing 35/75/115/155/195(+Skill Amp 65%) skill damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 20/27.5/35/42.5/50% for 1 second. Enemies hit are marked with Risky Business for 5 seconds and a dagger falls behind them.

If marked enemies are hit with his dagger, taken damage is increased by 20%. Every time an enemy marked with Risky Business is hit, cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds.

If they are killed, cooldown is reduced by 90%.

  • Effect Area: 5m * 1.1m

  • Movement Range: 2m

  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

  • SP Cost: 90


Ruthless (R)

Shoichi swings his deadly briefcase, dealing 80/160/240(+Skill Amp 45%) skill damage to enemies around him, slowing them by 30% for 1 second and tossing 4 daggers to the ground in a square.

Daggers pierce enemies, dealing 20/40/60(+Skill Amp 20%) skill damage.

  • Inner Damage Range: Radius 2.5m

  • Dagger Damage Range: 3.5m * 0.8m

  • Cooldown: 90/75/60s

  • SP Cost: 100


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Hammer Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Hammer Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Bat Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Bookworm (P)

After Sua uses a skill, her next basic attack deals 40/100/160(+Attack Power 40%)(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage to her target and 20/50/80(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amp 20%) skill damage to targets in a 2m range.

She recovers 50% damage dealt as HP.

Having at least one stack of Bookworm increases her attack speed by 40% (Max: 3 stacks).

Hitting an enemy reduces her basic skill cooldowns by 1.5 seconds. If multiple enemies are hit, cooldown reduction is still applied only once.

This basic attack is also applied through skills.


Odyssey (Q)

Sua manifests two books in a targeted direction that collide at the center, dealing 60/100/140/180/220(+Skill Amp 70%) skill damage to enemies in range and leaving a bookmark on the enemy for 3.5 seconds. Creating a new bookmark triggers the old one, dealing 20/40/60/80/100(+Skill Amp 45%) skill damage and stunning them for 0.75 seconds.

Damage to enemies hit in the center is increased by 30%, and their movement speed is reduced by 50/55/60/65/70% for 1 second.

  • 사거리 : 7m

  • Effect Area: 2m * 6m

  • Stun Range: 0.8m (Center 0.4m)

  • Cooldown: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


The Curious Case (W)

Sua shields her target for 2.5 seconds, absorbing 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage and making them immune to crowd control effects.

Enemy cast: Sua's bird attacks a targeted enemy, dealing 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amp 30%) skill damage and blinding them for 0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1/1.2 seconds.

  • Range: 6m

  • Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16s

  • SP Cost: 100


Don Quixote (E)

Sua manifests a lance and flies forward, dealing 110/140/170/200/230(+Skill Amp 55%) skill damage to enemies hit and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 1 second.

Enemies that have a bookmark take 150/190/230/270/310(+Skill Amp 80%) skill damage and are knocked airborne.

If Sua hits with Don Quixote, she recovers 20/30/40/50/60(+Skill Amp 20%) ~ 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amp 40%) of her lost HP.

Hitting an enemy reduces the cooldown of Don Quixote by 20%. Sua is immune to crowd control effects while her weapon is transforming.

Sua receives max recovery when her HP is 40%.

  • Movement Range: 7m

  • Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14s

  • SP Cost: 110


Memory (R)

Sua remembers the last skill she used, and can use it again with greater effect.

Memory of Odyssey: Enemies hit by the book collision take 180/230/280(+Skill Amp 90%) skill damage and a bookmark is attached to enemies hit for 3.5 seconds. Making a new bookmark triggers the old one, dealing 100/150/200(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage and stunning enemies for 0.75 seconds. Damage to enemies at the site of the book collision is increased by 30%, and their movement speed is reduced by 50/60/70% for 1 second.

Memory of The Curious Case: Ally cast: Sua shields her target for 100/200/300(+Skill Amp 35%) damage and makes them immune to crowd control effects.

Enemy cast: Deals 50/100/150(+Skill Amp 30%) damage and blinds enemies for 0.8/1/1.2 seconds.

Memory of Don Quixote: Enemies hit take 125/190/255(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage and their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 1 second.

Enemies that have a bookmark take 170/260/350(+Skill Amp 75%) skill damage and are knocked airborne. If Sua hits with Don Quixote, she recovers 20/60/120(+Skill Amp 20%) ~ 40/120/240(+Skill Amp 40%) of lost HP.

Sua is immune to crowd control effects while her weapon is transforming.

  • Cooldown: 46/33/20s


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Shuriken Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Shuriken Mastery Level - Skill Amp




As Sissela's HP decreases, she gains HP Regen and Skill Amp.

HP Recovery per Second: 2/4/6 ~ 18/28/38

Skill Amp: 3/6/9 ~ 15/26/37

When Wilson returns to Sissela, her next basic attack deals 25(+10% Skill Amp)(+Sissela Level*8) additional skill damage and reduces the movement speed of enemies by 10/20/30% for 2 seconds.

  • Enhanced Basic Attack Duration: 6s

  • Cooldown: 2.5s


Go Get 'Em Wilson! (Q)

Wilson flies in the targeted direction, dealing 60/90/120/150/180(+70% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in range.

  • Range: 7.5m

  • Effect Area: 2m

  • Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4s

  • HP Consumed: 50


Girl in a Bubble (W)

Wilson embraces Sissela for 1.5 seconds, blocking all damage.

Wilson explodes when the skill is used again or after expiration, dealing 80/120/160/200/240(+55% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in an area around her.

  • Effect Area: 2m

  • Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14s

  • HP Consumed: 100/110/120/130/140


Play With Us! (E)

Wilson stretches his body in the targeted direction, pulling the first target hit.
Ally pull: the target receives a shield, absorbing 70/120/170/220/270(+20% Skill Amp) skill damage for 3 seconds and the cooldown of Play With Us! is reduced by 60/90/120/150/180(+40% Skill Amp) for 0.5 seconds.

Enemy pull: Wilson deals {10} damage and stuns the target for 3 seconds.

Moving Wilson while grabbing an enemy will drag the enemy with him.

  • Effect Area: 5.5m * 1.1m

  • Projectile Speed: 0.38s

  • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8s

  • SP Cost: 60/70/80/90/100


Free at Last (R)

Sissela channels for 1 second. After 3 seconds, Sissela deals 60/150/240(+95% Skill Amp) skill damage to players within a 10m radius of her in the same area, as well herself.
Sissela deals 1/1.5/2 additional damage for every 1% of her missing HP.
Sissela's HP will not drop below 100 when taking damage from this skill.

Dealing damage with this skill increases the damage from Agony by 100% for 4/6/8 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 100/85/75s

  • SP Cost: 120/150/180


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Lumia Grand Prix (P)

Upon entering a new area, excluding from the Research Center, Silvia's Attack Speed is increased by 0.3/0.65/1% and Max Fuel is increased by 2. If she visits 10 areas, her Skill Amp is increased by 5% and her Attack Speed is increased by 10%.
She regains 1 fuel every 1 seconds when not on her bike.

Radar Gun (Q)

Silvia fires her Radar Gun, dealing 60/90/120/150/180(+50% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies hit and healing allies hit for 20/40/60/80/100(+20% Skill Amp) HP.

Silvia gains 20 fuel for each target she hits.

  • Range: 5m

  • Effect Area: 7m * 1m

  • Cooldown: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Finish Line (W)

Silvia sets up a Finish Line in the targeted location, dealing 80/100/120/140/160(+65% Skill Amp) skill damage and slowing enemies that pass through it by 25% for 2 seconds.

Can only occur once per enemy.

  • Range: 7m

  • Width: 6m

  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

  • SP Cost: 35/40/45/50/55


Spare Tire (E)

Silvia launches a Spare Tire in the targeted direction, dealing 110/130/150/170/190(+50% Skill Amp) to 242/286/330/374/418(+110% Skill Amp) skill damage based on the distance. (* Increases damage by 10% every 1 meter)

Upon hitting an enemy further than 3m, Silvia gains 4 - 48 fuel based on the distance the tire traveled.

  • Effect Area: 15m * 1m

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90


Shift Gears (R)

Silvia hops on her motorcycle, consuming 16 fuel every second, increasing her movement speed by 0.3/0.375/0.45, increasing her defense by 10/20/30, and giving her different skills.
Her movement speed changes 2 seconds as her motorcycle warms up. Movement speed change over 40/20/0%.

She can use Shift Gears when her fuel is above 50.

Silvia cannot use basic attacks or weapon skills while riding her motorcycle.

  • Cooldown: 8/6/4s


Power Slide (Bike Q)

Silvia spins on her bike, dealing 50/75/100/125/150(+60% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in range.

  • Effect Area: 2.5m

  • Cooldown: 3.5/3/2.5/2/1.5s

  • No consumable


Front Flip (Bike W)

Silvia does a wicked flip in the direction she is currently facing, dealing 60/100/140/180/220(+70% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in range and knocking them airborne for 0.4 seconds.

  • Range: 3.5m

  • Effect Area: 1.75m

  • Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6s

  • No consumable


Wheelie (Bike E)

Silvia wheelies toward the targeted enemy dealing 40/70/100/130/160(+50% Skill Amp) skill damage and knocking them back 1m.
She deals 42/70/98/126/154 additional damage depending on her movement speed.

  • Range: 4m

  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9s

  • No consumable


Shift Gears (Bike R)

Silvia dismounts her bike and reverts her skills.

Her next basic attack within 3 seconds deals an additional 20/40/60(+100% Basic Attack)(+45% Skill Amp) skill damage.

  • Cooldown: 0.5s


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Bat Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Rapier Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Rapier Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Control the Center (P)

Adela's attack range is increased by 2.5m and her attack speed is fixed. Every 0.01 Attack Speed increases her Skill Amplification by 0.1/0.365/0.6.

Promotion (Q)

Adela places her pawn at the targeted location, dealing 40/85/130/175/220(+60% Skill Amp) skill damage.
Upon reaching 3 stacks, her movement speed is increased by 4/5/6/7/8% and her next pawn will be Queened, dealing 50/95/140/185/230(+70% Skill Amp) skill damage and stunning enemies hit for 1 second.
Stacks are reset if Promotion is not reactivated within 6 seconds.

Pawns and Queens remain for 8 seconds. Promotion's cooldown can not be reduced.

  • Range: 7m

  • Effect Area: 1m

  • Cooldown: 3.75/3.25/2.75/2.25/1.75s

  • SP Consumed: 50/65/80/95/110


Knight Fork (W)

Adela moves her Knight to the a targeted location, dealing 60/100/140/180/220(+75% Skill Amp) skill damage.
Hitting a pawn, queen, or rook with the initial landing spot pushes the piece opposite of the knight, causing different effects. Pawn and Queen: Piece stops upon hitting an enemy, dealing 50% of Promotion's damage, and knocking them airborne for 0.75 second. Rook: deals the same damage as Castling to enemies hit, knocking them airborne for 1.25 seconds.

Knight remains for 8 seconds. Summoning another Knight will cause the first knight to disappear.

  • Range: 6m

  • Effect Area: Radius 1.25m

  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

  • SP Consumed: 90/100/110/120/130


Castling (E)

Adela slides her rook in the targeted direction dealing 75/120/165/210/255(+70% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies hit. Hitting a pawn, queen or knight on the way causes those pieces to deal damage.
Pawn and queen: deal 50% of Promotion's damage.
Knight: deal 50% of Knight Fork's damage, slow enemies by 40% for 1.5 seconds.
Reactivating the skill within {4} seconds to switch places with the rook.

Rooks remain for 8 seconds. Sliding another rook will cause the first rook to disappear.

  • Effect Area: 6m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12s

  • SP Consumed: 70/85/100/115/130


Checkmate (R)

Adela raises into the air for 2 seconds, becoming unable to take damage. Upon landing, she deals 150/275/400(+95% Skill Amp) skill damage and an additional 3% of enemy's max HP per active chess piece as true damage to enemies in range.

All active chess pieces also attack, dealing 50% of their activation damage and disappearing.

  • Effect Area: 3m

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60s

  • SP Consumed: 90


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Pyromaniac (P)

Adriana can start fires on the ground. Enemies inside the burning area take 13/26/39(+20% Skill Amp) skill damage every 0.5 seconds and are slowed by 40%.

Enemies who take damage from a skill become Burned. Burned enemies take 40/80/120(+40% Skill Amp) skill damage for 3 seconds, and their defense is reduced by 5/10/15% over time. Enemies who were already burned cannot catch on fire again for 7 seconds.

Flamethrower (Q)

Adriana fires her flamethrower in the targeted direction for 2 seconds, dealing 20/30/40/50/60(+18/20/22/24/26% Skill Amp) skill damage every 0.25 seconds.

  • Effect Area: 6m * 0.9m

  • Cooldown: 6s

  • SP Cost: 15/25/35/45/55


Oil Slick (W)

Adriana spills oil on the targeted location. The oil slick remains for 5 seconds. Adriana can ignite the oil slick either with a skill or if a burning enemy walks over the oil, and start a fire for 5 seconds.

Enemies inside the oil slick are slowed by 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%.

  • Range: 9m

  • Oil Slick Range: 6m * 1.3m

  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9s

  • SP Cost: 30


Fire Escape (E)

Adriana dashes in the targeted direction, leaving behind a trail of fire. The flames remain for 5 seconds.

  • Travel Distance: 6m

  • Effect Area: 6m * 0.8m

  • Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16s

  • SP Cost: 40


Cocktail Party (R)

Adriana throws a Molotov cocktail at the targeted location. The Molotov cocktail explodes upon landing, dealing 60/120/180(+35% Skill Amp) skill damage. After the explosion, the Molotov cocktail leaves behind a fire for 5 seconds.

Adriana can hold a maximum of 3 Molotov cocktails.

  • Range: 10m

  • Effect Area: Radius 1.5m

  • Cooldown: 26/23/20s

  • SP Cost: 25/45/65


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Stargazing (P)

Stargazing: Adina's crystal ball generates celestial signs that alter the effect of her skills. Casting a skill consumes Adina's currently selected celestial sign (the 2nd bar below the HP bar), changing the effect of the skill depending on the sign consumed.

Once all signs have been consumed, Adina enters a state of Stargazing for 3 seconds, refilling all empty slots with new celestial signs and increasing her movement speed by 4/9/14%(+Skill Amp 2%).


Luminary (Q)

Adina launches a celestial sphere in the targeted direction, dealing 60/95/130/165/200(+Skill Amp 65%) skill damage to enemies hit.

Celestial Sign
Sun : Damage is increased by 10(+Skill Amp 10%) .
Moon : Fires a moon sphere that explodes on impact, stunning the target by 0.7 seconds.
Star : Fires a comet that leaves a tail behind for 4 seconds, increasing the movement speed of allies touching the tail by 8%.

  • Effect Area: 9m * 1.2m

  • Projectile Speed: 11m/s

    • Star Projectile Speed : 17.2m/s

  • Cooldown: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4s

  • SP Cost: 50/55/60/65/70

Sun Conjunct: When casting Luminary with two aligned Sun signs, Adina fires a larger sun sphere, dealing 140/200/260/320(+Skill Amp 110%) skill damage, and continously burns enemies for  5% of target's Max HP for 2 seconds.

  • Conjunct’s damage affects the level of Celestial Prophecy (R).

  • Projectile Effect Area: radius 1.7m

  • Projectile Speed: 7.5m/s


Astral Trine(W)

Adina draws an astral triangle at the targeted location, dealing 70/95/120/135/160(+Skill Amp 75%) skill damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 35% for 1.2 seconds.

Celestial Sign

Sun : Damage is increased by 10(+Skill Amp 10%) .

Moon : Enemies hit are stunned for 1 seconds.

Star: The triangle is completed faster, and allies in range are shielded by 70/100/130/160/190(+Skill Amp 45%) for 1.5 seconds.

  • Range: 7m

  • Effect Area: One Side = 4.5m (Equilateral Triangle-shape)

  • Pre-delay: 0.8s

    • Star Pre-delay: 0.5s

  • Cooldown: 9/8.5/8/7.5/7s

  • SP Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Moon Conjunct: When casting Astral Trine with two aligned Moon symbols, Adina draws two triangles. Each triangle deals 56/93/130/167(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage, and the first triangle stuns enemies hit by 1 seconds, and the second one slows enemies by 50% for 2.5 seconds.

  • Conjunct’s damage affects the level of Celestial Prophecy (R).


Fated Horizon(E)

Adina marks her target, dealing 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage. A celestial body then descends upon the target, dealing 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amp 35%) skill damage to enemies in range.

Celestial Sign

Sun: Each damage is increased by 5(+Skill Amp 5%).

Moon: A Moon sphere descends upon the target, stunning enemies hit by 1 seconds.

Star: A comet quickly descends upon the target. When cast on an ally, they are healed by 50% from the mark.

  • Range: 6.5m

  • 2nd Cast Damage Range: 1.8m

  • 2nd Cast Damage Time: Marks for 0.5 seconds, descends for 0.7 seconds

    • Star Descend Time: 0.2s

  • Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120

Star Conjunct: When casting Fated Horizon with two aligned Star symbols, the comet leaves behind a nebula for 4 seconds, healing allies inside by 22/42/62/82(+Skill Amp 6%) per second and recovering 30/50/70/90(+Skill Amp 6%) SP.

  • Conjunct’s healing affects the level of Celestial Prophecy (R). 


Effect : Celestial Prophecy

Adina swaps the saved sign (the 2nd bar below the HP bar) with one in her crystal ball, altering her fated path.

Passive: Conjunct

When aligning Celestial Signs, Adina can cast a powerful Conjunct skill by consuming both the 2nd and 3rd bar.

  • Conjunct skills can be enhanced by leveling Celestial Prophecy.

  • Sun x2: Enhances Luminary(Q), increasing damage dealt.

  • Moon x2: Enhances Astral Trine(W), increasing damage dealt.

  • Star x2: Enhances Fated Horizon(E), providing extra recovery.

  • Conjunct skills can be cast only once per Stargazing (P) cycle.


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Assault Rifle Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Assault Rifle Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp


Sniper Rifle Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Sniper Rifle Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Aya's Justice (P)

When Aya is attacked, she gains a shield that blocks 100/130/160(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amp 10%) damage for 1.5 seconds.
Every time she attacks an enemy, the cooldown of Aya's Justice is decreased by 1 second.

  • Cooldown: 30s


Double Shot (Q)

Aya quickly fires two bullets at her target. The first bullet deals Attack Power 100% basic attack damage and the second bullet deals 40/70/100/130/160(+Attack Power 30%)(+Skill Amp 60%) skill damage. Aya's Attack Speed is increased by 20/25/30/35/40% for 3 seconds.

If Aya's attack speed is over 1, casting time and projectile bullet speed get faster based on attack speed.

  • Range: Same as basic attack range

  • Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8s

  • SP Cost: 80


Steady Shot (W)

아야가 한 방향으로 1.6s 동안 총을 발사하여 6~8발을 연사합니다. 추가 Attack Speed 30%당 발사 탄환 수가 증가합니다.
탄환은 명중 시 20/35/50/65/80(+Attack Power 40/42.5/45/47.5/50%)(+Skill Amp 20/25/30/35/40%)의 Skills 피해를 입힙니다.

Aya shoots 6~8 bullets in the targeted direction over 1.6 seconds. The number of bullets Aya fires per 30% additional Attack Speed is increased.

Each bullet deals 20/35/50/65/80(+Attack Power 40/42.5/45/47.5/50%)(+Skill Amp 20/25/30/35/40%) skill damage.

  • Effect Area: 8m

  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


Moving Turn (E)

Aya quickly dashes in the targeted direction.

  • Movement Range: 4m

  • Cooldown: 19/17/15/13/11s

  • SP Cost: 85/90/95/100/105


Blank Cartridge (R)

Aya fires a blank into the sky, dealing 120/240/360(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amp 100%) skill damage to nearby enemies and Fearing them for 0.7 seconds.

  • Effect Area: Radius 4.5m

  • Casting Time: 0.66s

  • Cooldown: 80/60/40s

  • SP Cost: 150


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Assault Rifle Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Assault Rifle Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Guerilla Warfare (P)

Isol arms traps 0.1/0.3/0.5 seconds faster. Enemies that take damage from one of his traps have their defense reduced by 5/15/25% for 3 seconds.

Semtex Bomb (Q)

Isol throws a bomb to the target location that sticks to an enemy or on the ground. If the bomb is thrown on the ground, it explodes after 3 seconds, dealing 30/60/90/120/150(+Attack Power 30%)(+Skill Amp 50%) skill damage. Enemies caught in the blast are rooted for 0.6 seconds.

If the bomb is stuck to an enemy, the bomb will explode in 6 seconds. Each attack to a target reduces its timer by 0.5 seconds, and increases the damage of the explosion by 10/14/18/22/26(+Attack Power 10%)(+Skill Amp 5%). Root duration is also increased by 0.1 second for up to 1 second.

  • This skill counts as one of "Isol's Installed Traps".

  • Range: 7m

  • Attachment Range: 1.1m

  • Explosion Range : 1.1m

  • Cooldown: 15/13/11/9/7s

  • SP Cost: 60/70/80/90/100


Rebel Assault (W)

Isol unleashes a fury of bullets in front of him for 2 seconds, dealing 14/20/26/32/38(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amp 25%) skill damage every 0.33 seconds.

  • Rebel Assault can deal damage to enemy installations.

  • Effect Area: 7m

  • Angle: 60도

  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9s

  • SP Cost: 70/80/90/100/110


Camouflage (E)

Isol rolls forward and blends into his surroundings, going invisible for 2.5/2.75/3/3.25/3.5 seconds. The invisibility is lifted if Isol does any action other than movement.

  • Movement Range: 3m

  • Movement Speed: 0.39s

  • Cooldown : 18/17/16/15/14

  • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80


MOK Operational Mine (R)

Isol installs a MOK Operational Mine on the ground that detects enemies for 45 seconds. The mine explodes when an enemy enters its range, dealing 150/200/250(+Attack Power 40%)(+Skill Amp 40%) skill damage. A max number of 2 MOK mines can be kept at one time, with a max number of 2 able to be installed.

  • This skill counts as one of "Isol's Installed Traps".

  • Detecting Range: 2.5m

  • Explosion Range: 4.2m

  • Cooldown : 30/28/26s


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Tonfa Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Tonfa Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Exploit (P)

Every time Isaac hits the same enemy 4 times, he deals 5/15/25(+45% Attack Power) skill damage and his movement speed increases by 10/20/30%. He returns to normal after 3 seconds and recovers Health equal to 80/120/160% of Exploit damage dealt. If the enemy is a wild animal, recovery effects are decreased by 40%

Swoop (Q)

Isaac charges toward an enemy, striking and dealing 65/95/125/155/185(+Attack Power 50%) skill damage.

  • Range: 3.5m

  • Movement Speed: 18m/s (When the skill is cast, it only moves to the target's location)

  • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6s

  • SP Cost: 65/70/75/80/85



Isaac's weapon grows stronger, and his next Basic Attack or Basic Skill is strengthened, dealing 10/25/40/55/70(+65% Attack Power) extra skill damage and destroying the enemy's shield. If Exploit triggers when using an enhanced Basic Attack or Basic Skill, Basic Skill Cooldowns are decreased by 30%.

  • Cooldown: 9/7.5/6/4.5/3s

  • SP Cost: 50


Hound / Arrest(E)

Isaac quickly charges forward and prepares his next skill for 2.5 seconds.

Upon reuse: Pulls in the enemy in front of him, dealing 50/75/100/125/150(+60% Attack Power) skill damage, and stunning them for 0.65 seconds.

  • Hound Travel Distance: 3m

  • Arrest Effect Area: 5m * 2m

  • Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11s

  • SP Cost: 75


The Heavy Hand of the Law (R)

Isaac strongly slams into the ground, dealing 60/110/160(+100% Attack Power) skill damage and pushing enemies without Exploit out of range. Based on how many stacks of Exploit Marks the target has, Isaac deals 4/5/6%(+5% Attack Power) of enemy's missing HP as additional skill damage and slows them by 99% for a short while.

  • Range: 4m

  • Effect Area: Isaac Inner Radius 2.5m

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60s

  • SP Cost: 100/150/200


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Tonfa Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Tonfa Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp


Two-handed Sword Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Two-handed Sword Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp


Shuriken Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Shuriken Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp


Pistol Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Pistol Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Infiltration (P)

Alex begins infiltration for 4 seconds starting from level 6 after getting a kill or an assist. Enemies cannot see Alex when outside of his detection range.

While infiltrating, his movement speed is increased by 3/7/11% for 2 seconds if an enemy is within 8m.

His weapon mastery levels all increase equally.

When equipped with a melee weapon, his defense is increased by 7/14/21.

  • (Day) Detection Range: 12m

  • (Night) Detection Range: 10m


Gauss Pistol (Ranged Q)

Alex fires his gauss pistol, dealing 70/100/130/160/190(+70% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies hit.

Hitting an enemy increases Alex's attack power by 4% for 20 seconds. Alex can gain up to 2 stacks.

If he has maximum stacks of both Incursion and Gauss Pistol, his attack speed is increased by 15%.

  • Range: 9m

  • Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5s

  • SP Consumed: 50


Recognition Signal (Ranged W)

Alex launches a signal in the targeted area, dealing 70/100/130/160/190(+70% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies in range and granting him vision for 2.0/2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8s.

Hitting an enemy for 2/2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8s increases his basic attack range for 1.5m.

  • Range: 6.5m

  • Effect Area: 1.7m

  • Cooldown : 13/12.5/12/11.5/11s

  • SP Consumed : 25/35/45/55/65


Blowback (Ranged E)

Passive: Alex’s attack speed is increased by 10/12/14/16/18% .

Alex steps back and throws an electric shuriken in the targeted direction, dealing 80/105/130/155/180(+70% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies hit and begins infiltration. Enemies hit are slowed by 30/35/40/45/50%, recovering over 1 seconds.

Activating Blowback allows Alex to swap weapons once in 4 seconds. Ending infiltration or changing weapons cancels the effect.

Infiltration can only occur starting at level 6.

  • Range: 6m

  • 후퇴 거리: 3m

  • Cooldown : 12s

  • SP Consumed : 90


Incursion (Melee Q)

Alex calls in a strike at a targeted location, dealing 70/100/130/160/190(+75% Attack Power) skill damage.

Hitting enemies increases his attack power by 4% for 20 seconds. Alex can gain up to 2 stacks.

If he has maximum stacks of both Incursion and Gauss Pistol, his attack speed is increased by 15%.

  • Range: 4m

  • Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5s

  • SP Consumed: 50


Dead Drop (Melee W)

Alex tosses his Dead Drop in a targeted location, dealing 60/95/130/165/200(+80% Attack Power) damage to enemies in range and pulling them to the center.

  • Range: 6.5m

  • Effect Area: 2.2m

  • Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s

  • SP Consumed: 50/55/60/65/70


Double Agent (Melee E)

Passive: Alex’s Attack Speed is increased by 10/12/14/16/18%. While the hologram remains, his passive is multiplied.

Alex dashes in the targeted direction, infiltrating and leaving behind a hologram.

The hologram taunts enemies in range, forcing them to attack it for 0.65 seconds.
After using the skill, he can swap his weapon. Ending infiltration or changing weapons cancels the effect.

Infiltration can only occur starting at level 6.

  • Travel Distance: 2m

  • Taunt Effect Area: 2.5m

  • Cooldown: 12s

  • SP Consumed: 50/55/60/65/70


EMP Barrage (R)

Alex calls in a strike at a targeted location, dealing 70/150/220(+60% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies in range and 100/180/260(+75% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies in the center.

Enemies hit are slowed by 40% for 0.6 seconds.

The missile then pulses a total of 10 times, dealing 30/40/50(+25% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies in range every 0.69 seconds and slowing them by 20% for 0.6 seconds. Enemies in the center take 30/60/90(+45% Attack Power) skill damage.

  • Range: 50m

  • Effect Area: 4.6m

  • Inner Effect Area: 2m

  • Cooldown: 90/75/60s

  • SP Consumed: 100


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Glove Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp


Tonfa Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Tonfa Mastery Level - Skill Amp




Jan gains a stack of Unyielding each time he deals damage. When he has at least 5 stacks of Unyielding, his next basic skill consumes stacks, enhancing it, and reducing the cooldown of his basic skills by 10/20/30%.

  • Unyielding does not stack due to item, armor, and Tonfa skill damage.

Knee Strike(Q)

Knee Strike: Jan attacks with his knee, dealing 60/80/100/120/140(+80% Additional Attack Power)(60% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in range and slowing them by 60% for 1 seconds. Reactivate to use Leaping Knee.
Enhanced: Reduces enemy's defense by 30% for 4 seconds.

Leaping Knee: Jan attacks with his knee, dealing 65/95/125/155/185(+90% Additional Attack Power)(80% Skill Amp) skill damage and knocking them airborne for 0.85 seconds.
Enhanced :Hitting an enemy will reset the cooldown of Bob and Weave.

  • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8s

  • SP Cost: 50


Tomahawk Roundhouse(W)

Jan sweeps the area in front of him with a kick, dealing 80/110/140/170/200(+60% Additional Attack Power)(80% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in range. Enemies in the outer cone are knocked back, and enemies knocked into terrain are stunned for 0.5 second.
Enhanced: Deals 110/145/180/215/250(+85% Additional Attack Power)(+130% Skill Amp) skill damage and knocks back all enemies in range. Enemies knocked into terrain are stunned for 1 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 17s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Bob and Weave(E)

Jan dashes forward and causes his next basic attack to deal 20/35/50/65/80(+50% Additional Attack Power)(+40% Skill Amp) extra skill damage. Hitting Knee Strike or Tomahawk Roundhouse after dashing heals him for 20/25/30/35/40 - 100% of damage dealt, increased based on his missing HP (maximum healing is reached when below 40% HP). Jan can Bob and Weave while using Tomahawk Roundhouse.
Enhanced: The cooldown of Bob and Weave is reduced by 40%.

  • Cooldown: 16/14/12/10/8s

  • SP Cost: 90


The Tetragon(R)

Jan summons a square ring for 6.5 seconds, granting him 1 stack of Unyielding every second the ring is up. Enemies that touch the ropes are slowed by 80/140/200(+100% Additional Attack Power)(+60% Skill Amp) for 1 seconds and slowed by 40%. Enemies that are knocked back into the ropes are then knocked back towards the center of the ring. Ropes disappear upon contact. Killing a player inside the ring grants 5 stacks of Unyielding and increases Jan's movement speed by 35% for 3seconds.

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60s

  • SP Cost: 160/180/200


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Axe Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Axe Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Duty Calls! (P)

Basic Effect: Healing for Estelle and her allies in a 8m radius is increased by 40/60/80%. Estelle can revive downed allies 1/1.5/2 seconds faster. Revived allies recover an additional 5/10/15%(+3% per Skill Amp 100) HP.

  • Effect Area: 8m

  • Enhanced Resurrection Cooldown: 140/130/120


Suppression (Q)

Suppression: Estelle empowers her shield, dealing an additional 30/35/40/45/50(40% Skill Amp)(+ 9% of her Max HP) skill damage on her next basic attack and stunning the enemy for 0.75 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 7s

  • SP Cost: 20/25/30/35/40


First Response (W)

First Response: Estelle slams the ground with her shield, dealing 20/50/80/110/140 (60% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in range, slowing them by 20% for 2 seconds. Reduced movement speed slowly recovers over time.

  • First Response Effect Area: Radius 3m

  • First Response Travel Distance: 2.3m

  • First Response Movement Speed: 8m/s

  • First Response Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s

  • First Response SP Cost: 50/55/60/65/70

Emergency Extinguish: When cast during Hazard Shield, Estelle can move while spraying enemies in range with her extinguisher for 2 seconds, dealing 10/20/30/40/50(30% Skill Amp)(+1% of her Max HP) skill damage per 0.25 seconds and decreasing their movement speed by up to 32%. Can be recast to be canceled, and then recast again to withdraw the shield.

  • Emergency Extinguish Effect Area: 4m

  • Emergency Extinguish Angle: 45

  • Emergency Extinguish Cooldown: 7s

  • Emergency Extinguish SP Cost: 50/55/60/65/70


Hazard Shield (E)

Hazard Shield: Estelle spreads her Hazard Shield for 4 seconds, and can move during this duration. For 0.5 seconds after casting the skill, damage from enemy attacks is negated (Excludes some DoT effects). After {1} seconds, Estelle reduces damage taken by 70% instead, wearing off each time she’s damaged. Allies nearby Estelle while her Hazard Shield is up also take 15/20/25/30/35% reduced damage. Casting a skill once more after charging ends her shielded state.

  • Hazard Shield Ally Shield Effect Area: Radius 5m

  • Hazard Shield Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11s

  • Hazard ShieldSP Cost: 50/55/60/65/70

Forcible Entry: When cast during Hazard Shield, Estelle charges forward and stops on impact, dealing 40/65/90/115/140(+60% Skill Amp)(+10% of her Max HP) skill damage to the target and pushing them away. During the charge, Estelle is Unstoppable and instantly destroys objects such as enemy surveillance cameras. Can be recast to be canceled.

  • Forcible Entry Travel Distance: 8.5m

  • Forcible Entry Movement Speed: 11m/s

  • Forcible Entry Width: 2m

  • Forcible Entry Knockback Distance: 0.5m

  • Forcible Entry SP Cost: 50/55/60/65/70


Helitack Stat! (R)

Cast on Self: Estelle shields herself for 100/150/200(50% Skill Amp)(+15% of lost HP) for {3} seconds and requests a helitack backup. After 0.55 seconds, the helitack will locate Estelle’s coordinates and drop a hydro bomb on the location, dealing 70/150/230(+40% Skill Amp)(+10% of lost HP) skill damage. Hit enemies are slowed by 50% for 1 seconds.

Cast on Ally: Estelle shields her ally for 200/325/450(50% Skill Amp)(+25% of lost HP) of target’s lost HP)</color> for 3 seconds and requests a helitack backup. After 3 seconds, Estelle drops from her helitack and instantly teleports to her ally, dealing 70/150/230 (40% Skill Amp)(+10% of lost HP) skill damage and knocking enemies airborne for 0.75 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 100/80/60s

  • SP Cost: 90/100/110


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Two-handed Sword Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Two-handed Sword Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Overcharge (T)

Aiden gains an Ampere for each enemy hit by his skills. When Aiden has 5 Amperes, his movement speed is increased by 30%. If there are no enemies within 2.6m while Amperes is still in effect, he becomes Overcharged for {4} seconds, gaining 5 bullets and ranged basic attacks.

While Overcharged, Aiden’s gains 20% critical strike damage for every 0.2 of his critical strike chance and his basic attacks always critically strike, but he loses 1% attack speed and 0.2/0.3/0.4% critical strike damage. After Overcharge expires, Aiden's movement speed is increased by 7/10/13 % for 2 seconds.

  • Overcharge Basic Attack Range : 4/4.5/5m

Lightning Strike / Volt Cannon (Q)

Lightning Strike: Aiden thrusts his gunblade forward, dealing 25/50/75/100/125(+65% Basic Attack) basic attack damage to the first enemy hit and gaining 1 <color=white>Amperes</color>. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Lightning Strike by 1 second.

During Overcharge, Aiden can use Volt Cannon.

Volt Cannon: Aiden fires 1 bullet in the targeted direction, dealing 30/65/100/135/170(+50% Basic Attack) basic attack damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 25/30/35/40/45% for 0.45 seconds. Hitting an enemy with Volt Cannon decreases its cooldown by 50%.

Lightning Strike and Volt Cannon are not affected by Cooldown Reduction.

  • Lightning Strike Effect Area: 3.6m * 0.6

  • Lightning Strike Cooldown: 5/4.5/4/3.5/3s

  • Lightning Strike SP Cost: 20/25/30/35/40

  • Volt Cannon Range: 7m

  • Volt Cannon Cooldown: 5/4.5/4/3.5/3s

  • Volt Cannon SP Cost: 60


Dissipation (W)

Aiden slows himself while he channels high voltage into his gunblade. When recast, or at max duration, Aiden deals 25/35/45/55/65(+40% Attack Power) - 50/70/90/110/130(+80% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies nearby based on charge time and slows them by 45% for 0.65 seconds.

If fully charged, Aiden leaves behind a Sparkring for 2.5 seconds.

Sparkring: Deals 30/75/120/165/210(+40% Attack Power) skill damage to enemies that touch it and rooting them for 0.9/1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3 seconds.

  • Reduced Movement Speed while Charging: 20%

  • Effect Area: Radius 3.25m

  • Sparkring Duration: 2.5s

  • Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11s

  • SP Cost: 75


Backstep / Bolt Rush (E)

Passive: The cooldown of this skill is reset upon reaching full Amperes.
Backstep: Aiden steps back and fires an electric bullet, dealing 15/30/45/60/75(+20% Attack Power) skill damage to the first enemy hit and marking them. The mark provides vision to Aiden and enables him to use Bolt Rush. Aiden’s movement speed is increased by 5/8/11/14/17% for {2} seconds after using Backstep.

Bolt Rush: Aiden dashes to the marked enemy, dealing 55/85/115/145/175(+55% Attack Power) skill damage.

  • Backstep Bullet Range: 5.5m

  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12s

  • SP Cost: 50


Electrostatic Surge (R)

Aiden discharges a thunderbolt at the targeted location, dealing 40/70/100(+50% Attack Power) skill damage and slowing enemies by 30% for 1 seconds. Enemies hit in the middle receive 80/140/200(+100% Attack Power) skill damage and are stunned for 1 seconds.

Aiden then discharges a second thunderbolt at the same location, dealing 80/120/160(+60% Attack Power) skill damage and slowing enemies hit by 30% for 1 seconds.

If the first thunderbolt hits an enemy test subject, Aiden can recast Electrostatic Surge to teleport to the thunderbolt’s location, immediately triggering the second thunderbolt and fully charging Aiden’s Amperes.

  • Range: 6.5m

  • Electrostatic Surge All Effect Area: Radius 2.75m

  • Electrostatic Surge Inner Effect Area: Radius 1m

  • Cooldown: 80/65/50s

  • SP Cost: 120


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


VF Prosthetic Mastery Level - Attack Speed


VF Prosthetic Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



Call of Cadmus(P) (Passive 1,4,7 )

Echion cannot equip or unequip weapons. When leveling up Call of Cadmus, Echion becomes uncontrollable for 1 second as he enhances his weapon.

Death Adder: If Echion damages an enemy with a skill, his attack speed increases by 4/6/8/10% for 5 seconds, and he gains a stack of War Master. (Max Stacks: {4})
While VF Overflow is active, Echion's basic attacks deal an additional 35% damage and he can move while using Envenomization.
Death Adders also have Biotic Infusion.

Black Mamba: Echion recovers his HP by 35/40/45/50% of the damage he dealt from skills, and gains 3 extra VF when using Crescent Viper and Dry Bite.
The duration of VF Overflow is increased by 4 seconds and Envenomization sends out an extra wave, dealing extra damage and knocking enemies airborne.

Sidewinder: Upon hitting with a skill, Echion deals an additional 35/40/45/50% skill damage of damage dealt to the target. The cooldown of Keeled Scales is permanently reduced by 40%.
While VF Overflow is active, Sidewinders have Swift Strides.

  • Passive Mastery Level: 1,5,9 → 1,4,7

  • Passive 1 → 2 Weapon EXP : Rare

  • Passive 2 → 3 Weapon EXP : Epic


Crescent Viper(Q)

Echion launches a pulse of focused VF from his arm, dealing 20/35/50/65/80(+50% Attack Power) skill damage. If Echion damages an enemy, he can use Crescent Viper again within {2} seconds.

Recast: Echion launches a wider pulse, dealing 20/45/70/95/120(+60% Attack Power) skill damage and slowing enemies hit by 10/15/20/25/30% for 1 seconds.

Crescent Viper's range is drastically reduced during Exuviation.

  • VF Gauge Increase: 10/11/12/13/14

  • Recast VF Gauge Increase: 14/16/18/20/22

  • Projectile Speed: 16.3m/s

  • Recast Projectile Speed: 17m/s

  • Effect Area: 9m * 1m

  • Recast Effect Area: 7m * 1.5m

  • Exuvation: No projectiles are fired and range is reduced to 2m

  • Cooldown: 5s


Keeled Scales (W) 

Echion consumes up to 50 of his stored VF to create a barrier around him, absorbing 50/65/80/95/110(+15% Attack Power) damage. Shield strength is increased by 300% of VF consumed.
If the shield absorbs damage equal to 100% or more of its amount, 60% of the consumed VF is restored.

  • Shield Duration: 2s

  • Exuviation: Unavailable because VF Gauge does not stack

  • Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8s

  • VF Gauge Consumed: 1 ~ 50 (Cannot be used when VF Gauge is 0)


Dry Bite(E)

Echion dashes in the targeted direction, dealing 20/35/50/65/80(+25% Attack Power) skill damage and marks the first target hit for 6 seconds. Hitting an unmarked enemy resets the cooldown of Dry Bite.

The range of the dash is reduced during Exuviation.

  • VF Gauge Increase: 15/16/17/18/19

  • Travel Distance: 4.5m

  • Travel Distance on Exuviation: 3.5m

  • Travel Time: 0.36s

  • Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13s


VF Overflow (R - Normal State)

Passive: Echion gains VF whenever he uses an offensive skill. Echion's skills do 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5% additional damage per 1 VF.

VF Overflow: When Echion's VF Gauge is filled, the cooldown of Dry Bite is reset and he enters a state of VF Overflow for 9 seconds. During VF Overflow, Echion's movement speed is increased by 5%, he deals 6/10/14/18(+5%) Attack Power true damage every 0.5 second to nearby enemies, and can use Envenomization. Crescent Viper and Keeled Scales cannot be used during VF Overflow.
Killing an enemy test subject during VF Overflow increases its duration by 5 seconds.

Exuviation: When VF Overflow ends, Echion becomes entered Exuviation state for 12 seconds. His basic attack range is decreased by 0.3 and his VF Gauge does not charge.

  • Out of combat VF Gauge Increase: 2 per second

  • VF Overflow State Area Damage Range: 2m

Envenomization - Viper (R - During Overflow)

Echion fires unstable VF in the targeted direction, dealing 95/180/225/270(+80% Attack Power) cellular damage. Hitting an enemy with Envenomization extends the duration of VF Overflow by 1 seconds.

Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Envenomization by 0.5 second.

  • Effect Area: 6m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 3.5s


Envenomization - Death Adder (R - During Overflow)

Echion fires unstable VF in the targeted direction, dealing 70/160/205/250(+80/95% Attack Power) skill damage. Hitting an enemy with Envenomization extends the duration of VF Overflow by 1 seconds.
Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Envenomization by 0.5 seconds.

He can move while using Envenomization

  • Range: 6m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 3.5s


Envenomization - Black Mamba (R - During Overflow)

Echion fires unstable VF in the targeted direction, dealing 75/165/220/275(+75/85% Attack Power)(+10% Additional HP) skill damage. After 0.85 seconds, the unstable VF erupts an additional time, dealing damage equal to 55/70/85/100% of the previous eruption and knocking enemies airborne for 0.75 seconds.
Hitting an enemy with Envenomization extends the duration of VF Overflow by 1 second.
Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Envenomization by 0.5 seconds.

  • Effect Area: 6m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown: 4.5s


Envenomization - Sidewinder (R - During Overflow)

Echion fires unstable VF in the targeted direction, dealing 75/165/205/250(+80/100% Attack Power) cellular damage and slowing enemies hit 15/24/33/42/51y 90% for 1 second. Hitting an enemy with Envenomization extends the duration of VF Overflow by 1 seconds.

Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Envenomization by 0.5 second.

  • Slowed Duration: 1s

  • Effect Area: 6m * 1.2m

  • Cooldown : 3.5s


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Rapier Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Rapier Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Winter Queen's Dominion (P)

When Elena performs a basic attack or skill, she constructs a Glacial Field, applying Chill to enemies in it. When she deals damage with a skill, the target's Chill is increased by 20. Chilled enemies are slowed by 20%. When an enemy's Chill reaches1.3, they are stunned and become Frozen.

Frozen: If target is hit by Elena or her allies, the target takes 30/65/100(+20% Defense)(+30% Skill Amp) additional skill damage breaking out of the Frozen status.

  • Glacial Field Effect Area: Circular Radius 1.5m

  • Glacial Field Duration: 5s

  • Cooldown: 10/8/6s


Crystal Elegance (Q)

Elena forms an icicle in the targeted direction, dealing 25/40/55/70/85(+30% Defense)(+30% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies. After a short duration, the icicle bursts, dealing 45/70/95/120/145(+45% Defense)(+45% Skill Amp) skill damage, and reducing the cooldown of Winter Queen's Dominion by 50%.

  • Effect Area : 4m * 1.5m

  • Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Double Axel (W)

Elena performs a jump in the targeted direction, dealing 50/70/90/110/130(+10% Additional HP)(+60% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in her way, reducing the cooldown of Crystal Elegance by 20% and increasing her defense by 50%.
When damaged by an enemy during Double Axel, Elena also creates a Glacial Field.

Casting the skill within a Glacial Field increases Double Axel's movement range and reduces its cooldown by 50%.

Double Axel can be charged up to 2 times.

  • Travel Distance: 2.5m

    • Travel Distance when used on Glacial Field: 3.5m

  • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s

  • SP Cost: 40/45/50/55/60


Spiral (E)

Passive: Elena gains 4 stacks of Step Sequence every second. When she's on a Glacial Field she gains 10 stacks of Step Sequence every second.

Elena consumes 50 stacks of Step Sequence every second to skate in the targeted direction, dealing 60/95/130/165/200(+15% Additional HP)(+80% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in her way. This effect is only applied once.

Elena creates a momentary Glacial Field on her way, allowing her to change direction slightly while moving.

  • Cooldown: 5s

  • SP Cost: 50


Danse Macabre (R)

Elena lays down a giant spreading Glacial Field, dealing 120/240/360(+60% Defense)(+60% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies inside. Enemies are instantly stunned and Frozen by the giant glacier, taking 80/160/240(+30% Defense)(+30% Skill Amp) skill damage.

  • Range: 6m

  • Inner Area Effect Area: Circular Radius 1.5m

  • Glacial Field Effect Area: Circular Radius 3m

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60s

  • SP Cost: 100


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Shuriken Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Shuriken Mastery Level - Skill Amp


Arcana Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Skill Amp




Every few seconds, Emma's next basic attack deals 3/3.5/4% extra skill damage equal to a ratio of her SP, and she gains a shield absorbing 30/65/100(+5/8/11% SP)(+25% Skill Amp) HP in ratio to her max SP.

  • Cooldown: 15/12/9s


Dove Dealer (Q)

Emma flings her card in the targeted direction, dealing 40/70/100/130/160(+70% Skill Amp) skill damage to the first enemy and revealing her dove near her for 7 seconds.
If her dove is out when she flings another card, the dove magically transforms into a card and is also thrown in the targeted direction.

If Emma hits an enemy with both cards, she slows them by 40% for 2 seconds.
Hitting an enemy with 1 card reduces the cooldown of Dove Dealer by 15%.

  • Effect Area: 9m * 0.9m

  • Cooldown: 5s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Hat Trick (W)

Emma tosses her hat in the targeted area. After 0.5 seconds, it explodes, dealing 80/135/190/240/300(+90% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in the area.

Hitting an enemy with Hat Trick reduces its cooldown by 25%.

  • Range: 7m

  • Effect Area: 1.7m

  • Hat Trick Duration: 7s

  • Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s

  • SP Cost: 60/65/70/75/80


Bunnymorph (E)

Passive: Every time Emma consumes SP, she recovers HP equal to 22/23/24/25/26% of the consumed SP.

Emma casts magic at a targeted enemy, polymorphing them into a rabbit for 0.8/0.9/1/1.1/1.2 seconds. Enemies turned into rabbits are rooted for 0.3 seconds and then slowed by 0.8.

The skill cannot be used on downed enemies.

  • Range: 5.5m

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

  • SP Cost: 70



Emma magically teleports to a summoned dove, hat, or rabbit and uses magic depending on the selected target.

  • Dove: Emma's dove flies towards her previous spot, dealing 150/200/250(+60% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies on the way and rooting them for 1.5 seconds.

  • Hat: Emma switches places with the hat, dealing 200/260/320(+120% Skill Amp) skill damage to enemies in the area while pulling them towards its center.

  • Rabbit: Enemies in the area of the rabbit are also bunnymorphed for 1.5 seconds. Enemies turned into rabbits are slowed by 0.8 and Emma's CheerUP♥ cooldown is reset.

  • Range: 8m

  • Cooldown : 9/8/7s


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Arcana Mastery Level - Skill Amp



Light's Blessing (P)

Johann’s tenacity is increased by 5%. Johann gains extra tenacity when consuming specific items: (Max 25%)

Holy Water: 2%

Purified Water: 8%

Upon getting a kill or assist, Johann grants a shield to ally test subjects, absorbing30/65/100(+10% Skill Amp) damage for 2/2.5/3 seconds.


Radiant Brilliance (Q)

Johann casts holy light in the targeted direction. The light is enhanced after touching a Transcendent Censer.

When reactivated or reaching the max distance, the light bursts dealing 60/90/120/150/180(+55% Skill Amp) skill damage. When enhanced, the light deals 90/135/180/225/270(+100% Skill Amp) skill damage and roots enemies for 1 seconds.

The light returns to Johann, healing allies that come into contact with it for 20/30/40/50/60(+15% Skill Amp).\nWhen enhanced, the healing is increased to 40/60/80/100/120(+20% Skill Amp).

  • Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8s

  • SP Cost: 100


Transcendent Censer (W)

Johann sets his Transcendent Censer at the targeted location for 6 seconds. While inside the smoke, enemies are slowed by 20% and allies gain 30/35/40/45/50% attack speed. Johann gains 60% of damage dealt by allies with the bonus as mastery. Allies retain the bonus for up to 3 seconds upon leaving the smoke.

Transcendent Censers can be moved once. The cooldown is reduced by 50% if the censer survives until the end of its duration.

  • HP Censer: 8

  • Cooldown: 24/22.5/21/19.5/18s

  • SP Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


Divine Scripture (E)

Johann blesses an ally with divine scripture, removing all slows.

The blessed target's movement speed is increased by 4/6/8/10/12%(+1% Skill Amp) for 3 seconds. The blessing deals 50/80/110/140/170(+30% Skill Amp) skill damage upon expiration.

Johann’s movement speed is increased by 5/7.5/10/12.5/15%(+2% Skill Amp) when moving towards an ally blessed with Divine Scripture.

  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12s

  • SP Cost: 70/80/90/100/110


Faith Unwavering (R)

Johann consecrates the area around him, pushing away nearby enemies, dealing 160/220/280(+35% Skill Amp) skill damage, and healing allies for 50/100/150(+5/7.5/10% of their missing HP).

Johann can channel Faith Unwavering for up to {4} seconds, increasing the defense of allies in range by 15/25/35 and healing them for 2/64/96(+25% Skill Amp) every second.

  • Cooldown: 100/80/60s

  • SP Cost: 150


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level


SP Regen


SP Regen per Level


Attack Speed


Movement Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Attack Speed


Throw Mastery Level - Basic Attack Amp



No Hitter (P)

William's basic attacks bounce a ball off his enemy every 1.5 seconds and remain on the ground for seconds.

His movement speed is increased by 12/16/20%  when walking towards a baseball. Picking up a baseball will cause his next basic attack to deal 5/15/25% basic attack damage.

No Hitters stack for 12 seconds after being picked up.

Fastball (Q)

Fastball can only be used when No Hitter is fully stacked.

William's attack speed is increased by 70/80/90/100/110% and he throws an additional baseball, dealing 5/8/11/14/17% basic attack damage for 4 seconds.

Upon picking up a baseball, extra damage from No Hitter only applies to the first ball and the duration of Fastball is increased by 1 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 7s

  • SP Cost: 10/20/30/40/50


Windup (W)

William pitches in the targeted direction, dealing 50/75/100/125/150(+60% Attack Power) skill damage and slowing enemies by 22/24/26/28/30% for 1.5 seconds. The ball returns to William, dealing the same damage and slow effects on its way back and grants him a No Hitter stack. Targets hit by the ball both on the way out and on the way back are stunned for 1 seconds.

Mound: William creates a mound for a certain period of time, knocking enemies back. While standing on the mound, No Hitter balls will return to William and his attack range is increased by 0.5m.

  • Range: 8m

  • Cooldown: 16s

  • SP Cost: 70

Sliding Catch(E)

Passive: Retrieving a baseball increases William's defense by 8/12/16/20/24 for 2.5 seconds. (Non-stacked)

William slides to the targeted baseball.

  • Range: 5.2m

  • Cooldown: 0s

  • SP Cost: 60/45/30/15/0


Signature Fireball(R)

William leaps into the air and throws his signature fireball to the targeted area, dealing 150/250/350(+50% Attack Power) skill damage and slowing enemies by 20% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies in the center of the impact are slowed by 40% for 1.5 seconds.

Four balls bounce out from the impact and remain on the ground for 4 seconds.

  • Range: 10m

  • Effect Range: Radius 2.5m

  • Cooldown: 70/55/40s

  • SP Cost: 100/110/120


Character Stats



HP per Level




SP per Level


Basic Attack Power


Attack Power per Level


Base Defense


Defense per Level


HP Regen


HP Regen per Level