Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 4 hours on Thursday, December 19th from 2 AM to 6 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.37.
New Character - Hisui
Two-Hand Sword user Hisui is joining the experiment!
Hisui will cost 9,900 A-Coin in her first 2 weeks post-release. She will be available in Ranked matches starting on Tuesday, December 24th.
“I'm here to follow their orders.“

A Sword's Memory (P)
Passive: Hisui's basic attacks are unaffected by additional attack speed. Instead, her basic attack speed increases by 0.02 per level. Additionally, for every 1% additional attack speed, Hisui gains 0.15% attack power as additional attack power.
Each time Hisui uses a skill, she gains stacks of A Sword's Memory for 5 seconds. (Max Stacks: 2)
Basic attacks consume stacks of A Sword's Memory, reducing the cooldown of Rengeki and Getsurin Slash by {2} and increasing her movement speed by 10/15/20% for 1 second.

Rengeki (Q)
Hisui swings her Uchigatana, dealing 70/75/80/85/90(+Additional Attack Power 70/75/80/85/90%) skill damage. She then slams it down, dealing 50/65/80/95/110(+Additional Attack Power 90/95/100/105/110%) skill damage and slowing her target by 30% for 1 second.
Skill casting time is reduced based on additional attack speed.
Fixed Cooldown: This skill is not affected by Cooldown Reduction.
Swing Range: Circular Radius 3m
Slam Down Range: 4.5m * 1.2m
Cooldown: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8s
Iaido Strike (W)
Passive: Landing a skill or weapon skill attack grants Hisui a stack of Iaido. This skill changes depending on the number of Iaido stacks and cannot be used without stacks.
1 Stack - Clear Cut: Hisui draws her sword, dealing 15/30/45/60/75(+Additional Attack Power 50%) skill damage, and then sheaths it, dealing 20/40/60/80/100(+Additional Attack Power 90%)(+Target's Max HP 4%) skill damage in the same area. Hitting an enemy with the draw grants her a 10/15/20/25/30(+Additional Attack Power 40%) shield, which increases by 50% per test subject hit.
2 Stacks - Flash Cut: Hisui deals 30/50/70/90/110(+Additional Attack Power 100%) skill damage to all her enemies in her path. She then reappears behind the farthest enemy hit, dealing 50/80/110/140/170(+Additional Attack Power 130%) skill damage and knocking the target airborne for 0.25 seconds.
3 Stacks - Nichirin Cut: Hisui becomes untargetable and slashes all her enemies within range, dealing 10(+Additional Attack Power 15/20/25/30/35%) skill damage 4 times(Max 8 times proportional to Additional Attack Speed) and healing for 100% of her damage dealt. Her final attack deals 50/80/110/140/170(+Additional Attack Power 100%) skill damage and she heals for 100% of her damage dealt.
Skill casting time is reduced based on additional attack speed.
Fixed Cooldown: This skill is not affected by Cooldown Reduction.
The healing effect of 3 Stacks - Nichirin Cut is reduced to 30% when used against wild animals
Clear Cut Range: Front 5m, 100 Degrees
Flash Cut Range: 7m * 1.2m
Nichirin Cut Range: Circular Radius 4m

Getsurin Slash (E)
Hisui dashes backward and draws her Wakizashi. She then slashes forward, dealing 70/100/130/160/190(+Additional Attack Power 110%) skill damage to all enemies in her path and at her final position.
Skill casting time is reduced based on additional attack speed.
Fixed Cooldown: This skill is not affected by Cooldown Reduction.
Movement range backwards: 2m
Dash Range: 6m * 1.2m
Cooldown: 15s

Monohoshizao/Tsubame Gaeshi! (R)
Hisui unsheathes her Monohoshizao, empowering herself for 15 seconds. During this time, her basic attack range is increased by 1, and her basic attacks and skills deal 20(+Additional Attack Power 20/30/40%) additional damage. This skill can be recast while active.
Recast: Hisui prepares herself and slashes forward twice, each strike dealing 80/120/160(+Additional Attack Power 100%) skill damage and slowing the target by 40% for 1 seconds. She then delivers a lethal finishing strike in the central area, dealing Additional Attack Power 70/95/120%(+Target's Max HP 10%) true damage and instantly executing enemies with less than 10% HP.
For consecutive attack skills, additional damage is applied only once to a single target.
Tsubame Gaeshi 1, 2nd Hit Range: Forward 5m, 180°
Tsubame Gaeshi 3rd hit Range: 5.5m * 2m
Cooldown: 70/55/40s
New Skins & Emotes
Snowboarder Leon (Rare) skin will be available.
“I won't be defeated, not even in the snow!”
Hisui emotes will be available.
Season 6 Pack Early Bird Offer (6,100 NP) is ending. The new price will be as follows:
December 19th, 2024 (UTC) to the End of Season 6: 14,630 NP → 7,100 NP (About 50% Off)
Expanded Map (M) & Minimap Improvements
Objectives Expansion & Pings
We’re improving communication by enabling more precise pings on Objectives.
You can now hover your mouse over icons on the Expanded Map (M) or the Minimap (bottom-right) while holding Alt to enlarge the icons, making it easier to place accurate pings.
This feature can be toggled On/Off in Settings > Game > Advanced Settings > Expanded Minimap - Enlarge Icon (Default: On).
Additionally, shortcut keys for the Expanded Map have been adjusted as follows:
Item Information Display: Alt → Ctrl
Team Saved Plans: Ctrl → On/Off toggle located in the top-right of the Expanded Map
Signal pings (Alt + Left Click) can now also be applied to Objective icons on the Expanded Map (M).
Tactical Pings will be added to the map in the Scoreboard / Match Status (Tab) menu with the 1.38 Update.
Ping Direction Indicators for Off-Screen Pings
We’re removing the distance limit for directional indicators on pings, as excluding indicators for distant locations has caused communication challenges. Additionally, we’ve made some improvements to the directional indicator system to further support team coordination.
Directional indicators for off-screen pings will no longer be restricted by the 40m range.
Signal pings (Alt + Left Click), which previously didn’t show directional indicators, will now include them for better communication.
Emphasizing Objectives
We’re making it easier to distinguish between objectives that have already spawned and upcoming ones at a glance.
Spawned Objectives (Tree of Life, Meteorite, Alpha, Omega, Dr. Wickeline, Air Supply Boxes) will now be better emphasized.
Indicators for upcoming Objectives will not have this emphasis, making the difference clearer.
Standardized Map Icons
With the increase in Objectives, the map now displays more information than ever. Some map icons have been simplified into symbols, but many still use complex item icons, resulting in a cluttered appearance. To enhance visibility, we’re standardizing map icons:
We’re simplifying the complexity of Objectives icons to a similar level, unifying the size and tone of all icons.
Indicators for upcoming items or Objectives are now dimmed for better differentiation.
Emote Cancel Feature
Previously, opening the Emote wheel (T) forced players to select an Emote, which could be inconvenient. This has now been improved:
Opening the Emote wheel (T) can now be canceled by issuing movement, attack, or interaction commands.
Checkmate & Victory Cut-Scene
We’re improving the focus on Checkmate and Victory Cut-Scenes:
Checkmate now skips Terminate and Clutch announcement voicelines and animations to emphasize the Checkmate effect.
Victory Cut-Scenes will hide the chat window if no team members are actively chatting.
Matchmaking Improvements
Asia server: The maximum expansion range for High-tiers queue is narrowed to Diamond 2 tier.
North America server: The maximum expansion range for the High-tiers queue is narrowed to Platinum tier.
VLS (Vertical Launch System Devices)
The recent update, which added features like displaying the VLS user’s location and vision range indicators when spotted, has increased the risks of using VLS. To enhance its utility and smoothen landings at target locations, we're increasing its movement range and making it easier for non-Host teammates to disengage during descent.
VLS Max Movement Range About 115m → About 123m
We’re making some adjustments to improve the overall sense of control of the VLS.
Time to Hold Right-Click for Guess to Break Free: 1s → 0.5s
Additionally, several VLS-related visual and functionality improvements are in progress and will be applied gradually starting from the next update:
The transition from maximum altitude to descent will feel more natural, with added hovering effects to improve the sense of flight.
Landing animations will also be improved.
The altimeter during descent will now display the remaining range to landing (starting at 0) instead of current altitude, making it easier to gauge travel distance.
When using VLS with teammates, spacing between characters will be adjusted to prevent overlap.
Individual character animations will also undergo sequential improvements over time.
Secret Lab
Balancing the concept of a safe space with the high rewards of the Secret Lab has proven challenging. Your feedback has highlighted the excessive value of providing enemy location information upon exiting the lab. To address this, we’re increasing the risk and reward of the Secret Lab by enhancing the value of the previously overlooked Abandoned Lab and removing enemy location indicators during lab exits.
Unclaimed Loop Card Keys from corpses will now be available.
We’re removing enemy location indicators within each area when using the Secret Lab’s Exit Hyperloop.
Exit Loop Availability
From entrance 50s → 40s
Time until becoming a Restricted Area
From entrance 70s → 80s
Mutant Lab
The Mutant Boar Herd is now replaced by 3 individual Mutant Boars.
Abandoned Lab
Claymore no longer appears.
We’re adding Combat Epinephrine!
We're adding 2 Recon Drones.
Loop Card Keys
The drop rate for Loop Card Keys from Ravens and Mutant Ravens has been reduced.
Keys can now drop from other Wild Animals (excluding Bats).
Keys do not drop from Mutant Wild Animals except Mutant Ravens.
Loop Card Key - γ
No longer included in Night 3 Air Supply Boxes.
Now drops from Chickens, Wild Dogs, and Mutant Boar Herds starting from Night 3.
Guide Robot Lumi
We’re making it a little harder to get to Lumi.
Reboot upon spotting test subject 12s → 10s
Unable to interact after moving away while in Reboot 7s → 8s
Spawn Points Priority
We’re making adjustmetns to spawn points located far from Hyperloop locations, placement will now be adjusted so that they only appear when 4 or more players start in the same area.
Areas: Hospital, Hotel, Forest, Factory
Siphon Maelstrom
HP Recovery (+Additional Attack Power 70%)(+Skill Amplification 20%)(+Max HP 8%)(+Lost HP 10%) → (+Additional Attack Power 70%)(+Skill Amplification 20%)(+Max HP 10%)(+Lost HP 10%)
Telephoto Camera Supply 2 → 3
Weapon Skill
Guitar - Love &...)
Projectile Speed 11m/s → 12.5m/s
Bow - Rain of Arrows(D)
Edge Damage 100/200/300(+Additional Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 100/200/300(+Additional Attack Power 100%)(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Cooldown 35/30/25s → 30/27/24s
Price Reduction
650 NP → 350 NP
8,020 A-Coin → 4,340 A-Coin
Nathapon has been showing a strong performance so we're adjusting his overall power to balance this.
Skill Amp per Camera Mastery Level 4.4% → 4.2%
We’re enhancing Nicky’s W - Guard & Reverse to make it even more impactful when used successfully.
Guard & Reverse(W)
Reverse Damage 100/125/150/175/200(+Skill Amplification 55%) → 100/125/150/175/200(+Skill Amplification 60%)
Laura has been performing well in higher tiers, so we’re reducing the damage of P - Phantom Thief to balance her power.
Phantom Thief(P)
Damage 30/60/90(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 20/45/70(+Skill Amplification 30%)
Leon’s P - Human Torpedo is getting an adjustment to its attack speed increase to balance his overall performance.
Human Torpedo(P)
Water Puddle Attack Speed Increase 30/40/50% → 30/35/40%
Li Dailin
Li Dailin’s Q - Spirited Kick helps her approach enemies, but its damage component has made it difficult to use it effectively. We’re increasing its movement range to make it easier for her to close the gap on opponents.
Spirited Kick(Q)
1, 2nd Hit Movement Range 2m → 2.15m
3rd Hit Movement Range 2.25m → 2.45m
Enhanced 1st, 2nd Hit Movement Range 2.25m → 2.4m
Enhanced 3rd Hit Movement Range 2.5m → 2.7m
Mai has been thriving in team play thanks to P - Haute Couture, but her team buffs have proven to be too strong. We’re reducing the enhancement values of David items and nerfing other aspects of her kit to balance her high pick rate and strong performance.
Defense per level 3.1 → 2.8
Haute Couture(P)
David Items Nerf (See Chest)
Cooldown 19/18/17/16/15s → 20/19/18/17/16s
HP Recovery 100/200/300(+Skill Amplification 60%)(+Defense 50%) → 50/150/250(+Skill Amplification 50%)(+Defense 50%)
We’re increasing the movement speed boost of Q - Art of War to help Markus close the gap on enemies more effectively.
Art of War (Q)
Towards Enemy Character Movement Speed Increase 2/4/6/8/10% → 4/6/8/10/12%
Magnus will now perform better when building offensive items.
17 vs 1 (W)
Damage 16/22/28/34/40(+Additional Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 16%)(+Target's Max HP 2%) → 16/22/28/34/40(+Additional Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 18%)(+Target's Max HP 2%)
Barbara’s skills are getting a boost to their base damage to improve her overall performance since she’s been showing a low pick rate.
BT Sentry Gun Mk.II(Q)
Sentry Gun Basic Attack Damage 20/30/40/50/60(+Skill Amplification 15%) → 30/40/50/60/70(+Skill Amplification 15%)
Free-Electron Laser (W)
Damage 70/105/140/175/210(+Skill Amplification 75%) → 90/125/160/195/230(+Skill Amplification 75%)
We’re increasing Charlotte’s base defense to reduce cases where she dies first, becoming powerless.
Base Defense 45 → 48
Celine’s Q - Plasma Bomb is getting a damage boost to improve her low performance.
Plasma Bomb(Q)
Damage 70/90/110/130/150(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 80/100/120/140/160(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Sissela has been performing well and has been recording a high pick rate. She’s been particularly excelling with the repeated use of E - Play With Us! to mitigate enemy attacks while advancing. To address this, we’re reducing how often it can be used and lowering the power of her ultimate ability.
Play With Us!(E)
Self Cooldown Reduction 3s → 2s
Free at Last(R)
Damage 140/200/260(+Skill Amplification 100%) → 150/200/250(+Skill Amplification 95%)
Aya’s P - Aya’s Justice shield is being enhanced to make her more durable in fights.
Aya's Justice(P)
Shield 50/75/100(+Attack Power 40%)(+Skill Amplification 25%) → 50/75/100(+Attack Power 50%)(+Skill Amplification 25%)
We’re making it easier for Alonso to close the gap on enemies after landing Q - Energy Punch.
Energy Punch(Q)
Movement Speed Increase towards connected targets 15% → 20%
Movement Speed Increase based on Range 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% → 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%
Jan’s Q - Knee Strike is getting a damage boost and E - Bob and Weave is being enhanced to give him better sustain when landing skills.
Knee Strike(Q)
Damage 80/100/120/140/160(+Attack Power 65%)(+Skill Amplification 50%)(+Target's Max HP 6%) → 100/120/140/160/180(+Attack Power 65%)(+Skill Amplification 50%)(+Target's Max HP 6%)
Bob and Weave(E)
HP Recovery 60~120% of Skill Damage → 65~130%
We’re reducing the cooldown of E - Dry Bite to give Echion more opportunities to recover after a missed attack, since he’s been showing a bad performance.
Dry Bite(E)
Cooldown 17/16/15/14/13s → 16/15/14/13/12s
Elena has been performing well, so we’re reducing the damage of W - Double Axel and the defense bonus from E - Spiral to balance her strengths.
Double Axel(W)
Damage 50/70/90/110/130(+Skill Amplification 35%)(+Additional HP 10%) → 50/70/90/110/130(+Skill Amplification 35%)(+Additional HP 8%)
Glacial Field Defense Increase 10/14/18/22/26% → 10/13/16/19/22%
Emma’s W - Hat Trick is getting a damage boost to improve her effectiveness.
Hat Trick(W)
Damage 80/125/170/215/260(+Skill Amplification 80%) → 80/125/170/215/260(+Skill Amplification 85%)
We’re increasing the shield from P - The Power of Tao and boosting the damage of Q - Mystic Gale to encourage more aggressive play.
The Power of Tao(P)
Shield 40/70/100(+Skill Amplification 20%) → 40/70/100(+Skill Amplification 25%)
Mystic Gale(Q)
Enhanced Damage 40/60/80/100/120(+Skill Amplification 40%) → 60/80/100/120/140(+Skill Amplification 40%)
Yuki’s defense per level is being increased to make him more durable overall.
Defense per level 2.7 → 2.9
Irem’s been recording low stats so we’re enhancing her main skills and reducing the cooldown for E - Love Jump! ♥ to improve her usability.
Cat Pawnch (Cat Q)
Damage 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 60%) → 30/60/90/120/150(+Skill Amplification 65%)
Love Jump! ♥ (Irem E)
Cooldown 18/17/16/15/14s → 17/16/15/14/13s
Eva’s E - Amethyst Flow is getting a cooldown reduction to make it easier to use.
Amethyst Flow(E)
Cooldown 10s → 9s
Zahir’s P - Eye of Azrael is being toned down to balance his strong performance.
Eye of Azrael(P)
Damage 30/45/60(+Skill Amplification 30%) → 30/45/60(+Skill Amplification 25%)
All Jackie’s weapons have been recording low stats so we’re reducing the cooldown of W - Adrenaline Burst to improve Jackie’s skill uptime.
Adrenaline Burst(W)
Cooldown 13s → 12s
We’re reducing E - Persona’s cooldown to improve Jenny’s overall performance since her score gain hasn’t been doing well.
Skill Amp per Pistol Mastery Level 4.2% → 4.3%
Cooldown 14/13/12/11/10s → 13/12/11/10/9s
We’re increasing Tsubame’s overall damage and giving her E - The Art Of Camouflage a longer recast range to make her gameplay smoother since she hasn’t been performing well.
Attack Power per level 4.2 → 4.4
The Art Of Camouflage(E)
Recast Range 6m → 7m
Camilo’s R - Duende is getting a higher damage reduction to help him better withstand enemy skills.
Damage Taken Reduction 25/30/35% → 30/35/40%
We’re reducing the power of Karla’s W - Sentry Recall to balance her strong performance.
Sentry Recall(W)
Damage 70/90/110/130/150(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amplification 80%)(+Critical Strike Chance 65%) → 70/90/110/130/150(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amplification 75%)(+Critical Strike Chance 65%)
We’re reducing Kenneth’s damage reduction from W - Inferno to encourage more cautious play.
Inferno (W)
Damage Taken Reduction 3(+Attack Power 5/5.25/5.5/5.75/6%)% → 3(+Attack Power 4/4.25/4.5/4.75/5%)%
Felix’s recent buffs are being partially reverted, and his stats are being adjusted to balance his strong synergy with Áo Dài.
Attack Power per level 5 → 4.7
HP per Level 93 → 90
The power of Two-handed Sword Fiora is being reduced since it’s been recording good stats, while Rapier Fiora is receiving a buff since she hasn’t been performing well, to balance their performance.
Skill Amp per Rapier Mastery Level 4.6% → 4.7%
Skill Amp per Two-handed Sword Mastery Level 4.8% → 4.7%
Hyunwoo hasn’t been performing well so we’re increasing the defense reduction from R - Haymaker to make it more impactful in team fights.
Defense Reduction 15/20/25% → 20/25/30%
Streamlined Cooldown 12s → 10s
Applied: Windrunner, Mantis Tonfa, Blade Tonfa - Crimson, Cathode Lash, Bloody Nine Tails - Crimson, Maharaja, Soul Reaper, Esprit, Mythril Crop, Mythril Shield, Mythril Quiver, Emerald Tablet
The Wall
Attack Power 57 → 60
Wonderful Tonight
Attack Power 66 → 70
Attack Power 46 → 48
Meteor Claymore
Attack Power 59 → 62
Attack Power 57 → 61
Skill Amplification 85 → 88
Obsidian Jitte
Skill Amplification 91 → 94
Movement Speed 2%(REMOVED)
Mohawk Headgear
Defense 10 → 12
Crystal Tiara
Attack Power 19 → 22
Fallen Pegasus
Attack Power 22 → 25
Attack Power 18 → 20
Attack Speed 15% → 20%
Amazoness Armor
Defense 26 → 28
Ghillie Suit
Attack Speed 10% → 15%
Blaze Up- [Unique Passive]
Attack Speed Increase per Stack 5% → 4%
Battle Suit
Defense 38 → 40
Spectral Jacket
Gust of Wind - Rally - [Unique Passive]
Damage 20(+Attack Power 35%)(+Target's Max HP 0.5%) → 20(+Attack Power 40%)(+Target's Max HP 0.5%)
Blood Cloak
Defense 28 → 25
David: Guardian Suit
Defense +7 → 5
Max HP per level +2
David: Specter
Attack Power +5 → 4
Defense +3 → 2
Critical Strike Chance +2%
David: Ghillie Suit
Defense +3 → 2
Attack Speed +8% → 6%
Critical Strike Chance 2%
David: The Revenant
Defense +5 → 4
Max HP +50
David: Racing Suit
Defense +6 → 4
Max HP per level +3
David: Mythril Armor
Defense +8 → 6
David: Mythril Crop
Defense +7 → 5
Max HP per level +2
David: Battle Suit
Defense +4 → 3
Max HP per level +5 → 4
David: Blazing Dress
Defense +4 → 3
Max HP per level +5 → 4
David: Beautiful Garment
Attack Power +4 → 2
Defense +3
Attack Speed +4%
David: Holy Orders
Defense +5 → 3
Skill Amplification +5
David: Shooting Star Jacket
Attack Power +7 → 5
Armor penetration +2
David: Spectral Jacket
Defense +5 → 4
Max HP +50
David: Áo Dài
Attack Power +5 → 4
Omnisyphon +6% → 4%
David: Elf Dress
Defense +7 → 5
Skill Amplification +5
David: Omertà
Attack Power +10 → 8
David: Ghost Bride's Dress
Defense +5 → 4
Max HP per level +4 → 3
David: Inquisitor
Defense +5 → 3
Skill Amplification +5
David: Elegant Gown
Defense +2
Skill Amplification +10 → 7
David: Kabana
Defense +4 → 3
Skill Amplification +7 → 5
David: Couturier
Defense +5 → 3
Skill Amplification +5
David: Titan Armor
Defense +5 → 3
Max HP per level +2
Attack Speed 4%
David: Tactical Armor
Attack Power +5 → 4
Armor penetration +2 → 1
Defense +2
David: Phantom Jacket
Defense +5 → 4
Attack Speed +10%
David: Blood Cloak
Defense +2
Skill Amplification +9 → 6
David: Wisdom Robes
Attack Power +5 → 4
Defense +4 → 3
Attack Speed +5%
David: Burgundy 47
Movement Speed +1%(REMOVED)Attack Power +5 → 4
Omnisyphon +4%
David: Bikini
Skill Amplification +10 → 7
Omnisyphon +5% → 4%
David: Queen of Hearts
Defense +5 → 4
Skill Amplification +10 → 8
Sports Watch
Skill Amplification 28 → 30
Vigor - Circulation - [Unique Passive]
Melee Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 25%) → 5(+Skill Amplification 25%)
Ranged Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 20%) → 5(+Skill Amplification 20%)
Magic Lamp
Defense 12 → 14
Cube Watch
Defense 10 → 12
Tellurian Timepiece
Vigor - Circulation - [Unique Passive]
Melee Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 28%) → 10(+Skill Amplification 27%)
Ranged Damage 10(+Skill Amplification 23%) → 10(+Skill Amplification 22%)
Psyche's Blade
Movement Speed 2% → 3%
Cobalt Protocol
Party Rocker
We’ve slightly reduced the rate in which it is included.
Dancing Duration 1.25s → 1s
Double Trouble I
Changed from personal inventory to team inventory.
Team Inventory: 1
We’ve slightly reduced the rate in which it is included.
Cobalt Protocol Balancing
Damage Dealt 97% → 99%
Damage Dealt 94% → 92%
Damage Taken 91% → 90%
Damage Dealt 84% → 86%
Damage Dealt 93% → 95%
Damage Dealt 93% → 92%
Damage Dealt 97% → 95%
Two-handed Sword
Damage Dealt 98% → 100%
Damage Dealt 97% → 99%
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Gameplay Improvements
Camera will no longer focus after using the VLS when the settings for Toggle Focused Camera have been adjusted to off.
You will no longer be able to unintendedly basic attack enemies outside your Vision Range.
Gamma's corpse can now always be identified.
The Special Materials drop rate from Mutant Herds has been adjusted with a slight increase following the 1.36 update.
Teammates will now correctly revive when moving to the Abandoned Dock, and Submarine console timer will function as intended.
Altitudes for spotting targets on the ground during vertical launches are now accurately represented.
During Night 6 with only two teams remaining, the final safe zone will now be immediately designated as intended.
Targeting Pod item skill will now activate consistently.
The Mobile Loop in the Secret Lab now properly displays its restricted effect when unavailable.
Executing enemies will now correctly display the associated damage.
Players will no longer remain untargetable after revival.
Movement commands in the expanded minimap are now working correctly.
The Operator now reflects the correct message when two teams are present in the Escape area.
The Operator now reflects the correct message when a winner is determined on Lumia Island.
Characters now move correctly after reconnecting to the game.
In-game features now work correctly after reconnecting to the game.
Dancing now properly cancels when polymorphed.
Replay: Camera perspective is correctly displayed when moving through the timeline during vertical launch.
Double Trouble Infusion damage values in Cobalt Protocol are now displayed accurately.
Character & Weapon Improvements
Skill sounds during vertical launch no longer incorrectly play to targets on the ground.
Sniper Rifle’s Ballistic Advantage (D) is now applied correctly along Tactical Skills.
Tactical Skill Electric Shift now activates consistently following Ballistic Advantage (D).
Garnet’s Maiden's Embrace (R) skill effects now display as intended.
Daniel’s Masterpiece (R) now correctly moves him toward out-of-range targets.
Clean Sweep (Q) can now always be reused as expected.
Clean Sweep (Q) effects now display accurately upon hitting enemies.
Dirty Work (E) no longer grants additional Neat 'n Tidy (P) stacks when eliminating enemies.
Rio’s correct hitbox is applied when using Rain of Arrows (D) after Spirit Arrow (R).
Martina’s Rewind (E) now properly allows her to return to the previous position after using it.
Cadet Magnus’ sunglasses now display with the intended translucent effect.
Bianca's Circulation (E) indicator now appears properly when used during Sanctuary (W).
Devilkin Sissela’s lobby candle animation is now properly displayed.
Wilson will no longer become invisible when Sissela moves through brushes during vertical launch.
Sissela skins will now display sound effects correctly when collecting Meteorite and Tree of Life. .
Alex’s model will no longer display a Pistol when using Shuriken weapons during a vertical launch.
Echion’s Call of Cadmus (P) evolution animation now plays consistently when Taunted or Insane.
Elena’s Stun durations now display correctly when Elena attacks frozen enemies.
Elena’s Double Axel (W)'s expanded tooltip will now display the correct Skill Amp value.
Irem (Cat) can no longer use Smoke Screen (D) upon revival as intended.
Eleven’s Burger Queen (Q) indicator now displays correctly when the "Display Skill Targeted Direction Trajectory" option is turned off.
Priya’s Harmony of Parvati (E) no longer remains active during vertical launch.
Lobby Improvements
Discount is now correctly applied when purchasing the ER PASS.
Nickname change item will now correclty display after restarting the client.
ESC key and related buttons now function properly in team lobbies.
Titan and Immortal player counts now display accurately in Ranked Tier information.
Color Customization in settings now correctly remain unchanged after matches.
Enable "Find Character" settings remain correctly toggled off after matches.
Skin purchase pop-ups now display as intended.
Unranked users viewing other player profiles will now see the correct rank displayed.
Ghost Light Drone skin is now normally displayed.
Caster Announcements no longer incorrectly play during the results screen.
Surveillance Camera stats no longer incorrectly appear in the results screen.
Characters that cannot be obtained via the Character Selection Voucher (Beginner) no longer appear as options.
Event banner scrolling is now smooth and fully responsive across all event pages.
NP refund transactions now accurately deduct corresponding mileage.
Mode changes are no longer possible while matchmaking as originally intended.
Miscellaneous category items in Forging box item pop-ups now display correctly.
Searching Saved Plans by Search by Item Name will now normally show for EOD Suit.