Servers will be temporarily offline for an estimated time of 6 hours on March 20th from 2 AM (UTC) to update Patch 1.43.
Season 7 Preseason Begins
After Season 6 wraps up, we're diving into a one-week preseason for Season 6!
*Season 6 will end on Wednesday, March 19th 23:59 (UTC).
Season 6 Ranked Rewards (including the Cadet Hart Skin) will roll out at the start of Season 7, based on your final Season 6 RP.
For Immortal & Titan, rewards will be calculated based on your applicable server and will be distributed accordingly.
Season 7 will begin on March 27th (UTC) after maintenance (1.43.1).
At the start of Season 7, your ranked history during the preseason will get a soft reset based on your final scores.
Your applicable server conditions will change on Season 7.
Among the servers where you’ve played 3 or more games, the least advantageous server will now be set as your designated server.
Server priority (from least to most favorable): Asia 1 → NA → Europe → SA → Asia 2
⚠️Saved Plans Reset⚠️
Due to changes in item spawn locations and new items, existing Saved Plans will be reset. Be sure to set your Saved Plan before starting the game!
Season Login Event
A new login event will be available during Season 7! Make sure to log in and collect all the special rewards we’ve prepared for you.
Rewards are given based on cumulative login days.
Attendance resets daily at 15:00 (UTC).
After getting the rewards for all 28 days, you’ll receive additional daily rewards whenever you log in to the game.
*Reward types are subject to change.
*The Season Tokens offered as a day 6 reward will be available in the Exchange menu on Thurs, March 27th after maintenance.
Season Pack: Academy - Early Bird Sale
The sale for [S6’s Pack: Legion] comes to an end while the new [Season Pack: Academy], featuring content for Season 7, enters the Store at a discounted price!
Sale Period & Price
Thurs, March 20th after maintenance to Thurs, April 3rd (UTC) before maintenance:
13,980 NP→ 6,100 NP (about 55% off)Thurs, April 3rd after maintenance ~ End of Season 7 :
13,980 NP→ 7,100 NP (about 48% off)
Season Pack: Academy Exclusive Items
Training Director Katja (Special Epic Skin)
Training Director Katja LOVE Emote
Deadweight Tombstone
2 New Characters released during Season 7
6 New Skins released during the Season 7 (*Skin names are subject to change)
Martina (Rare Skin)
Instructor Fiora
Wasteland William
Street Fiend Hisui
Researcher Barbara
Justice Prefect Justyna
100 Academy Tokens and ER Point Boost (14 Days)
ER PASS (Level 1) - Activated on Thurs, March 27th (UTC) after maintenance
3 New Skins (including 1 Epic skin)
2 New Drones
3 New Tombstones
3 New Sprays
2 New Cameras
3 New Kill Announcement Icons
10 New Emotes
1 New Lobby Screen
3 New Profile Backgrounds and Borders
6 New Profile Icons
6 New Announcer Packs
Other goods and boost items, including 100 Academy Tokens, 900 NP, 8,000 A-Coin, etc
[Season Pack - Academy: See More]
Purchase the Season Pack to get Training Director Katja (Epic)!
“Everyone, focus! I'm only showing you this once!”
ER Pass Lucky★ Ending Notice
The ER Pass Lucky★ will expire on Thursday, March 27th during the 1.43.1 maintenance.
For those who are eligible for rewards but haven’t received them, we will send them to your in-game mailbox on Thursday, March 27th during the 1.43.1 maintenance.
Mailbox Claiming Period: Until Wednesday, June 25th 14:59 (UTC)
Valid thru: Within 90 days after logging in
Lucky★ Tokens Ending Notice
Products available for purchase with Lucky★ Tokens will be discontinued on Thursday, March 27th during the 1.43.1 maintenance.
Make sure to use all your tokens to purchases different items in the Exchange menu before they expire.
The following bundle will no longer include Season Tokens: Lovely Serenade Eleven Collection Bundle.
Box/Disassemble/Personal Store Reward Tokens
Tokens provided at a probability through boxes and disassembly of complete items will be changed to Lucky★ Tokens on Thursday, March 27th during the 1.43.1 maintenance.
Check out the Box/Disassemble probabilities below.
Box To-Be Probabilities [See More]
Disassemble To-Be Probabilities [See More]
Personal Store Probabilities [See More]
Rare Skin Prices Changes
Starting from April 3rd’s 1.44 update, rare skins that have additional voicelines to those of the default skin will be priced differently.
Make sure to check the price below!
Rare Skins: Zahirich, S7’s Martina Skin
Price Change: 1,485 NP → 1,685 NP
New Emotes
New Adriana emotes will be available.
Season 7 System Improvements
Crafting Menu Revamp
We’re adding Quick Slots and Remote Drone to the Crafting Menu.
We’re adding status to the Crafting Menu’s ‘Late-game Items List’ tab.
The total combined stats of Starting Items List and Late-game Items List will now be displayed.
This information will also be added to the Saved Plans - Late-game Items List tab.
Loadout Revamp
We’re adding a new feature to search Characters by weapon type.
You can now select 1 weapon type at a time instead of multiple weapons.
These changes also apply to Collectibles > Character, Collectibles > Skin, and Store > Character.
VPad - Partial Feature Transfer
We’re removing the display of targeted items and quick slots from VPad and moving them to the Crafting menu.
We’re adding mastery information to Character Total Stats (C).
Inventory - Item Priority
You can now set the priority order for consuming inventory items when holding multiple consumables.
These will be the 3 options available:
Disabled: Default setting. Consumes the item in the inventory slot assigned to the shortcut key.
Descending Order: Consumes the item in the highest-numbered inventory slot first.
0 to 1. Slot 0 is considered the highest-numbered slot.
Example: If Steak is in slots 1, 3, and 5, Steak in slot 5 will be consumed first.
Ascending Order: Consumes the item in the lowest-numbered inventory slot first.
1 to 0. Slot 0 is considered the highest-numbered slot.
Example: If Steak is in slots 1, 3, and 5, Steak in slot 1 will be consumed first.
Skill Evolution UI Design Improvements
Selecting Evolved skills will now display the appropriate icon better.
Skill Cast Within Max Range
We’re adding a new feature: Settings > Game > Enable Skill Cast Within Max Range .
This option ensures skills that require targeting a location always cast within its maximum range, even if the mouse cursor moves beyond that range.
Enhanced Basic Attack Improvements
We’re making improvements to avoid basic attacks from getting canceled when it enters a certain point of casting.
Actions that could previously be canceled by movement commands or other conditions at certain points before an attack starts will now always proceed as intended.
Nathapon E
Darko Q
Laura P
Rozzi P
Li Dailin P
Markus P
Vanya P
Celine P
Sua P
Sissela P
Silvia R (Human Form)
Abigail P
Isol E
Isaac W
Jan E
Estelle Q
Emma P
Justyna E
Yuki Q
Irem R
Jenny E
Katja P
Karla P (At Max Charge)
Cathy Q
Tazia P
Piolo P
Haze P
AoE Effect Visibility Improvements - Ally/Enemy Differentiation
Effects for skills that require distinguishing between enemies and allies will now use a standardized outline system instead of changing the entire effect color.
The outline colors will be applied as follows:
Enemy: Red
Ally: Blue
Self: Default effect
This has been prioritized for Season 7 Pass and Reworked characters. Additionally, existing characters that previously had outline differentiation have been adjusted to follow this new rule.

Matchmaking & Ranked Changes
Asia 1 Server
Matchmaking for Ranked Matches have been widened temporarily.
3-player pre-made teams will further prioritize other 3-player pre-made teams over non-premade teams in matchmaking.
However, if queue times become too long, the two groups may eventually be matched together.
North America Server
Ranked will be temporarily closed during the Pre-Season. Ranked will re-open with the start of Season 7 Ranked.
Matchmaking for Normal Matches have been adjusted overall.
3-player pre-made teams will further prioritize other 3-player pre-made teams over non-premade teams in matchmaking.
However, if queue times become too long, the two groups may eventually be matched together.
South America Server
Ranked will be temporarily closed during the Pre-Season. Ranked will re-open with the start of Season 7 Ranked.
Europe Server
Ranked will be temporarily closed during the Pre-Season. Ranked will re-open with the start of Season 7 Ranked.
Matchmaking for Normal Matches have been adjusted overall.
Ranked Matches Kill Points Changes
We’re adjusting what are considered downs and kill points as well as how much you receive for them.
Downed(REMOVED)Points awarded for downing an enemy.
(NEW) Downed (Auto-Revive)
Points awarded for downing an enemy during the auto-revival (Opening) phase.
No order, 2 RP per Count
(NEW) Downed (Normal)
Points awarded for downing an enemy after the auto-revival phase.
Same as original Downed
Before: If you down a target and it’s eliminated after Day 3 begins or if you wipe an enemy team regardless of the day.
After: If you down a target and it’s eliminated or if you wipe an enemy team after Day 3 begins.
Season 7 Gameplay Changes
Research Center Grand Opening
The Research Center will stay open until Night 4.
When the Research Center was closed, the map was like a donut, where everyone is funneled around the edges instead of having natural movement through the middle.
With the opening of the Research Center, we’re adding new objectives.
A Cube will spawn in the entrance from Cemetery.
Three groups of drones will spawn at each corner of the Research Center.
Spawn: Night 1
Respawn: 150 s
Research Center Nearby Safe Zone
One of the areas surrounding the Research Center will be designated as a Safe Zone at the start of Day 5.
Forest, School, Fire Station, Cemetery.
Research Center Voicelines
We’re adjusting the voicelines for the surroundings and the inside of the Research Center!
However, keep in mind that some characters may not have the additional voicelines due to recording schedules.
Restricted Areas Designation
Night 2
Designated Restricted Areas 5 → 3
Day 3
Designated Restricted Areas 4 → 3
Lifted Restricted Areas 3 → 0
Restricted Areas Counter
Counter at the start of the game 25 s → 20 s
Max Counter before the Temp. Safe Zones Preparation Phase 35 s → 30 s
Day/Night Adjustments
Day 1 150s → 140s
Night 1 110s (No Change)
Day 2 140s → 130s
Night 2 140s → 130s
Day 3 140s → 130s
Night 3 120s (No Change)
Day 4 100s → 110s
Night 4 100s → 110s
Day 5 90s → 100s
Night 5 80s → 90s
Day 6 50s (No Change)
Night 6 90s (No Change)
Day 7 60s (No Change)
Night 7 80s (No Change)
Lumia Island experiment will now be divided into three phases: Opening, Middlegame, and Endgame. This is to align with the revival system.
Opening: If you're eliminated, you respawn after a few seconds. If the entire team is wiped out, the respawn timer increases.
When: Day 1 to Night 2
Middlegame: You can revive allies for Credits.
When: Day 3 to Night 5
Endgame: You can no longer respawn after being eliminated or revive allies. Except for the winner of the Final Safe Zone.
When: Starting on Day 6
We’re also adding phase transition effects to give players a smoother and more immersive experience.
*Except for the timer animation, HUD and screen effects can be toggled on or off through the "Play Phase Transition Effects" option in Settings > Video.
HUD Changes
We’re changing the location of the information on remaining players and teams.
We’ll display additional information on upcoming and already spawned objectives.
The next objective will be announced 1 minute before it spawns.
The last spawned objective’s information will remain visible until the next objective announcement.
If an objective is no longer obtainable or a new one is being displayed, the existing objective icon will disappear.
You can share objective information with your team by pressing [Alt + Left Click] on the Objective icon.
Revival Method Icon
You can use the icon by pressing [Alt+Left Click] to communicate information about the current phase to your allies.
Endgame BGM
An intense BGM will play to heighten the tension of the Endgame Phase.
This will only play if background music is enabled in Settings.
Elimination Prevention
If a team gets wiped out, they do not get eliminated and will respawn instead. Elimination prevention goes until Night 2.
Respawn timers are equalized across all team members.
The wiped team respawns at the same time.
The total respawn time of all members is averaged and applied equally as well as the penalty.
Penalty: 8s
However, this doesn’t apply to allies who give up games or allies who are eliminated after the auto-revival phase has ended.
Environmental Variables & Collectibles
Weather - Clear
Main Weather - Clear
Before: Increased Regen for Food/Beverages crafted during Clear weather.
After: Increased Regen for all Food/Beverages obtained during Clear weather, regardless of source (Crafting, Collecting, Air Supplies).
Eco Objective - Healing Splatter
Main Weather - Clear: All Healing Sprays are enhanced into Healing Splatters.
Healing Splatter has the effects of Healing Spray and grants an additional effect:
Creates Healing Fruits at designated locations within the healing area.
Picking up a Healing Fruit instantly restores 5% of your Max HP.
Eco Objective - Lantern Bloom
Main Weather - Rain: All Glowing Flowers are enhanced into Lantern Blooms.
Lantern Bloom has the effects of Glowing Flower and grants an additional effect:
Temporarily grants vision in a 24m circular radius around the Lantern Bloom.
Eco Objective - Sand Runner
Main Weather - Sandstorm: All Sandy Mushrooms are enhanced into Sand Runners.
Sand Runner has the effects of Sandy Mushroom and grants an additional effect:
When smoke comes out of the mushroom, the movement speed of the targets within the area increases 25% for 4 seconds.
New Collectible - Mushrooms
You can now find Mushrooms for consumption on Lumia Island. Collect Mushrooms to get 1 Edible Mushroom.
You can also obtain Truffles at a certain probability.
The probability of collecting Truffles is influenced by the Camping Guide Augment.
This new collectible item and its effects follow the same structure as Fishing and Digging Potatoes.
New Gadget - Hunter's Pot
We’re adding a new Gadget to the experiment: Hunter's Pot. This will provide enhanced effects when used within a Campfire’s range and replace the Portable Campfire Kit.
Outside of a Campfire’s range, it is placed at the user’s location.
It functions as a Campfire for cooking food.
You can also obtain a "100-Year-Old Stew."
Within a Campfire’s range, it is placed directly on the Campfire.
It functions as a Campfire for cooking food.
You can also obtain a "Perpetual Stew."
The Hunter's Pot UI will display the number of food items available for collection near it.
Gadget Common Changes
Now, you won’t be able to collect Gadgets from enemy corpses.
Therefore, Gadgets won’t be removed from your inventory upon revival.
We’re also improving the interaction with Gadgets when overlapped with wild animals and test subjects.
Gadget - Flare Gun R
Noise Ping Range 80m → 100m
Secret Lab
All Labs
Secret Lab Entry Priority
We’re significantly reducing Abandoned Lab's entry priority, making it accessible only in exceptional situations.
All Secret Labs will now have a Kiosk.
The wait time to use the Hyperloop to exit a Secret Lab has been removed.
The Hyperloop inside the Secret Lab will now direct players to a randomly selected area with the fewest enemies present.
Entering a Special Research Lab is now possible even after entering a Common Lab.
Abandoned Lab
We’re reducing the number of bats and adjusting their spawn points to make them easier to hunt.
Bats 8→ 6
Items inside the box in the center of the Abandoned Lab have been updated.
Credits++(REMOVED)Combat Epinephrine(REMOVED)Recon Drone(REMOVED)EMP Drone(REMOVED)(NEW) Hunter's Pot
(NEW)Mobile VLS
(NEW) Kiosk Remote
Guide Robot Lumi
Lumi’s Special Store
We’re adjusting the items sold in Lumi’s store.
No Changes
Telephoto Camera (5 Credits)
Recon Drone (5 Credits)
Mocha Bread
Scrambled Egg
First Aid Kit
Tac. Skill Module
Hunter's Pot (20 Credits)
Mobile Kiosk (50 Credits)
Mobile VLS (70 Credits)
Item Exchange
Lumi now offers an item exchange feature!
Interact with Lumi to view exchangeable items in your inventory.
Exchangeable items can be selected with a left-click or dragged and dropped into the exchange slot. Click the Exchange Item button to complete the trade.
The item exchange function can be used freely while interacting with Lumi .
Due to this new feature, Lumi's special store interaction time has been extended.
Special Store Interaction Time: 12s → 15s
Item Exchange List
Material Extraction
True Samadhi Fire → Tree of Life
Glacial Ice → Tree of Life
Moonstone → Meteorite
Mythic Weapon - Crimson/Dawn → Original Mythic Weapon
Recon Drone → EMP Drone
Mythic Equipment → Force Core
VF Blood Sample → Force Core
Force Core → Mythril
Mythril → Tac. Skill Module
1:1 Exchange
Tree of Life ↔ Meteorite
Flare Gun R ↔ Flare Gun B
Mobile Kiosk Remote ↔ Mobile VLS
Zen Vitality → Holy Water → Tear of Selene → Zen Vitality
Credits Refund
Tac. Skill Module → 100 Credits
Loop Card Key → 100 Credits
Loop Card Key - γ → 200 Credits
Legendary Equipment → 40 Credits
Other Changes
Lumi has become more proficient in reviving test subjects, so we’re adjusting its revival casting cancellation condition:
Lumi Revival Casting Cancellation Condition
Upon Hit → Cannot take any action
Air Supplies
Exchangeable Mythic Supplies
Mythic Air Supplies will now contain Portable Crafters for each equipment part instead of weapons.
Using a Portable Crafter lets you choose one of the available Mythic items for the corresponding equipment part.
Once used, the Portable Crafter will disappear.
Air Supplies
We’re getting rid of some drop points that were too close to area entrances.
Tac. Skill Module will no longer drop from Air Supplies.
Food Air Supply Box
Scrambled Egg(REMOVED)Rum Raisin Bread(REMOVED)
Auto-Revival Wait Time (Rapid Regeneration)
With the introduction of Elimination Prevention, we’re adjusting revival wait time.
Auto-revival wait time per level
Level 1: to 3 Level 3s (No Change)
Level 4: 4s (No Change)
Level 5: 5s (No Change)
Level 6: 6s → 7s
Level 7: 8s → 10s
Level 8: 20s (No Change)
Level 9: 23s (No Change)
Level 10: 27s → 25s
Level 11: 27s → 26s
Level 12: 32s → 28s
Level 13: 35s → 30s
Level 14: 35s → 31s
Level 15: 35s → 32s
Level 16 to 20: 35s (No Change)
Item Crafting Time
We’re reducing the crafting time of Equipment and Food.
Rare Equipment 2s → 1.5s
Epic Equipment 3s → 2s
Legendary Equipment 4.5s → 2.5s
Mythic Equipment 4.5s → 3s
Epic Food 2s → 1.5s
Legendary Food 3s → 2s
Enemy Character Kill / Assists
Credits Earned 10/10 → 8/8
Night 2
Naturally Earned Credits 1 per 1.7s → 1 per 1.8s
Following the adjustments to crafting times, we’re also adjusting Mastery. This will slightly reduce the speed of leveling up.
Rare Equipment
Crafting Mastery(Weapon/Chest/Head/Arm/Leg) 350 → 300
Defense Mastery (Head/Chest/Arm) 350 → 300
Epic Equipment
Crafting Mastery(Weapon/Chest/Head/Arm/Leg) 600 → 500
Defense Mastery (Head/Chest/Arm) 600 → 500
Legendary Equipment
Crafting Mastery(Weapon/Chest/Head/Arm/Leg) 800 → 600
Defense Mastery (Head/Chest/Arm) 1000 → 800
Mythic Equipment
Crafting Mastery (Weapon/Chest/Head/Arm/Leg) 1000 → 800
Legendary Food
Crafting Mastery 406 → 350
We’re also adjusting the following:
Character XP gained per Hunting Mastery level-up
Reduced 100 across all levels
Weapon Mastery
Mastery per 100 Damage Dealt to Enemy Character 57 → 52
Mastery per Enemy Character Kill Reduced 100
Character XP gained per Level Up Reduced 100 across all levels
Character XP gained per Defense Mastery Level Up Reduced by 100 across all levels
Out of Combat SP Regen per Search Mastery Level 20% → 50%
Adjustments to Weapon Mastery Needed
We’re lowering the amount of weapon mastery needed during early game.
Leveling up during late game becomes a bit harder.
Level 1 to 5 Mastery Needed Reduced
Level 6 to 15 Mastery Needed Increased
Weapon Mastery Needed per Level
Level 1 500 (No Change)
Level 2 750 → 600
Level 3: 1,000 → 700
Level 4: 1,250 → 900
Level 5: 1,400 → 1,650
Level 6: 1,450 → 1,750
Level 7: 1,500 → 1,800
Level 8: 1,550 → 1,850
Level 9: 1,700 → 2,000
Level 10: 1,800 → 2,100
Level 11: 2,050 → 2,300
Level 12: 2,300 → 2,550
Level 13: 2,550 → 2,800
Level 14: 2,800 → 3,100
Level 15: 3,400 → 3,500
Level 16: 4,000 (No Change)
Level 17: 4,600 (No Change)
Level 18: 5,500 (No Change)
Level 19: 6,500 (No Change)
Level Up Mastery
Following the adjustments to Mastery, we’re also adjusting Character XP Levels.
Mastery needed to level up:
Level 1: 920 → 900
Level 2: 1,420 → 1,300
Level 3: 1,920 → 1,700
Level 4: 2,420 → 2,200
Level 5: 2,920 → 2,700
Level 6: 3,600 → 3,500
Level 7: 4,200 → 4,100
Level 8: 4,800 → 4,700
Level 9: 4,920 → 4,900
Level 10: 5,420 → 5,500
Level 11: 5,920 → 6,000
Level 12: 6,420 → 6,550
Level 13: 6,920 → 7,050
Level 14: 7,420 → 7,600
Level 15: 7,920 → 8,100
Level 16: 8,420 → 8,600
Level 17: 8,920 → 9,200
Level 18: 9,420 → 9,600
Level 19: 9,920 → 10,000
Comradeship in Crisis
1 of your teammates is downed or has been eliminated
Out of Combat Movement Speed Increase 0.08 → 0.05
Lone Wolf
Both of your teammates are downed or have been eliminated
Out of Combat Movement Speed Increase 0.15 → 0.1
Tree of Life
Spawn Locations
Day 2: Temple, Hotel, Cemetery → Stream, Hotel, Cemetery
Day 3: Stream, Forest → Temple, Forest
Boss Monsters
Night 2: Alpha Spawns 2 → 3
Night 3: Omega Spawns 1 → 2
Wickeline Kill Buff Duration 210s → 240s
Wild Animals
Spawn Time 30s → 20s
Respawn Time 90s → 80s
Base XP 97 → 90
XP per Level 11 → 10
Spawn Time 60s → 50s
Respawn Time 80s → 70s
Base XP 140 → 130
XP per Level 16 → 15
Wild Dog
Spawn Time 30s → 20s
Respawn Time 90s → 80s
Base XP 105 → 100
XP per Level 12 → 10
Spawn Time 80s → 70s
Respawn Time 110s → 120s
Base XP 130 → 120
XP per Level 14 → 12
Spawn Time 150s → 140s
Respawn Time 130s → 140s
Base XP 333 → 300
XP per Level 23 → 20
Spawn Time 150s → 140s
Respawn Time 140s → 120s
Base XP 300 → 270
XP per Level 25 → 22
Max HP 250 → 800
Attack Power 20 → 70
Defense 20 → 30
Mutant Herds
To reduce overcrowding near the Hospital on Day 2, the Factory Mutant Wolf Herd spawn location has been adjusted.
Along with this change, the spawn locations for Factory Alpha, Omega, and Bears have also been adjusted.
Mutant Chickens Herd
Spawn Time 150s → 140s
Respawn Time 210s → 180s
Mutant Boars Herd
Spawn Time 150s → 140s
Respawn Time 210s → 180s
Mutant Wild Dogs Herd
Spawn Time 150s → 140s
Respawn Time 210s → 180s
Mutant Wolves Herd
Spawn Time 260s → 250s
Respawn Time 210s → 200s
Mutant Bears Herd
Spawn Time 400s → 380s
Special Material Drop Chance
We're slightly reducing the drop rate of Special Materials and Gadgets from Mutant Wolves, Mutant Bears, and Mutant Ravens
Mutant Wolf
The chance of dropping Tree of Life or Meteorite has been reduced by around 20%.
Mutant Bear
The chance of dropping Tree of Life, Meteorite, Mythril, Force Core Drop has been reduced by around 17%.
Since wiping enemy teams is no longer possible during the Opening phase, Cubes are being adjusted to become more valuable and versatile objectives. Their effects, spawn times, and types have been rebalanced accordingly.
Cubes will now spawn at the start of Night 1.
Spawn Time 170s → 140s
Cubes' effects duration are increasing.
Duration (Except Prosperity)
120s → 140s
The effects of Cubes are slightly increasing.
Sanguine Cube
Damage per second
Melee 5 → 10
Ranged 3 → 7
Essence Cube
Recovery per second 6% → 7%
Zephyr Cube Additional Stats
Attack Speed 10% → 15%
Out of Combat Movement Speed Increase 0.08 → 0.1
Galaxy Cubes will no longer spawn.
Meteorite Collision Point
Meteorites no longer collide in Hospital.
Circular System
HP Recovery based on SP 40% → 50%
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Gameplay Improvements
Spirit Harvest item skill will no longer grant vision on marked enemies.
Kiosk icons will now correctly appear in off-screen pings.
Lumi's Store popup will now close properly when hit by Darko’s Intimidation Tactic (R).
Crushing Blow item skill damage will now be applied separately.
Item boxes will now include correct items.
Camera zoom control will now function properly after moving through the replay timeline.
Crafting Menu (B) will now correctly display multiple material items in the remote Drone Call section.
Vision will be applied normally in Chapel.
Main Augment icons will now appear correctly in the Augment tooltips within the Scoreboard UI.
Cataclasm item skill’s explosion effect will now match its actual attack range.
Tooltips will now correctly disappear when closing the Scoreboard UI.
The Vertical Launch Devices (VLS) status will no longer be incorrectly updated within the Fog of War.
Pings will now normally disappear properly when moving the minimap.
Eco Objective:
Healing Spray will now normally play its sound effect when it becomes usable again.
Glowing Flower will no longer incorrectly display a circular indicator.
Lumi's Alert Mode alarm siren will no longer repeat excessively when moving through the timeline.
VIP Tombstone effects will no longer overlap.
Error popups will no longer appear when moving through the timeline.
Factory terrain will now correctly appear on the minimap and expanded map.
Flare Gun R users will now be able to send pings around them normally on the minimap.
Messages for opening Kiosk boxes will now be correctly displayed.
Certain drone skins have been fixed to properly be visible when used on brushes.
Dust effects will now correctly appear on the ground when using Drone skins.
Footstep sounds will now correctly play when moving in specific areas of the Research Center.
Character & Weapon Improvements
Garnet: Lobby animation will now properly display a blush effect on her face.
Laura: Animations will now appear more natural.
Leni: Teddy Bear Attack! (P)'s teddy bear effects will no longer get caught in the environmental variable Whirlwinds.
Floor effect for Duck Dive (E) will now display correctly when using skins.
Surf's Up (R) knockback distance will now be correctly applied.
Rio: Hanare (W) tooltip will now properly display the cooldown reduction value upon hit.
Markus: Violent Swing (W) will now correctly apply knockback on enemies in the Tectonic Rift area.
Sissela: Play With Us! (E) will now properly align its indicator with the skill direction.
Midnight Breeze Silvia: Her head will now display correctly when using dancing while on her bike.
Operator Alex: Lobby animation will now properly apply transparency effects to his goggles.
Jan: Tomahawk Roundhouse (W) will now correctly interact with Bob and Weave (E), preventing movement into unintended directions.
Estelle: Animations will now appear more natural.
Echion: Crescent Viper (Q) will no longer unintentionally deactivate.
Justyna: Astra Burst! (R) sound effect will no longer repeat unintendedly when dying mid-cast.
Yuki: Ground effect for Coup de Grace (R) will now display correctly when using skins.
Irem: Catitude (P) activation sound will no longer play from the enemy’s perspective.
Eva: VF Eruption (R) effects will now display correctly.
Zahir: Narayanastra (Q) and Vayvayastra (E) will now correctly grant chakrams upon hitting enemies.
Katja: Animations will now appear more natural.
Chloe - Nina: HP bar will now display correctly.
Hart: Animations will now appear more natural.
Haze: Rocket Acceleration (RQ) at level 1 will now apply the correct damage values.
Lobby Improvements
Saved Plans: Late-game items texts will now be displayed in the right language.
You will no longer see items available for purchase in the Store when you don’t have enough NP.
Forging: Voucher count will now update properly when using the last remaining voucher.
Team Lobby:
Mouse-over effects on team member slots will no longer persist incorrectly.
UI will now display correctly upon first entering the lobby.
Blue Flames’s item name will now display correctly.
Rare Rarity Skin Vouchers will now display correctly upon entering Forging.
Profile: UI will now display correctly upon first entering the Profile menu after launching the client.
Black background will no longer appear at the top and bottom at certain resolutions while using the Legion Lobby Screen.
Saved Plan Details UI will no longer appear incorrectly on other players' profiles.
Character list will now update immediately when using the cancel button after searching name.
Collectable Resources location will now display correctly.